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Remember that time...


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Ugh that really sucks.


I dont remember, but mil's dad died when they went to WDW.


And to think I was complaining about my kids missing the county fair due to rain. On a bright note at least you will be safe. Sil and her kids came uo here last night to get out of the hurricanes path. Her dh is a fireman and chose to stay behind, I guess to help out witn those that chose to stay?? I cannot imagine how worried she must be about him.


Once again I am truly sorry your vacation got ruined.

Edited by Elizabeth86
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Remember the time when we brought a house and two days later we had lots of family from FL evacuate and they stayed in our new house AND our old apartment with our stuff still split between two places?


And remember how you then had to make sure you had groceries and water for everyone because that same hurricane was supposed to though your town, but you live in GA so there's very little infrastructure against hurricanes?


Oh yeah, and then the baby woke up with a fever.


(I'm very thankful we're able to help our family in this way. Such a fluke that we have TWO livable homes right now.)

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Remember the time when we brought a house and two days later we had lots of family from FL evacuate and they stayed in our new house AND our old apartment with our stuff still split between two places?


And remember how you then had to make sure you had groceries and water for everyone because that same hurricane was supposed to though your town, but you live in GA so there's very little infrastructure against hurricanes?


Oh yeah, and then the baby woke up with a fever.


(I'm very thankful we're able to help our family in this way. Such a fluke that we have TWO livable homes right now.)

Yikes I would be crazy.

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Sorry about your vacation OP. Carriede it is really cool that you have 2 places where your family can stay. They are very lucky. Our Receiver/Forwarder in Miami closed yesterday and other places we deal with in Miami are closed today. We stayed in Summer Bay Orlando last year and would love to go back there. The  MOST important thing, always, is the safety of people. Lives are very fragile. Homes can be rebuilt. Cars and other possessions can be fixed or replaced, but human lives cannot be replaced.  

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Well, it was more than a vacation - we were also visiting my family. It is really, really hard to leave them (grandparents, siblings, cousins) in Central Florida knowing a major hurricane is forecasted to come over them. It's scary.


Carriede, so glad you have a place so your family can stay. Mine won't leave, they'll "be fine".

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I'm so sorry.  my heart and prayers  go out to those in this mess.   My brother was stationed at homestead in 92.  I am grateful ds got into our local uni (they don't tell you until past the middle of july. grrr grrr grrr.) or he'd have been in the middle of all of this.  at a school only a mile or so from the beach.  his gf lives near wdw -and her mother is in hospice and expected to die any day.  she can't be moved, though they are looking at getting her transferred to the hospital.

eta: just to update ds's gf's mother died early this morning.  

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Remember that time my sister closed on her first house, just in time to have an historic rain event that dumped 12 inches in 12 hours? And remember how she first discovered there was a leak in the roof when the ceiling in her bathroom collapsed?


(Not a hurricane, but it still got a name - Memorial Day flood - and it's been on my mind recently because of Harvey (all the articles referenced both the 2015 Memorial Day flood and last year's Tax Day flood). And that wasn't even the only thing that went wrong with her house in the first week of ownership - before the roof leak and ceiling collapse, she discovered the upstairs air conditioning didn't work and there was no access to the ductwork, and the plumbing backed up, water all over the kitchen, and the plumber pulled out hundreds of baby wipes.)


Prayers for all affected by Irma :grouphug:.

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Remember that time I wanted to talk husband into going to Puerto Rico for our 25th anniversary, which is in a few days?  


Thankfully, due diligence was done on the best time to visit PR and the Maine coast gets us instead. Hurricanes Jose and Katia are apparently coming in behind Irma.  



Edited by milovany
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Remember that time my sister closed on her first house, just in time to have an historic rain event that dumped 12 inches in 12 hours? And remember how she first discovered there was a leak in the roof when the ceiling in her bathroom collapsed?


(Not a hurricane, but it still got a name - Memorial Day flood - and it's been on my mind recently because of Harvey (all the articles referenced both the 2015 Memorial Day flood and last year's Tax Day flood). And that wasn't even the only thing that went wrong with her house in the first week of ownership - before the roof leak and ceiling collapse, she discovered the upstairs air conditioning didn't work and there was no access to the ductwork, and the plumbing backed up, water all over the kitchen, and the plumber pulled out hundreds of baby wipes.)


Prayers for all affected by Irma :grouphug:.

It took me a minute to realize you weren't saying that the plumber pulled out hundreds of baby wipes to clean up the floor.


Sounds like a horrible situation, I hope things are looking better for your sister and her house.



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It took me a minute to realize you weren't saying that the plumber pulled out hundreds of baby wipes to clean up the floor.


Sounds like a horrible situation, I hope things are looking better for your sister and her house.



Thankfully yes - the ceiling collapse was the last of it, and everything got fixed and sorted, and it's been pretty smooth in the two years since. There were a lot of Money Pit jokes for a bit, and my sister did *not* find them funny - she still doesn't find the jokes themselves funny, but she can laugh at her extremely unimpressed reaction to those jokes now ;).
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Yikes.  Why aren't your relatives leaving?


I remember when we were in Orlando during Rita. They announced on the TV that Disney was closed for the day.  We went over there around noon anyway to see if we could at least eat at one of the restaurants since it had stopped raining and low and behold they had decided to open right around the same time, so we ended up having the MK to ourselves.....it was the THE single best day I have ever had at WDW.

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Remember that time I wanted to talk husband into going to Puerto Rico for our 25th anniversary, which is in a few days?  


Thankfully, due diligence was done on the best time to visit PR and the Maine coast gets us instead. Hurricanes Jose and Katia are apparently coming in behind Irma.  


katia is in the western gulf of mexico, it's not a threat for florida.   the models of jose have it turning north earlier so that it stays at sea. hopefully it will.


ds's gf lives close to wdw.  . . .I'm not sure what their plans are - they were riding it out because her mom was still alive and couldn't be moved, but she died this morning.  her brother bought a couple hundred dollars worth of fiji water.  that was three? days ago, so he could have bought "normal" bottled water for less and had more.   or get barrels and turn on the tap.

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I remember when I was on a family vacation as a little kid in Virginia Beach and we had to leave because a hurricane was coming.  I wasn[t very happy.  But then a year or so later, we were on another vacation, this time to western VA at a state park where we had rented a cabin.  A hurricane had come north of that area and into western VA , West Virginia and Pennsylvania.  It was devastating and though our cabin was fine and most of the park was great, I will never forget seeing houses and cars float by in a river that we went to see nearby.  We also didn't get to see fireworks for the 4th that year since the nearest town still had its high school field under water and that was where the fireworks were supposed to be.  Those images of the house and cars floating by have made me very wary of hurricanes even far from the coast,

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I feel like such a heel, wondering how Irma and Jose will affect my beach vacation next weekend. Meanwhile my mom is preparing to shelter in place, alone, while my dad, who works in utilities, will be out in the community trying to fix any power and water problems. They are new Florida residents and they have zero hurricane experience.

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