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Have you ever met or seen someone famous?


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I've met several.  I met/talked to Dwayne Johnson (The Rock) before he started doing movies and became famous.  He was a really nice guy.  Very polite and charming (well, of course).  


We also met Jerry Springer, because well, we were on the Jerry Springer show - we weren't on stage, but we were part of the audience (several friends, dh and I went).  After the show, he stayed and shook hands and chatted with every. single. person. that came to his show.  Lol.  He also came across as very friendly and professional.


There's a famous person that goes to our church, but I'm not going to name him (to protect his privacy).  But, we see him every Sunday and Wednesday.  Also, a really nice guy.


My parents are in a gospel music group, so they have met a number of prolific musicians, etc.

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I was at the Academy of Achievement in 1993 & got to meet & talk to Tom Selleck, Wynonna Judd, James Watson (of Watson & Crick fame - discoverers of the double helix shape of DNA - although they totally stole Rosalind Franklin's work), and several others I can't remember!


The girls & I got to meet author Jennifer Nielsen at a book signing. She was super sweet & said she'd buy one of dd#2's books if she got published.


This past Friday, the kids & I got to listen to author Brandon Mull speak at a literary conference. We could have gone up to meet him, but none of the kids wanted to go up to talk to him.


ETA:  Oh, and Vanna White (super sweet) and Pat Sajak (creepy!) when I was on Wheel of Fortune.

Edited by RootAnn
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I used to work with an org that produced christian concerts and I was inner circle with the ceo and state coordinator so I met a lot of christian music artists through that. A lot of names that are quite famous among those who are into christian music but completely unknown to everyone else! The Newsboys, Skillet, Pillar, Chris Tomlin, Rebecca St. James, Delirious?, Audio Adrenaline, Third Day, Big Daddy Weave, Building 429, Barlow Girl, Matthew West, and so many more. I did it for 12 years, I sort of lost track after a while. 


I've met several big names through Comic Con because we are local to the best one ever! ;) Elijah Wood and Buzz Aldrin being the most recognizable of the names. But those were expected and paid for encounters. I've never just bumped into anyone famous. 

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I used to work with an org that produced christian concerts and I was inner circle with the ceo and state coordinator so I met a lot of christian music artists through that. A lot of names that are quite famous among those who are into christian music but completely unknown to everyone else! The Newsboys, Skillet, Pillar, Chris Tomlin, Rebecca St. James, Delirious?, Audio Adrenaline, Third Day, Big Daddy Weave, Building 429, Barlow Girl, Matthew West, and so many more. I did it for 12 years, I sort of lost track after a while. 


I've met several big names through Comic Con because we are local to the best one ever! ;) Elijah Wood and Buzz Aldrin being the most recognizable of the names. But those were expected and paid for encounters. I've never just bumped into anyone famous. 


Similar here.  DD and I volunteer with a group that coordinates helpers.  We volunteer and see the concert as a bonus.  But, we haven't personally met them - just those with whom we've taken pictures. 

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I grew up in Los Angeles in "the business" so many thousands.


My first date with Mrs. Spy Car back in the day was going to the Academy Awards. I wish I was more "star-struck," but most celebs aren't really that interesting.  


I do remember one funny moment early in my career back about 1984-5. We were working in a fancy post-production facility in Hollywood finishing up a television special. Time was money in these supremely expensive editing suites and it was on me to keep things moving.


Well, it turned out one tape we needed was not in the machine room, so I jumped on an elevator to go down to the vault to get the tape before heads started exploding. After grabbing the tape, I jumped back on the elevator (heart racing against the clock).


When the doors to the elevator opened I came charging out, staring down, with a full head of steam in "mission critical" mode.


I'm not a small guy. 


At the last possible second, I realize there is a person in my way who I'm about to knock flat. I pull up just in the nick of time. I scan up from tiny little feet, legs, enormous breasts and see an enormous blonde bouffant hair-do.


I'm absolutely stunned when I realize I almost took out Dolly Parton.


Then, in a moment that was absolutely priceless, she burst into a classic Dolly Parton smile and said, "I just blew your mind, didn't I?" 


I didn't know whether to laugh or cry, in the moment. I muttered some feeble apology and in a flash, the moment was over. But I'll never forget how kind she was to this obviously mortified young man whose mind she had indeed blown.




Who will also mention that if one ever has the opportunity to sit on set (or anywhere else) with Kevin Spacey, he is one of the funniest, most manically "on" people you will ever meet. So funny! Impressions, jokes, unstoppable. The late Robin Williams is the only person I can think of who had Kevin Spacey's level of comic energy.  



