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Let's talk sprains...


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because for the first time in--ahem--decades, I've got a doozy. 


I slipped on some gravel--one second walking, the next down. 


So this is a swelled area right on top of and around the outside of the ankle bone. If you were to cut a tennis ball in half and put over the ankle bone....that's about the size. Not a lot of pain. We had ice in a cooler, so ice went right on it. 


I don't need to go have x-rays do I? Any advice or wisdom to share? 


Humpf....today is our anniversary. We'd had a nice long kayak session and were just exploring a new place to possibly launch them next time when I went down. I think dinner out is postponed for a few days. 

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Oh no. That's too bad it's on your anniversary. Happy Anniversary and glad you got in a great paddle before the fall.


I'd continue icing 20 min on, then off for an hour, and repeat. Also wrap the ankle in a tensor bandage and elevate it, staying off it as much as possible today. You can take some NSAIDs, such as ibuprofen. Try to sleep the night, and if you can't sleep, or wake up in more pain, then you could go get it looked at by a dr. 

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Oh no. That's too bad it's on your anniversary. Happy Anniversary and glad you got in a great paddle before the fall.


I'd continue icing 20 min on, then off for an hour, and repeat. Also wrap the ankle in a tensor bandage and elevate it, staying off it as much as possible today. You can take some NSAIDs, such as ibuprofen. Try to sleep the night, and if you can't sleep, or wake up in more pain, then you could go get it looked at by a dr. 

 the bandage is just to help keep swelling down? Add support, probably too. 

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Oh no. That's too bad it's on your anniversary. Happy Anniversary and glad you got in a great paddle before the fall.


I'd continue icing 20 min on, then off for an hour, and repeat. Also wrap the ankle in a tensor bandage and elevate it, staying off it as much as possible today. You can take some NSAIDs, such as ibuprofen. Try to sleep the night, and if you can't sleep, or wake up in more pain, then you could go get it looked at by a dr. 




I would still heavily suggest a Dr visit (go to a clinic with an x-ray not to a GP who cannot tell by looking what is going on)-- an orthopedist if possible.  Sprains are torn ligaments or tendons-- they often take MUCH longer to heal and most benefit from a soft cast/splint of some type to reduce further injury.


Since you have bruising, taking arnica tabs can help your lymph system do its job.  Arnica is not homeopathic-- it has actual written (Medical journal) studies and it has real healing properties.  Do not apply it to open wounds though.


So sorry it happened on a special day!



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RICE - rest (stay of it!!_ Ice (10 minutes every hour)  Compression (keep it wrapped to keep swelling down) and Elevate (above your heart 20 out of 24 hours) and take an anti-inflammatory round the clock for 24 - 48 hours.


I helped a friend with a sprain and made her do this while she was visiting me, and it made a world of difference: sleep on the couch tonight with your foot propped up. (sorry it is your anniversary) Whenever I sleep in the bed with my foot on pillows, it always  ends up NOT on the pillows, but when I am on the couch I cannot move as much so it stays elevated through the night. STAY OFF IT FOR 24 HOURS! Seriously give it time to heal. Use crutches or a walker, but do not put any stress on it. 


Best of luck. 

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I sprain my left ankle/foot ridiculously frequently.  Honestly, I figure it's because I didn't get proper treatment the first couple of times.  One time, when I was convinced it was just another sprain, I had actually fractured my cuboid bone (in addition to pulling muscles and tendons and ligaments.)  It was an iiiiity bitty fracture that the ortho was surprised the ER even caught.


As someone who is so tired of re-injuring her left food, I urge you to get it checked out and do whatever exercises or ugly boot they recommend, even if it is "just" a sprain.  Walking without pain or fear of re-injury is something I wish I could go back and get!

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I sprain my left ankle/foot ridiculously frequently.  Honestly, I figure it's because I didn't get proper treatment the first couple of times.  One time, when I was convinced it was just another sprain, I had actually fractured my cuboid bone (in addition to pulling muscles and tendons and ligaments.)  It was an iiiiity bitty fracture that the ortho was surprised the ER even caught.


As someone who is so tired of re-injuring her left food, I urge you to get it checked out and do whatever exercises or ugly boot they recommend, even if it is "just" a sprain.  Walking without pain or fear of re-injury is something I wish I could go back and get!




I had my first right ankle sprain while still in elementary school and after that it became a regular occurrence. I never sought adequate treatment for most of them, and by the time I did it was too late to do much because so much damage had occurred. Now that ankle is pretty much shot and I constantly have to be aware of its limitations. Don't write it off as "just" a sprain. I suppose there's no guarantee that seeking adequate treatment means you won't have trouble down the road, but at least you won't have the regret of not getting it checked out.

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