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The Recovery Teachers Lounge 9-26-2017


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Today's theme stems from the fact that I worked a little longer than 7 hours last night, mostly on my feet,

during the football game, and am now trying to recover from that! I really do enjoy my job, and I work with a great

bunch of people. But sometimes the recovery from each day's work is . . . well, I don't know what to call it except

that I feel exhausted! Glad I don't do that EVERY day!


What has you exhausted or recovering today? Here: see above. 


Did any of your plans change for today? Here: ds and I were supposed to meet up with another mom and her ds

but she's down to one car, which her husband had to take to work, and she's behind on lesson planning, so she wanted

to reschedule. As much as I wanted to try to make it work today, I think I'm thankful for that considering it's almost 10am

and I feel like I could possibly sleep another two hours!


Did you see my other thread this morning about finances and vacations with kids? Here: I really do want to figure out more

trips with our kids. I was just thinking that by the time I was my daughter's age, I had gone on at least one family vacation every summer

for YEARS. She has not had that experience and I would like both of my kids to experience more than just their own hometown!

PLUS, dh mentioned the other day he's finally willing to move, even out of state. So if we do that, I'd like us to fit in some AZ history trips 

before we actually do leave.


Talk to me! :bigear: 

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Hope you recovery goes quickly. Today in recovering from not sleeping much because the baby was miserable from about 1:30 to 7 am! So I got very little sleep seeing as I fell asleep at 1am and was woken up shortly after. Dh did take a shift with him but still. Luckily, with the changed plans I can focus more on packing up the house, doing small projects around the house, etc.


Our plans for the entire week changed last night when my 4 year old refused to buckle up so we could pick dh up from work. Because of that dh had to get a ride home, not a problem, but now I won't take the car for the rest of the week because I don't want to burden other people if ds refuses to buckle up again. I really wish he couldn't unbuckle his car seat.


As far as vacations because of dh's work schedule we focus on long weekends as a family. For example, soon we are spending the weekend in Baltimore (about an hour away.) We'll go to the aquarium one day and the science museum the next. We'll spend time with my best friend and her family one of those days. The kids and I do go on road trips with my dad often. Sometimes every other year, sometimes twice a year. This year we spent 2 weeks camping, visiting family, and watching the eclipse

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Exhausted: Fritz woke up at 6 freaking out because he was coughing and was convinced he was getting croup yet again.  He's got some serious PTSD from all the times he's had trouble breathing because of croup.


Plans changed: Nope.  It looks like the day will go as planned.


Thread: I didn't see it.  It's hard for us to go on vacation at all because of the kids' work schedules.

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I'm tired today from several days of business and being up early. I had Co-op on Friday, the missions conference all weekend, traveling to the north part of the state, and coming in really late last night with prep for today still to do. I had to be up at 5:50 this morning and had tutoring today, so I'm tired but not done. I actually have to leave soon to pick up a couple of things and have bible study tonight. 


I did have picking up things added into my day today, so a bit of a plan change. 


I didn't see the thread. I'm sorry I don't have time to look for it right now but will try to later. We've had several vacations with the kids through the years, but we try to do them as cheaply as possible. We've been to Williamsburg, DC, Hershey and Gettsyburg, Disney, Myrtle Beach, Gatlinburg/Pigeon Forge, Charleston (SC), St. Augustine, and Chicago. All these have been within driving distance because flying 4 people is so pricey. I wish we could travel out west, but getting there would take so much time and/or money. 

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I had a burst of energy yestetday as I am nearing the end of my first trimester and I am recovering from working so hard yestetday. I had NO energy or patience today.


My plans did change a bit today. Dh decided to take the boys to watch Ninjago after work, so it is just me and the baby girl tonight.


As far as vacations, we dont do much, but more than I did growing up. The boys keep asking to see the ocean and we are going to try really hard to do that. Dh enjoys travel, but it wears me out. Im a hermit lol.


Scrapbookbuzz, where are you thinking of moving to?

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