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Who's not homeschooling anymore but still hanging out? ;-)


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Yes, this!  I've not been on another board with the same dynamics as here.  I like here. :)  


DH makes fun of me how often I say "well, the homeschool moms say" or "one of the homeschool moms said..."  or even, "huh, maybe I'll ask the homeschool moms..."  He often responds "homeschool moms know all..."  And I think he's right, between all of us, ya know, there's usually an answer somewhere. ;)


ETA, homeschool dads in the Hive are also included! 


Well my DH is quite pleased I've been able to glean info about international airlines flying to Jordan today - confirming a price/best time pick that I like seems to be a good buy rather than a "get what you pay for!"


I'm convinced homeschool moms know everything - or at least - we know where to look for the info (aka The Hive)!

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I'm technically not homeschooling anymore. Mine are both in public cyber.


However, they overhauled the special ed department this summer and have yet to get my son a math teacher. So I'm using my preferred materials. Then they agreed to buy Barton (YAY!!!), but because of his documented behaviors, decided to leave me as the tutor. Then they decided we can use Barton as his exclusive language arts program, so I'm his LA teacher. They still don't know who I answer to as far as math and LA go right now. Lol!

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We successfully lobbied for and got a logic stage and college board. Do we need to lobby for an "Empty Nesters Board" or "Retired Homeschoolers Board"?   :lol:


Both of mine are out of college yet I'm still here, occasionally poking my nose into threads about actual educational topics, but for the most part just on the Book a Week thread. This is a special place full of smart, interesting people. Why would we leave? 

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Well my DH is quite pleased I've been able to glean info about international airlines flying to Jordan today - confirming a price/best time pick that I like seems to be a good buy rather than a "get what you pay for!"


I'm convinced homeschool moms know everything - or at least - we know where to look for the info (aka The Hive)!


Yes, so many things to learn here.


Tonight I made a turkey breast roulade and made turkey broth with the carcass in my INSTA-POT!


I live such a home-bound life, I would never have known about my friend the Insta-Pot without this board.


And more of course, but that always comes to mind because I use mine nearly every day.

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Me (for the most part.)  Dd17 attends public high school mostly full time.  I just created syllabi for Health and Personal Finance and am working on transcripts, school profile, and counselor letter for the last time.  And I got a job and am working on another degree.  


Y'all are my people.  I'd have very few people to talk to if it weren't for you all.  

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My 2 youngest started public school this year and are loving it. My 17 yo goes part time to the local high school and only needs me a teeny-tiny bit. 


It's so strange (and bittersweet) to have free time now.  :huh:


Just wanted to add how much I enjoy chatting with everyone here (although I don't post much)!

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I first came here when it was the old, old board.  I HSed for 10 years before dh lost his job & ds#2 decided to give PS a try for high school.  Dd & ds#1 were already finished & studying at uni or in an apprenticeship, so having only one dc at home just wasn't the same.  PS worked well for ds#2 & he's now only a year away from graduating uni.  Dd & ds#1 are doing well.  I re-entered the classroom as a relief teacher (substitute teacher) in Feb 2011 & am really enjoying teaching.  I find that my years of HSing help to make me a flexible teacher, able to think outside of the box as needed.  I really enjoy stopping by the chat board to catch-up & to get advice as needed.  HSing was more than just books & studying.  It's more of a lifestyle choice that doesn't really end when we put the books away.  

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I started here on the old, old boards too, the kind that had to be changed out every so often. :-) My original homeschooler just graduated from college, the second is a sophomore in high school, and the youngest went to public school in 5th grade and never returned to Mom's Classroom; she's an 8th grader now! I would love to have her homeschool high school, but she is thrilled with her current lifestyle :-D

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Me, too!  Not a big poster but have been on the forum since the old, old days.  My youngest just graduated from university....  Still here because I love the discussions about life from the varying viewpoints--don't want to live in my own bubble....  Plus, I learn so much (fish and green peas, for example)!

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I'm no longer homeschooling. My four children are enrolled in three different private schools. The boys are at a K-8 private Christian school, where one son in particular benefits from the tiny class size, individualized attention, and intervention services (he has LDs). My oldest can't go there, since she is in 10th grade, and the boys' school does not have a high school. So she attends a different private Christian school, which is a great fit for her. And my youngest, who has dyslexia, goes to a private dyslexia school.


And I spend much of my time driving them around, because there is no busing. But they all are doing well in schools that are a good fit for them, so it's worth it.


I still hang around here, because the Learning Challenges board is an amazing support system for me and functions as my online group of friends. I also like to pop in to the the other boards.

There is a whole school for dyslexic kids? Wow. I know you probably have more people in your city than we do in our entire country but still that is amazing.


Eta. I came for the after schooling board but am just waiting for approval to come through to homeschool my ds8.

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There is a whole school for dyslexic kids? Wow. I know you probably have more people in your city than we do in our entire country but still that is amazing.


Eta. I came for the after schooling board but am just waiting for approval to come through to homeschool my ds8.



We have a couple of them.  We also have two schools for kids with Asperger's (of course they opened AFTER my kid needed them) but they are very high priced, around the $25K per year price for just one kid.  


The main reason I started HSing was for my son with Asperger's and LDs.  Then we realized the flexibility in schedule was nice.  And we did it for 11 years with all of our kids.

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My youngest went back to public this year, after 6 years at home. We're both still adjusting.


Eta: I still feel like I'm teaching though since we're still waiting for the 504 meeting. I have to copy all the notes for math and social studies, and he has to redo his class work when he gets home.

I've gone thru 3 cartons of ink since the 1st week of august. Plus all of the darn homework.

