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sleeping through the night


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How old were your kids when they started sleeping through the night. Just a curious questin, not looking for advice. The boys never slept a full night until they were 3. It looks like dd will be the same way. The boys will wake now and then, but not much anymore. I suppose it was because they all nursed all through the night that got them in a bad habit. (I havent slept 1 full night night since 2011)

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Well, some kids just have trouble.  My now 19 year old still doesn't sleep through the night.  The difference is that now he doesn't wake me up!  :laugh:


He started doing better around age 5, but honestly, I think a lot of that was him finally entertaining himself with toys or books or drawing on his own.  Up until 5 he would get up, go down to the living room and yell, "I'm all alone in here!  Someone come play with me!"   :crying:   I was working then and it was a very rough season for us.


Meanwhile, middle son is my sleeper and started sleeping through he night at age 6 weeks and is now 17 and will sleep his life away if we let him.

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Diamond: 6 weeks, no effort or "training" on our part.

SweetChild: never did, still (17yrs) doesn't always sleep through the night. First full sentence literally was "I doesn' like sleepin' "

BabyBaby: I don't really remember, I was too xhausted dealing with SweetChild ;)


All were nursed long into the toddler years


They are all pretty much the same was adults/late teens

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How old were your kids when they started sleeping through the night. Just a curious questin, not looking for advice. The boys never slept a full night until they were 3. It looks like dd will be the same way. The boys will wake now and then, but not much anymore. I suppose it was because they all nursed all through the night that got them in a bad habit. (I havent slept 1 full night night since 2011)

You're singing my song.


I'd say we could depend on them sleeping most of the night between 2.5-3 years old. They might get up for a drink and need to be tucked in.


DS3.5 gets up every other night or so to get a drink, but tucks himself back in. The only reason why I know he's up is because I'm nursing the 18 month old.

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(I havent slept 1 full night night since 2011)


I am so sorry!


I'm not much help, but I wanted to say that I wouldn't blame breastfeeding.  All of my kids were sleeping through the night within the first few months, even though most of them had full co-sleeping access to food.  There were many mornings that I'd wake them early so I wouldn't explode all over the place.

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My 8 yo still doesn't sleep through the night. He has issues though that make it harder. My daughter didn't start start sleeping through the night until age 4 and my husband started going in. My toddler doesn't sleep through the night and I'm sure he won't until someone besides me is getting up with him. And there doesn't seem to be any chance of that happening. People like to blame the parent for children not sleeping through the night but some kids are just harder than others and you can do everything "right" and they still don't sleep.



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Envious of those of you whose kids sleep. :)


13 year old with sleep issues here. He just had another sleep study last week, awaiting results.


He has slept the night through four blissful nights in his life. As have I. But actually the not-consecutive four nights were not peaceful as I worried and waited all night for him.

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It depends on how you define sleeping through the night. My husband and I tend to sleep after 11pm and wake up at 6am on weekdays. My oldest sleep through those hours when he was less than a month old. My youngest though wakes up at 5am and wake my mom who was helping us up. To my mom, 5am is her normal waking up time so she considered it as youngest also slept through the night.


My friends however define sleeping through the night as 8pm to 7am.

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BalletBoy... probably age 4 or 5 for the first time? He was definitely sleeping regularly through the night by the time he was 7.


Mushroom... oy. Maybe he did it occasionally beginning around age 5, but he did not regularly sleep through the night without at least getting up to try and have a 1 am conversation with me or climb in my bed until this year. He's about to turn 13. It took getting specific therapy for insomnia.


ETA: This is why I laugh when people ask if babies are sleeping through the night. Mine never did that.

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Three months old for the girls and two months old for my son.


My kids have always been great sleepers.


My oldest and my youngest never wanted to go to bed, but once you got them asleep, they would sleep like the dead. Hence the need for pullups until 10 years old!

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DS- 8 weeks (10.5 hours)

DS- 12 weeks (11 hours)

DD- 6.5 weeks (8+ hours)

DD- 10 weeks (9+ hours)


These are the times with zero wakings/feedings. With my girls I did a dreamfeed, hence the shorter times, but dropped the dreamfeed around 4-6 months. So they'd sleep 7-10pm, have a quick feed, then slept again 10:30-7am or so. Helped me not be soooo overfull with milk by morning and prevented 5am wake ups.

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Around 18-20 min for my first two, and it looks like the 16 mo old will be on the same track. They sleep through the night, but everyone is up by 5:30 at the latest. The littlest is currently up at 4:30 most days; looking forward to this phase passing, hopefully before new baby comes.

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Both kiddos were thru the night sleepers 10+ hours by 5 months.


I read a bunch of books on infant sleep organization and found that the timing of naps and handling of wakings seemed to have a lot to do with it. But it didn't just happen...we had to work towards it (I don't mean cry it out, more intention).

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DD 1: 2 years

DD 2 & DS 1:  2 years

DS 2: 2 months!!!!   :wub:

DS 3: 2 years

DD 3: is 17 months and wakes several times per night.


