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Just wanted to share a funny story


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So my 3 big kids have been reading through Little Women, and they've been writing short chapter summaries.  Yesterday, my 8yo daughter wrote: "They went to camp larance. At camp larance Jo ate spiders." I thought, "What? I don't remember that part; I'd better read it again." (I read it years ago, but I'm trying to keep up with them this time around since I don't remember exactly what happens in each chapter.)  


When I got to the actual passage, it read:

"There's salt, here, if you prefer it," said Laurie, as he handed Jo a saucer of berries.

"Thank you; I prefer spiders," she replied, fishing up two unwary little ones, who had gone to a creamy death. "How dare you remind me of that horrid dinner-party, when yours is so nice in every way?"  added Jo, as they both laughed, and ate out of one plate, the china having run short.


Zinnia had read it literally, not realizing that Jo and Laurie were teasing each other. It cracked me up to imagine Jo thinking, "Mmmmm, spiders: the tastiest part of the picnic!"


What has made you laugh lately?  Please share!

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