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I sawI sold two cans of pop to Ray Liotta and his wife once, when I was working selling hotdogs on the waterfront.  They had their kids with them and had a hard time figuring out the Canadian money.


I used to date a guy in hs who is now a somewhat known actor.  Probably not in the US though.  We met playing RPGs.

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A few years ago dh and I had a weekend away in Charleston, SC.  We went on a horse carriage tour of a particular area for about an hour.  I did not recognize the man, but dh did.  It was the actor who played dumbledor in Harry Potter.  He was on our carriage with what appeared to be several extended family members.  He appeared to be wearing pajamas! LOL

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I read the first 2 posts. Like Creekland in post #2, I could be with famous actors or singers and not have  a clue who they are. I would recognize more Politicians than actors or singers.


When I was very young, I met Clark Gable and Charlton Heston, in the Snack Bar of the Aqua Sierra Sportsmans Club, where I went to shoot Trap. 


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Kinda sorta. 


There are two brothers - one plays minor league baseball for the Red Wings and the other plays major league for the Orioles (the third brother was drafted by the Tigers but didn't sign) - anyways I knew them from elementary to high school.


And not really a meeting, but a celebrity was on Twitter and I asked a very specific WWYD kind of question, and he replied graciously.  Another, bigger celebrity liked something I had to say regarding an appearance he made, so I guess there's that.


My dad went to grade school with David Carradine and Ron Howard so they are in our family photo albums.


My aunt was in the original Parent Trap.


I've seen Jay Leno out driving his cars around SoCal more times than I can count.


Nothing big.

I love the Parent Trap! Not the later version though, only the original.  What part did your aunt play? 

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My mom went to grade school with Bill Murray. He went to their 50th class reunion a few years ago. I don't have any of my own celebrity stories though.


My youngest dd seems to have a thing for running into Bill Murray. We ran into him in Chicago, she saw him super late one night when she was in the San Francisco airport, and then she saw him again in Tokyo.  He's such a nice guy when fans talk to him, too! 

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Since I'm from Arkansas, I've met/seen Bill Clinton multiple times, but my coolest Bill Clinton story involves my grandmother. When he was campaigning for one of his terms as governor, he came through our little tiny town (population 1,100) in the Ozark Mountains. One of his staff workers stopped in the grocery store where my grandmother ran the bakery and grabbed a pan of her cinnamon rolls (she was famous for them in our area). When the staffer got back with breakfast for Governor Clinton, he took one bite of my grandmother's cinnamon rolls and asked where the staffer had purchased them. He showed up to meet my grandmother and got her contact information. About once a month, he'd place an order, and my grandmother would ship her cinnamon rolls to the governor's mansion in Little Rock. Once he was elected president, one of his staff contacted her a few times, and she shipped cinnamon rolls to the White House!




What a cool story.


If no one else has said it yet, I will. We REALLY, REALLY need your grandma's cinnamon roll recipe.


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Yes. A bunch of them.


And once, at a conference, I might have had too much to drink one night (I went to a brewery for dinner but they were no longer serving food, oops) and a very famous person drove my car home for me, and walked back to his hotel. I had no clue he was a very famous person, but did find it odd that everyone in the brewery was staring at us while we talked. I'm not going to name him, but pretty darn sure even creekland would know who he is. (And lest anyone think otherwise, he's not interested in girls, so it wasn't that type of thing, at all.)


Jim Parsons?

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Jim Parsons?

No, but that would have been cool!


No, the guy I met then is known for having played a very young doctor. And a bunch of other roles, but that was his big break, way back when. He was very fun to hang out with for an evening. I had no idea who he was, and he told some crazy stories, to the amusement of everyone else at the bar. In retrospect, I should have realized who it was, we were in his hometown for a conference. I was totally clueless, though.


I have a friend who once hiked down to Havasu Falls with a famous folk rock singer and her mom. My friend refused to believe it was really her, and couldn't understand why the singer used her name, and everyone called her that, and asked her to sing her own songs around the fire. She found out later it was really the singer. I used to laugh at her, till the above happened to me. :D

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A bunch of guys that most of you do not know of but 8 million or so other people do know of...


Plus, I saw Hal Linden and Bob Hope at a parade; met the guys from Crack the Sky (okay, you guys probably haven't heard of them either); got to hear and see SWB (at a SWB conference in MD); met grandchildren of the Johnson & Johnson family through a mutual friend (big whoop); Mario Andretti, a race car driver and Paul Newman, also at the races, both smiled at me. Whoo hoo. George Thorogood, also at the races. He waved back to us and smiled from his big travel bus.  


I've spoken to David Christopher on the phone a few times (School of Natural Healing in Utah). 


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