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Witnessed Something at the Airport this Summer-Opinion?


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And I personally do not understand needing a changing table to change a toddler's pull-up.  I mean maybe if it was diarrhea.  The last time I used a changing table was before my oldest could walk.  So "the changing table was gross / occupied so we'll do it where people are eating" doesn't fly with me.

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Reminds me of the mother of eight in our home school group who'd change nasty diapers during potlucks & go right back to eating and breastfeeding her infant without cleaning her hands. She was totally baffled when her youngest was constantly sick. Uhh change a poppy diaper and shove your breast in your babies mouth. Shudder.

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I treat my kids privacy like my own and change them in as private a place as I can find. I have also developed a technique for public pee diapers when that needs to happen. I lay the baby across my legs with them facing down. I place a clean diaper in place over the old one. Unlatch the old one and slide it out from the old one. Then I reach under and fasten the new one and no one sees a thing. I did this once on vacation and an older-ish lady actually came up and was tellig what a neat way to change

a baby. She was impressed lol. If I dont have a seat I just squat down to do it.


My niece on the other hand has changed her kids on a table in front of everyone where we were getting ready to eat.



My thoughts on the airport girl, if she was just too lazy to go to the bathroom she could have at least try to blick tbe view a bit. Some people just dont think I guess. I am ultra private so maybe Im the weird one. Idk

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Reminds me of the mother of eight in our home school group who'd change nasty diapers during potlucks & go right back to eating and breastfeeding her infant without cleaning her hands. She was totally baffled when her youngest was constantly sick. Uhh change a poppy diaper and shove your breast in your babies mouth. Shudder.

Gack, yuck!


I would not have been bothered by the nakedness -- they're babies! -- but I would not have changed diapers where people were eating or hanging out unless I had no other choice. If for whatever reason I couldn't use the changing table in the restroom, I'd have found a discreet corner. I'm not personally grossed out by baby or toddler or any other sort of poo, but I do think it's a little rude to deal with the poo in a public area where people are eating.

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I never saw changing babies "in public" as any sort of big deal.  But right in the middle of a big, open space? That's just weird.  I wouldn't grab a coffee and a bagel and pull up a patch of carpet smack in the middle of a big, open space to snack.  I wouldn't take out my cell phone and have a conversation right in the middle of a big, open space.  I wouldn't stop to tie my shoe in the middle of a big, open space.  All that would seem intentionally conspicuous to me.  Pull over, so to speak.

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And for the record I am nit bothered by babies getting changed. It is just that there are alot of sick people out there...


I am also not bothered by screaming kids in a store or restaraunt, but some people are. I think its just respect for your kids privacy and respect for other people especially poop.

Yes, to the bolded. And I like what you said about treating you children's privacy as you treat your own. I think that's very thoughtful.

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I treat my kids privacy like my own and change them in as private a place as I can find. I have also developed a technique for public pee diapers when that needs to happen. I lay the baby across my legs with them facing down. I place a clean diaper in place over the old one. Unlatch the old one and slide it out from the old one. Then I reach under and fasten the new one and no one sees a thing. I did this once on vacation and an older-ish lady actually came up and was tellig what a neat way to change

a baby. She was impressed lol. If I dont have a seat I just squat down to do it.


My niece on the other hand has changed her kids on a table in front of everyone where we were getting ready to eat.



My thoughts on the airport girl, if she was just too lazy to go to the bathroom she could have at least try to blick tbe view a bit. Some people just dont think I guess. I am ultra private so maybe Im the weird one. Idk

I don't think you're weird at all! I don't change my clothes in public and I never did that with my son, either. Finding an appropriate place to change diapers is just part of parenting.

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I didn't read responses.

yes I find it odd.  and my mother used to grab the baby and go change a diaper every time she came over.  (which I found odd.)  and every time she babysat him at her apartment, she'd immediately put him in her soaker tub to play in the water. (she was starting to lose it by this time.)


besides lacking courtesy for the other passengers who are being forced to alter their own actions (re: looking away) - it's unsanitary and that last tidbit could have gotten her in trouble with airport security if they'd been around.

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I am with you Elizabeth -- I treat my children's privacy very similarly to my own. I would say that I have changed my very small people's clothes in public when practical, like stripping sandy swimsuits off and putting fresh clothes on before getting back in the car. But I usually pull them close to the car and turn them away from the main walkway. If I had some urgent need to change my clothes when a restroom wasn't feasible, I'd do what I needed to do, but I'd find a slightly out of the way spot if I could. So I'd do the same for my children.

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