And by 2 years for most of them, I mean I'm pretty sure it was after they turned 2 and sometime before they turned 3 that they were sleeping through more often than not. I don't remember well though; I haven't had a full night of sleep in years.

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Both kiddos were thru the night sleepers 10+ hours by 5 months.


I read a bunch of books on infant sleep organization and found that the timing of naps and handling of wakings seemed to have a lot to do with it. But it didn't just happen...we had to work towards it (I don't mean cry it out, more intention).




I was very intentional about helping my babies (and the rest of the family) get the sleep they needed.  I gradually molded their napping and sleep habits through consistent routines, judicious use of sleep props and letting them "fuss-it-out" for a few minutes when they they were tired but not convinced they wanted to go to sleep.


All of them slept through my night (9pm to 5am) between 2 and 3 months.  Then around 6 - 8 months their bedtime got earlier, they dropped their early morning feeding, and they started sleeping 7pm to 7am.


I continued to nurse them until they were around 18 months old; once they were sleeping 12 hours, I pumped once before I went to bed to keep up my supply.



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Mine did not sleep through the night until a few weeks after the second birthday.  I too read every sleep book (literally every single book available on the market) and consulted two local physicians that specialize in sleep.  I tried *everything*, but none of them slept through until they turned 2.  One night they'd wake up 6 or 7 times, the next  they'd sleep through.  I never figured out why 24 months was the magic number.

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14 years and still waiting.  That line is still blank in her baby book.  I knew I was in trouble when she only slept for a average of 9 hours a day during her first weeks.  At least she has been managing her own nighttime awakeness on her own since about age 8.  I think she is one of those rare people that simply does not need much sleep.  I also suspect it was in her plan all along to make sure she was an only child.  It worked.

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Oldest: 9ish months. She learned to walk and slept better from then. She didn't consistently sleep through the night until she was about 3 though.

Middle: 5ish months. She slept a lot compared to the others.

Youngest: 19 months. She was on a medicine as a baby that literally kept her awake. She was a horribly tired, cranky baby. She slept through the night the week after she finished the medicine. I don't remember much about her first year; she only slept in 1 hour catnaps.


Sleeping through the night is 10 pm - 5 am in the above. It took them all until 3-5 years to sleep 9 pm - 6:30. Oldest still has sleep issues, but she's able to manage it herself now.

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DS16 started sleeping through the night at 2 months.  He would sleep of 7 hours without waking but he would hardly nap, mostly only in the car.  I think he would have napped if I had let him sleep on his stomach.


Now he is 16 years old and has special needs and cannot sleep.  Last night he did not sleep one single bit though he was lying down.  The previous few nights it was 3-5 hours per night or early morning.  Poor boy.  I hate this.

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According to their foster moms, they slept through the night by 3 weeks / 3 months if not sooner.  I took custody at 9mos / 12mos and they always slept through the night for me.  Lucky!


As far as I know, they were always formula fed.


ETA from the time I took custody, "sleeping through the night" meant from about 8:30pm to 8:30am, give or take.  If they ever did get up, they put themselves back to sleep without involving me.  (Excepting when sick etc.)

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DS16 started sleeping through the night at 2 months. He would sleep of 7 hours without waking but he would hardly nap, mostly only in the car. I think he would have napped if I had let him sleep on his stomach.


Now he is 16 years old and has special needs and cannot sleep. Last night he did not sleep one single bit though he was lying down. The previous few nights it was 3-5 hours per night or early morning. Poor boy. I hate this.

Many hugs to you both :grouphug:

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I honestly can't remember exactly. 2+ yrs has been the average for my 4. My middle 2 weren't too bad but my first and last were horrific sleepers. Ds has never needed much sleep, he dropped naps at 2 and I tried everything in the world to get him to take them, nope, it just made night time sleep even worse, it was the same with the last one. Her sleep improved once I stopped letting her nap, even though she was at the age she was *supposed* to need one. 


My son is 13 and still doesn't need much sleep but seems to do ok, he goes to bed with us but does reading in bed before falling asleep. I found it funny when we took ds in for a NP eval and they asked about his sleep, evidently sleep issues run hand in hand with ADHD. We'll see how my last one does once she's old enough for official school work, I hope she is easier than he has been.

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#1 - About a year would half the time - did some sleep training.


#2 - Probably about three?  No sleep training, other than moving her into her own bed, which was the biggest change.


#3 - 4ish, but he wasn't a hugely wakeful kid.  Started sleeping through when he was weaned.


#4 - a few months, most of the time.  


I nursed all of them, and it did make a difference I think to their sleeping patterns.  With the youngest, I didn't sleep train at all, but I was, like someone above said, more intentional about good sleep habits.  I kind of gave up on the AP approach after #3, I found it worked so poorly.

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DS1 was 3yo

DS2 was 2yo

DD1 was 11 months

DS 3 and 4 twins were 7 months


Hardest was by far my first but I didn't quite realize what I was doing to maintain the issue back then. Many kids later I figured it out haha :)


Ha, yes, it does seem to make a difference in many cases to have tried out things that don't seem to work.

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