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Someone Congratulate Me on Being Pregnant


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I definitely wasn't planned and know my mom wasn't thrilled with pregnancy or how I was in my younger life.  Since then, she's been very glad too.  As I've aged (matured?), we've grown to be pretty darn close even though in my younger life I couldn't stand her (mostly due to lies my dad told me after their divorce).


Life is unplanned and often turns out differently than we expect - for better or worse - but I like to think most pregnancies are "for better" even if unplanned.  That said, I also see nothing wrong with planning, but each couple gets to decide for themselves - esp not anyone who comments negatively (planned or unplanned).


hmm, I hated my mom too while I was growing up.   she frightened me at times with her unpredictable rages. I have clear memories of a couple incidents when I was fivish.  I later learned she'd been prescribed valium at one time.  (back when it was handed out like candy.)

we did have a good relationship later.


my dsil in an obsessive planner . . . usually I just smile when I hear young people talk about all their life plans.  (especially when it comes to "I'm going to have a girl in __ month/year".  big eye roll. babies come when they want!)


I asked dsil if he'd heard the phrase . . . life is what happens when you're making other plans?

they're hoping to have a baby next year.   I hope they do too.  I want to be a grandma. . . even if they're in texas.

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Blessings on you and your bonus package....you can see I have one of my own and she is a lovely gift from God who keeps us young!


And, see your dr. about the gestational diabetes. My experience (3 out of 4 pregnancies) is that it comes on earlier and more reactive every time. Better to get on top of it ASAP.

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And for the love of the Lord, do not say, "Oh no, not again," or "At least this time get your tubes tied," or, "Only if you put them all in school," or any variation thereof.


Also, if I've had gestational diabetes with a previous pregnancy, can it start with this pregnancy before 20-30 weeks? I am not 8 weeks yet, but I am starting to feel crashy when I eat too many carbs - a number of carbs that my non-pregnant self handles fine. fwiw I am not diabetic or prediabetic outside of pregnancy, and I am a reasonably healthy non-pregnant weight (5'3" 135). I am thinking of going to buy a glucose monitor at Walmart; I won't have my first prenatal appt. for a few more weeks at least. GD was well controlled (too well, really) with diet last time.

Congrats!! [emoji1286]


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:wub:  :party:

Congratulations!!! You're expecting a little bundle/big parcel! This is cool. I love babies, we all love babies. I wish we could have a shower every time someone announces a pregnancy here.


There are many of us here who will listen to you when you need to vent about the rudeness of people. My mil told me after I had each child that it was enough, as if I had asked, as if it was her decision. 

I hope that you can either develop the thick skin or the ability to mentally carry a stampy note that reads "IGNORE!" when someone says something to you that is none of their business. 




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I had gestational diabetes with all four of my pregnancies. I want to say at pregnancy three, maybe four, they just treated me like I had it from the get go.  So I was on metformin and glyburide, and checking my blood sugars from say 11/12 weeks.

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I haven't read the other replies.  


Congrats!!!!!  So jealous.


At #4 I looked someone straight in the eyes when they said "don't you know how that happens?" and said "yes, sir, but it is just too fun to not do it"

The look of shock on his face. :lol:   He was a stranger too so I just got to walk away leaving him that way  :lol:

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I haven't read the other replies.


Congrats!!!!! So jealous.


At #4 I looked someone straight in the eyes when they said "don't you know how that happens?" and said "yes, sir, but it is just too fun to not do it"

The look of shock on his face. :lol: He was a stranger too so I just got to walk away leaving him that way :lol:

I love it!

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That is AWESOME!!! Congratulations!! Babies are so much work but so rewarding. Ignore those naysayers! They are just jealous that they won;t have a warm, cuddly, little love bundle in 8 more months or 18+ years of delightful memories to create.


  :party:  :party:

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Congrats! Yay, a baby! It can definitely start earlier in subsequent pregnancies. With my third, I monitored occasionally from the beginning and had my first high readings about 12 weeks I think. Do you have a meter from last time? If so just buy some new strips. They are available OTC. Or you can call and request that your doctor call in an RX.

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I had a meter last time but threw it away; I just bought another one for not very much $ at Walmart, though.  Fasting levels were good enough (82) and post meals were okayish (100-120), but I have been eating very conservatively re: carbs.  I might try to glucose test myself (sort of) and have one of my previously normal carb-heavy meals to see if I am processing them as I used to.  Somehow I doubt it.

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Congratulations!  Such good news!

And for the love of the Lord, do not say, "Oh no, not again," or "At least this time get your tubes tied," or, "Only if you put them all in school," or any variation thereof.


Also, if I've had gestational diabetes with a previous pregnancy, can it start with this pregnancy before 20-30 weeks?  I am not 8 weeks yet, but I am starting to feel crashy when I eat too many carbs - a number of carbs that my non-pregnant self handles fine.  fwiw I am not diabetic or prediabetic outside of pregnancy, and I am a reasonably healthy non-pregnant weight (5'3" 135).  I am thinking of going to buy a glucose monitor at Walmart; I won't have my first prenatal appt. for a few more weeks at least.  GD was well controlled (too well, really) with diet last time.


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