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Ideas for kids' pack for apple orchard tour


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My Dad is running some apple orchard tours in our summer - families come and pick their own apples, see where the fruit comes from.


I was thinking it might be fun to make up some packs for kids, say aged 4-10. With crayons and a scavanger hunt list, maybe an activity sheet, and for fun a cheap pair of plastic binoculars.


Would you buy something like that, and if so what would you want included? I'm trying to decide whether it will be worth the $$.


Keep in mind most families travel at least an hour to get here and so it tends to be an entire day out, often they have picnics etc.


I thought of it because the local gardens offered kids' packs with a 'treasure hunt' as part of it, and my kids loved it. 

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Not necessary.

We live in Apple country & go pick all the time, with family or field trips with a group. The kids like to just run around, look at smooshed apples on the ground, pick a few, eat one, etc.


Our orchards tend to have other stuff to attract families who come for the day- a corn maze, hay bale mazes, little petting zoos with a few goats & ducks to feed, a big sandbox play area and swing set, etc. The play area is usually near the picnic tables so kids can run around free reign there, not near the apples for picking.

The usually sell apple donuts, pies, ice cream, cider for snacking on too.


Wagon rides pulled by the tractor and pony rides are popular as well at orchards.

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Sorry, no. At that age, we had too many little packs, crayons, and cheap plastic toys. Is this your orchard, or a commercial place? The commercial places we visited always had lots of activities, as pp mentioned, things like hayrides, corn mazes, stacked bales of hay/straw for kids to climb and slide down, etc.

Edited by Alessandra
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I've seen fancy orchards and I've seen tiny little orchards.


If you want to make some extra money, sell bags with the dry portions for apple crisp with instructions tied to the bags (sugar, flour, cinnamon, etc.)


I wouldn't do the pastic toys or crayons, etc. I hated getting those things when the kids were tiny and would toss them when the kids weren't looking.


Incidentally, we went apple picking today. Our favorite bit was kicking the apples that were on the ground and tossing one in a nearby lake (what a glorious plop it made.). They also had apple cider slushies which were heavenly.


What might be nice for little kids is making a maze out of bales of hay, if you have bales of hay.

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