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Does anyone else find movies very unsatisfying?


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I love to watch shows and movies. Really I do. But sometimes I find them so flat and frusterting especially when there was no book (or I didn't read it). Fanatastic beasts was like that and I know I wouldn't like the Harry Potter movies at all if I hadn't read the books first. I almost always read the books after the fact if I enjoyed the movie since I just need more details etc.


I started the BBC series Victoria and while I love it I want more! I keep googling for more info about her and details that the show just can't incorporate.


I need a book. Can anyone recommend one especially if it's available on kindle as I'm stuck at home sick right now.

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Ugh yes. My husband LOVES movies the way that I love books (ok a little less) and he so badly wants to share them with me and of course I have the regular impulse to watch movies...


But truthfully mostly I can take or leave almost all movies. I do like teevee quite a bit more. I guess movies are usually so much or so little all at once and it's just meh meh meh yadda yadda yadda...

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Yep.  Although I do love the movie "Leap Year".  I actually bought it and have watched it several times.  Generally, though, I don't love movies.  I do enjoy some TV shows, like "Victoria" mentioned above.  Maybe it's because they can take the time to to flesh out a story and you get to know the characters?



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I'm pretty sure it's been about ten years since I watched a movie.

I'm jealous. My personal movie prime was when I (smoked). After that movies became mostly soooo boring lol. I mean, exceptions. But seriously if I suddenly only was able to watch the same movies I watched when I was a v young adult for some reason, I'd be so pleased.

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I found them a lot more interesting when I started working on writing. Some screenwriting books & podcasts translate well to any type of satisfying fiction.  Others don't because the structure is different.  The most interesting were a Truby book called The Anatomy of Story, a podcast called Scriptnotes about movie writing.  Note: One of the Scriptnotes guys was a college roommate of Ted Cruz, is on the opposite end of the political spectrum, and had a lot of fun with that on Twitter back during the election.  If liberal political talk thrown in from time to time offends you, Scriptnotes is not for you.


Anyway, now when I don't like a movie I can generally tell you what was missing, whereas before I just didn't like things.

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I started the BBC series Victoria and while I love it I want more! I keep googling for more info about her and details that the show just can't incorporate.

The writer for the Victoria miniseries wrote a novel adaptation. I read it a few weeks ago, after I watched the series, and I enjoyed it. It only covers up to the series midpoint, IIRC.)

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I don't enjoy movies much. I have to "make" myself, most often for the benefit of a kid or the family together. That said, sometimes I watch a movie and I'm SO glad I made the effort because it was very good. The Martian was that way - I loved that movie, but only watched it for a "family movie night" thing.

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I love to watch shows and movies. Really I do. But sometimes I find them so flat and frusterting especially when there was no book (or I didn't read it). Fanatastic beasts was like that and I know I wouldn't like the Harry Potter movies at all if I hadn't read the books first. I almost always read the books after the fact if I enjoyed the movie since I just need more details etc.


I started the BBC series Victoria and while I love it I want more! I keep googling for more info about her and details that the show just can't incorporate.


I need a book. Can anyone recommend one especially if it's available on kindle as I'm stuck at home sick right now.

Well, the BBC series was based on Daisy Goodwin's book about Victoria, which I enjoyed even more than the series.

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Well, the BBC series was based on Daisy Goodwin's book about Victoria, which I enjoyed even more than the series.

Thank you! Found the ebook through my library and all set to devour it. 🎉🎉


I do love the movie/mini series but I just have so many questions. I want more! The book will be perfect. I was spending all my time pausing and looking stuff up 😉

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I love movies, reading, and tv. I love being told stories. :)


My taste in movies has changed as I've gotten older, though. I expect it will change again as I continue to get older. Things I used to enjoy bore me now. But that's the same for tv and books, too.


The part I really like best now is the $2.50 popcorn on Tuesday nights. I don't care how bad the movie is. I just love that popcorn. :).

Edited by Garga
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Movies lately have been a real bust! Yet another reason to instill GREAT writing skills into our students. Not just that, 

but spark their imaginations and let them run with it!


