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Life sure can be strange (in an "odds beating" way)


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Just learned that my son's "other" housemate in his homestay in Jordan is J____ from Baltimore.


His roommate at Eckerd (in Florida) is also J____ from Baltimore.  Exact same first name.  Exact same city.  Different person.  Different colleges.  My guy had no "pick" in the process in Jordan.  (He did select the Eckerd one as they became friends there his sophomore year.)


One can't help wonder what odds they beat.  I know I'd have never "bet" on that happening!  It's pretty neat though.  I guess I like "strange" things.  :coolgleamA:

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So funny when that stuff happens.  Every serious boyfriend I had growing up had the same first name -- same name my husband has!


When our ds was working abroad some years ago, his roommate and his best friend (two different people) both had the same first name.  Then he met his wife there who also had the same name.  (Just spelled differently.)  It took us a long time to sort all of that out!


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So funny when that stuff happens. Every serious boyfriend I had growing up had the same first name -- same name my husband has!


When our ds was working abroad some years ago, his roommate and his best friend (two different people) both had the same first name. Then he met his wife there who also had the same name. (Just spelled differently.) It took us a long time to sort all of that out!

Every serious boyfriend I ever had, including my husband, was born on March 30 or March 31. And even though I'm not into Astrology stuff at all, the two other main men in my life, my dad and my son, are also Aries. My son wasn't supposed to be, but he was born early.
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I've heard of that type of stuff happening a number of times.


two girls who went to our church up here - but both moved away (one to another state when she was five) - ended up as college roommates (in a third state).  by pure chance.  she also ended up in a class with a boy from church here - by pure chance.  she did have to tell him her nickname so he'd know her . . . (she hated her nickname, and stopped going by it after they had moved to another state.)

another girl I know - the day she was born, there was another baby girl.  same first name, same middle name, same last name, - same hospital, same birthday, . . . . that's one for the medical records flagging.

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So funny when that stuff happens.  Every serious boyfriend I had growing up had the same first name -- same name my husband has!


When our ds was working abroad some years ago, his roommate and his best friend (two different people) both had the same first name.  Then he met his wife there who also had the same name.  (Just spelled differently.)  It took us a long time to sort all of that out!


Have you read the John Green book An Abundance of Katherines?

Oh, I love that book.

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My sister's name is somewhat common for her birth year.  Not as common as, say, Jennifer, but it's up there.  In her grade (small school) there were several other kids with the name, but there were two who ALSO shared a last name... a boy and a girl!  So the poor kids were always Boy Blankety Blank and Girl Blankety Blank.

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I like strange things too. LOL


When I was in high school my best friend and I each had 'boyfriends'. Both of us ended up with husbands with the exact birthday as our boyfriend.

My husband and *two* previous boyfriends have the same birthday, though different years. Makes it easy to remember to send birthday greetings!

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