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feeling of food stuck in throat


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My 5 year old, just about every time he eats, says it feels like I have food stuck in my throat. He was drinking a smoothie this morning and same thing. He has a well child visit coming up soon, but I just wanted to see if anyone else experienced anything like this. He has been very picky about eating lately too and he has always been my best eater. He just seems to drink his drink take a nibble sand say he is full. So, Im wondering if his new pickiness might be connected to this sensation whatever it might be.

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That was my first sign of my new allergies. That stuck feeling was my esophagus swelling shut.


Some people do have very narrow throats (my husband's coworker found himself choking often and it turns out his esophagus is the diameter of the average two year old's!) and it can be managed surgically, but yeah, is wonder if it was an oral allergy issue first.

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That was my first sign of my new allergies. That stuck feeling was my esophagus swelling shut.


Some people do have very narrow throats (my husband's coworker found himself choking often and it turns out his esophagus is the diameter of the average two year old's!) and it can be managed surgically, but yeah, is wonder if it was an oral allergy issue first.

I thought this at first, but it is with the first bite he takes no matter what it is

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My husband was born with a very small esophagus and had this issue throughout childhood. As an adult he had it stretched a couple of times which has helped enormously.


I have developed this condition also in the last couple of years due to my acid reflux. It is a very scary feeling. After almost choking on a piece of steak I went vegetarian for several months. Foods that I have to be careful with are meat and soft sticky foods like white bread. My husband had a lot of problems with meat as a child.


It could be allergies also, as others have pointed out. In the meantime, maybe encourage him to take smaller bites and chew thoroughly just in case until you talk to a doctor. I would avoid tougher cuts of meat unless it is cut up into very small pieces.

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Know someone whose son had this problem. Other kids had celiac, but not that kid. Problem spiralled into arrested growth and severe esophageal allergy symptoms on scopes treated with multiple medications. It all reversed when she eliminated gluten.

Edited by Amy in NH
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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for all the suggestions. He had a barium swallow done and all was well with that. He has an appointment monday for some labwork.


I have been tryibg to think of any changes with him and I jist thougjt he recently had his 1st dental work done. A filling and a crown. He had the gas and a shot for numbing. I wonder if any of it might be related?? Im mentioning it to dr on monday. Just curious, so thats why Im asking.

Edited by Elizabeth86
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Tonsils/adenoids maybe?


Does he have any signs of sleep apnea? Snoring? Weird positions like head hanging off of the bed? Tiredness even after sleeping 12 hours? I ask because this was one of my girls. She had the tiniest little throat opening and a cold could land her in the hospital for oxygen. She only tells me today she always felt like food was stuck. Never told me then.

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