I've seen way too many movies of late that have been REMAKES of 70s and 80s and 90s flicks. You can't have an original storyline of your own?

The Mummy comes to mind and that was a horrible remake.


I really enjoy a fun action/adventure movie and even those have been gathering dust lately , it seems.

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Movies lately have been a real bust! Yet another reason to instill GREAT writing skills into our students. Not just that, 

but spark their imaginations and let them run with it!


I've seen way too many movies of late that have been REMAKES of 70s and 80s and 90s flicks. You can't have an original storyline of your own?

The Mummy comes to mind and that was a horrible remake.


I really enjoy a fun action/adventure movie and even those have been gathering dust lately , it seems.


Some movies just do not need to be remade.


The Mummy

Dirty Dancing

and now I saw a commercial that they are remaking Flatliners and heard they were doing The Breakfast Club.  Why???  There's no reason for that.


I tend to prefer just watching old movies that I know I really like, with a few exceptions.  I enjoy the Marvel movies - the Avengers story line and the Xmen storyline.  I usually see the new ones when they hit the Redbox or can be rented on Amazon.  I only see kid movies in the theaters and not even those very often.  My kids aren't very into movies either.


Dh LOVES, I mean absolutely LOVES just looking for random free movies on Amazon or Netflix or Hulu.  So many of them are so BAD.   Then sometime in October he'll start watching the endless Hallmark-type Christmas movies.  Where cynical guy or girl comes to small town and meets guy or girl who believes in magic, they fall in love and blah blah blah.  It's like Harlequin romances come to life.  I like the occasional Harlequin but I cannot stand 3 months of it on a daily basis.  Plus some of them have super strong religious overtones, like the Kirk Cameron type of Christian overtones (evil evolutionists, etc.).  Ugh.

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Yes.  I really don't like most movies at all.  I force myself to watch some of them in order to not be a jerk to my family and friends.


There are some good ones - good old classics, the rare recent one that was decent.  I have really high standards for movies.

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I used to like movies more often.  But I don't know that it is just that they don't have enough detail.  I think that Hollywood movies have gone seriously downhill.


I know it's considered blasphemy by some, but I though Fantastic Beasts was pretty awful.  The plot and character development were thin, in fact a lot of the plot barely hung together, and a lot of it was clearly just making room for a lot of CGI effects.  This is a big problem I'm having - the effects driven movies are just vey unsatisfying to me, and they seem to comprise quite a lot of the Hollywood offerings.


And the the other thing is these huge franchises that just seem determined to squeeze every bit of blood out of an idea or story that it possibly can.  


I'm having a little better luck with tv at the moment, but even that is uneven.  I was a pretty regular watcher of GoT - I loved the books, but I've found the last few seasons less satisfying. Recently I started watching The Last Kingdom, (which interestingly George Martin recommended though he apparently doesn't have time for GoT) and I think the effects thing is part of the issue - the filming is a little simpler and less expensive, and yet somehow I'm finding that puts much more emphasis on the story.  I actually found myself being emotionally moved a few times which is pretty unusual for me.

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Some movies just do not need to be remade.


The Mummy

Dirty Dancing

and now I saw a commercial that they are remaking Flatliners and heard they were doing The Breakfast Club.  Why???  There's no reason for that.


I tend to prefer just watching old movies that I know I really like, with a few exceptions.  I enjoy the Marvel movies - the Avengers story line and the Xmen storyline.  I usually see the new ones when they hit the Redbox or can be rented on Amazon.  I only see kid movies in the theaters and not even those very often.  My kids aren't very into movies either.


Dh LOVES, I mean absolutely LOVES just looking for random free movies on Amazon or Netflix or Hulu.  So many of them are so BAD.   Then sometime in October he'll start watching the endless Hallmark-type Christmas movies.  Where cynical guy or girl comes to small town and meets guy or girl who believes in magic, they fall in love and blah blah blah.  It's like Harlequin romances come to life.  I like the occasional Harlequin but I cannot stand 3 months of it on a daily basis.  Plus some of them have super strong religious overtones, like the Kirk Cameron type of Christian overtones (evil evolutionists, etc.).  Ugh.


