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Is this oddly aggressive? (appt scheduler)


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I made a dentist appt for dd at a new dentist. It was done entirely online, and I never spoke to a person. Dh had a work event come up, and I had to cancel, which I did with the link they provided, 48 hours before the appt time. I checked the box for "I do not wish to reschedule."


I've been getting 2 calls a day from them every day since then, except for Saturday. I did get 2 calls Sunday. I have also received 2 emails. I refuse to answer the call, and they have only left a voicemail once, and that was just the person hanging up. I've now received 12 calls.

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It's annoying, but I don't understand why you refuse to answer the phone (or email?) and tell them personally that you do not wish to reschedule, which is most likely why they keep trying to contact you—the appointment/issue is not considered closed yet.

Edited by Word Nerd
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If you have never actually answered the phone they have no record that a call has been completed. Answer the phone. Tell them "no thank you" and ask them to "take me off your list".



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


except everything else was online, she cancelled online, and clicked on "i do not wish to reschedule".


they're very aggressive - and it has nothing to do with them not knowing she doesn't want an appointment.

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Sounds like a lot, but probably because they have some policy to not leave many voice mail messages and try to speak to patients instead. Who knows? I doubt it's malicious. It could even be something superficially overlooked, like person A called , then person B tried, and person C, and nobody knew the other people had called. They'll eventually stop :)

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Since you say you received calls on Sunday, this is an automated call system. It will likely only log the call as completed once it managed to reach a human and will continue to call at regular intervals unless somebody picks up the phone.

I don't see this as aggressive. You could simply answer and put an end to it.

Edited by regentrude
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I don't think it's malicious.  Just aggressive and pushy.  And yes, they have definitely lost my business, which is annoying to me because it is very convenient to a class my kids take.  I was excited of the idea of just popping by the dentist on the way to class, or even taking one child while the others were in other classes.  


I've not answered because I told them with their form that I didn't want to reschedule.  If they want to waste their time, that's fine, but I'm not dealing with a person trying to reschedule again.  I think I will send an email, though.  At this point, I'm a little curious to see how long the 2x a day calls will continue.  I'm not convinced it's automated.  They aren't at exactly the same time, and it always goes to voicemail, but they don't leave one.  When I get a reminder call from our doctor and it goes to voicemail, part of the automated message is on the voicemail.  


Anyway, just wondered if I was crazy thinking that this was too much!  I mean, I already said no!

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I don't think it's malicious.  Just aggressive and pushy.  And yes, they have definitely lost my business, which is annoying to me because it is very convenient to a class my kids take.  I was excited of the idea of just popping by the dentist on the way to class, or even taking one child while the others were in other classes.  


I've not answered because I told them with their form that I didn't want to reschedule.  If they want to waste their time, that's fine, but I'm not dealing with a person trying to reschedule again.  I think I will send an email, though.  At this point, I'm a little curious to see how long the 2x a day calls will continue.  I'm not convinced it's automated.  They aren't at exactly the same time, and it always goes to voicemail, but they don't leave one.  When I get a reminder call from our doctor and it goes to voicemail, part of the automated message is on the voicemail.  


Anyway, just wondered if I was crazy thinking that this was too much!  I mean, I already said no!

They may not be leaving a voicemail due to HIPPA policies. 

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It sounds like an automated system.  It is not calling at specific times because it is probably set up to call through a list of numbers.  When it reaches the end, it will repeat.  Apparently they are calling quite a few people twice a day.


I would not want them calling over and over.  I would answer the phone.

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I had a similar experience with an allergy doctor. I never initiated contact with them, but once they received my insurance approval from my GP, the calls began. Every single day I received a call with a message from a very persistent receptionist. I kid you not, this went on for over 2 weeks. Im sure I'm leaving out details, but bottom line they lost my business.

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