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Pregnancy = junk food


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Thats all I can think about right now.


I want:


Coffee with flavored creamer


A Big Mac


A fountain drink Coke


A thin crust pizza from Pizza Hut w green peppers and onions


A big tub of vanilla ice cream with caramel




I mean, really?


The thought of sensible food is so gross to me right now.

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That pretty much describes all my pregnancies, once in a while I could eat oranges but otherwise it was deli sandwich meat, banquet frozen dinners, ramen noodles and pickle juice (but not pickles, couldn't stomach those). Not sure why because otherwise I eat pretty healthy but for some reason I can't when I'm pregnant.  While not ideal I just embraced it because otherwise I'd be puking nonstop and I figure eating junk food and staying hydrated is still better than trying to eat junk food and ending up in the ER from dehydration.

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I never ate much ice cream, but when I was pregnant and nursing, I craved vanilla ice cream and ate copious amounts with a soup spoon straight from the tub every night. As soon as I had weaned my children, the craving stopped. I am convinced that it was my body telling me it needed the extra calories and the calcium.

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My doctor told me the salt/fat combo helps with the nausea in a lot of women. That could be a reason so many of us crave pizza, chips, etc.

This might explain how during my entire first trimester with my first son I craved bacon every single day. I mean Every. Single. Day. It was out of control. The twins gave me a salty sweet tooth. I wanted to eat Kettle Jalepeno chips and then immediately Talenti Pistachio ice cream.


My daughter I only craved salmon, red potatoes and every fruit under the sun. Junk food made me sick with her. She was my only girl so my body must have responded differently to those estrogen hormones kicking out double time. That was the only pregnancy I delivered and could fit into my pre pregnancy clothes. Every other one I gained a ton of weight.

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Thats all I can think about right now.


I want:


Coffee with flavored creamer


A Big Mac


A fountain drink Coke


A thin crust pizza from Pizza Hut w green peppers and onions


A big tub of vanilla ice cream with caramel




I mean, really?


The thought of sensible food is so gross to me right now.


LOL....With my first I pigged out on pizza and Mounds bars constantly.  I gained 40# with DD1.


With DD2, I craved fruits and veggies. I didn't gain any weight until towards the end.  Total weight gain was approx. 20#

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I crave all sorts of junk when I'm pregnant. I tend to try and indulge maybe one thing a day whole the rest is on plan, and that seems to control it. Getting plenty of protein also cuts the cravings quite a bit.

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