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I've gone through spurts of posting over the years, but mostly did a lot of lurking. My daughter graduated...yikes...10 years ago?? When my son hit middle school age I started having a lot of health issues that left me without the capacity to be a fully involved hands-on homeschooling mom. It became obvious that my son needed more than I could give him, so when we found out about an awesome private school very near us we placed him there for 8th grade. He's a sophomore now and doing very, very well. It was a hard blow to my "homeschooling is always the best" pride, and I've had to eat a lot of bragging words I spoke in my younger years. This experience has taught me a lot and has certainly changed the things I say to younger women who are considering homeschooling.


Anyway, I pop back in here from time to time...often when I want to get a good, thoughtful take on something happening in the world. I click the "like this" button a lot! :-)


And I just realized my signature is going to be horribly out of date...well, going to go ahead and post anyway.

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Me, too. I've been on here for way too many years to stop now. 


My eldest graduates from university this year and is getting married in the summer. My three boys are going into their fourth year of school (grades 12, 10, and 8). I loved homeschooling. Those were some of the best years and I really loved having the kids home with me and doing all kinds of things with them and with our incredible group of homeschooling friends, but when we moved it was kind of the end of that era. I've moved on to other things and am enjoying the time to pursue some of the things I put on hold during my 14 years of homeschooling. 


I still enjoy the conversation over here. 

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I started here on the old, old boards too, the kind that had to be changed out every so often. :-) My original homeschooler just graduated from college, the second is a sophomore in high school, and the youngest went to public school in 5th grade and never returned to Mom's Classroom; she's an 8th grader now! I would love to have her homeschool high school, but she is thrilled with her current lifestyle :-D


Me, too! I always wanted to be the first one to post to the new board, but I never made it in time.

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Here!  My five kids are all in their 20's now.


But I'm still homeschooling, in a way.  My dh had a brain injury and I'm teaching him English again.  (Think Gabby Gifford.)  I've pulled out all of my old homeschool grammar books and have also gotten some really helpful information here on the Learning Challenges board. 

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I'm still homeschooling but after more than two decades I find I don't want to talk about anymore 😋 TWTM ladies keep me sharp and also flexible.


You know that thread about how you've changed over the years? I think this board had been instrumental in helping me to grow into a better version of myself.

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I'm still homeschooling but after more than two decades I find I don't want to talk about anymore .

Oh my goodness yes!


Haven't needed much input for years with regard to curricula that works - got that figured out. Understand the ages and stages, and I guess we've been lucky not to have had any truly off-the-wall challenges with this final kid at home. I just can't keep my head in the game when I run into brand new homeschoolers who are still very enthusiastic and know everything already. I have frankly enjoyed fading into the background! 😄

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I'm still homeschooling but after more than two decades I find I don't want to talk about anymore 😋 TWTM ladies keep me sharp and also flexible.


You know that thread about how you've changed over the years? I think this board had been instrumental in helping me to grow into a better version of myself.


This is me. I am on year 21, with my last one in high school. I was on these boards almost from the beginning, though not a bit poster. I don't debate over materials anymore, just want to get things DONE. I will be 64 when she graduates high school, so that will be a career change and a half.


But I come here to hear other points of view, learn about new things, encourage others, etc.

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After 16 years, I finished homeschooling last year.  I have two in college, and the youngest is in her second year (7th grade) at a b&m independent private school.  She loves it and is doing very well.  As long as we can afford it, she will stay there.  But, I still come here several times a week.  Sometimes I have a question that I know will be answered here.  Other times, I scan topics for new information and conversations.  I still learn so much from hanging out here, and every once in awhile, I come up with some helpful information myself.  No place like the WTM boards, anywhere.

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I was done homeschooling three years ago, but stayed on the boards. My inner librarian likes to come out and recommend nature study books when those threads come up on the curriculum boards! I have also learned so much personally and spent so very much money on things recommended by boardies. I am pleased to report that the suggestions I purchased were almost always top notch. However, due to some severe insomnia issues among other things, I am back homeschooling one child for his senior year and probably one post grad year. So I have my legitimacy back for two years anyway. I don't plan to leave though. What if someone needs vintage living books about insects? Who will be there for them?

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I've been mainly a lurker here for over 7 years, when my oldest was just a toddler. I researched homeschooling and thought it might work for our family. As time played out, we moved to a great school district and I started working part-time in my husband's business. So I've put our kids in school, and for the most part they're doing well.


I still come to this board almost daily because of the breadth of information and the good people on this board. I've learned so much about almost everything. This board is full of people who value education and doing what's best for their kids, something I agree with no matter where my kids go to school.


I still debate about pulling one of our kids from public school time to time, and will find myself researching homeschool again. If we ever take the plunge, I know where to go to for information!

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Me! As you can see from my sig, I have one finishing the doctorate, one finishing the master's, one finished with the undergrad, now home to take over the ranch and driving heavy equipment, one finishing the undergrad, and one just starting the undergrad. I'm retired, after 29 years!

If we go by number of consecutive homeschooling years I think you may be TWTM matriarch :)

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Me. Ds graduated homeschool high school last May (2016) but we really weren't homeschooling for a year and a half before that. Once he stared dual enrollment we weren't doing any more at home. I've been unofficially retired for 2-1/2 years and officially for over a year.

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Me- kind of?! My girls started at a hybrid school last year but I still tend to give impromptu lessons as needed, I'm their SAT coach and guidance counselor, we still read aloud together, and I teach/coach them in the summer. I don't think I will feel I'm totally done homeschooling until they are in college. I appreciate the people here for being so knowledgeable and love the community.

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 but gave the vibe she was amazed at how smart and responsible she was *despite* her homeschooling. Things like "the homeschooled kids are usually so behind" and "we're so glad she's back in school." 


I think teachers mostly encounter students for whom homeschooling did not work and who are returning to school because of that. They don't see most of the successful homeschoolers because those are, well, home.

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