I really don't get why they would remake a movie when there isn't some kind of new technology that would make it much better, or perhaps if updating it to a current time period would make it more watchable.


I also keep wondering why we keep being subjected to the Batman and Spiderman movies that cover the same ground as ones made 20 years ago..  

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Yep. Although I do love the movie "Leap Year". I actually bought it and have watched it several times. Generally, though, I don't love movies. I do enjoy some TV shows, like "Victoria" mentioned above. Maybe it's because they can take the time to to flesh out a story and you get to know the characters?

Leap Year was such a satisfying rom com. It was like You've Got Mail in terms of classic. Love that one!

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I love movies. I have loved a zillion movies, abd there are a zillion more I want to see. I have also been bored with and disapponted by movies.


I don't much like series. Well, I like them but then I resent them as a time suck. At least with a movie it is two hours +/- and done. I am probably a rare Game of Thrones fan in that I was glad that this was a shortened season.

Edited by Penguin
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I love to watch shows and movies. Really I do. But sometimes I find them so flat and frusterting especially when there was no book (or I didn't read it). Fanatastic beasts was like that and I know I wouldn't like the Harry Potter movies at all if I hadn't read the books first. I almost always read the books after the fact if I enjoyed the movie since I just need more details etc.


I started the BBC series Victoria and while I love it I want more! I keep googling for more info about her and details that the show just can't incorporate.


I need a book. Can anyone recommend one especially if it's available on kindle as I'm stuck at home sick right now.


The History Chicks had a couple episodes about Queen Victoria (and she pops up in many of their other episodes) here is part one  http://thehistorychicks.com/shownotes-episode-11-queen-victoria-part-one/


This was a really good movie about her younger years - http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0962736/


She was so interesting and her children ended up marrying into almost all the royal houses of Europe. 

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Yep. Although I do love the movie "Leap Year". I actually bought it and have watched it several times. Generally, though, I don't love movies. I do enjoy some TV shows, like "Victoria" mentioned above. Maybe it's because they can take the time to to flesh out a story and you get to know the characters?

I have a strange obsession with Leap Year and I cannot figure out why. It is not my usual movie style or any genre I gravitate towards. It is unheard of me to rewatch movies but I have seen Leap Year like 10 times no joke. It is just really sweet :)

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The History Chicks had a couple episodes about Queen Victoria (and she pops up in many of their other episodes) here is part one http://thehistorychicks.com/shownotes-episode-11-queen-victoria-part-one/


This was a really good movie about her younger years - http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0962736/


She was so interesting and her children ended up marrying into almost all the royal houses of Europe.

Thank you! I'm currently reading the book revcomended above by the same lady who wrote the mini series. It is really good but basically just a re write of the screenplay. I want to dig deeper so I will try these. Edited by busymama7
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I love to go to movies but not anything.  I am picky.  My dh needs to be dragged to the movie but then he enjoys them too.  But he has a life where he goes to work, goes to do volunteer work in the evenings (usually once a week but once a month it can be up to 3 times), sometimes even caving at night and I want to go out.  So movies, theater, concerts, etc,


Neither dh nor I  like the huge amount of superhero movies. 

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I like oldfashioned movies that rely on clever dialogue and good acting rather than special effects or speed.


I miss the visual cues in war movies, so I never know what is going on.  Things that are obvious to my husband (like, the shape of that plane means it is Nazi or something) totally escape me.  Also, if things move too fast, I miss crucial clues.  And my facial recognition is poor in general, so a flash of someone's face now does not mean that I will recognize them in an hour.  



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The History Chicks had a couple episodes about Queen Victoria (and she pops up in many of their other episodes) here is part one  http://thehistorychicks.com/shownotes-episode-11-queen-victoria-part-one/


This was a really good movie about her younger years - http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0962736/


She was so interesting and her children ended up marrying into almost all the royal houses of Europe. 


There are also a good number of episodes of Stuff You Missed in History that have to do with Victoria:



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