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Aging parents and computers and frustration...


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As I've typed, I realized this is a two part problem (maybe three depending on how you look at it!):



Problem one:

As my dad has gotten older, he's 77, he gets frustrated and angry so quickly.

It's particularly bad with electronics. He unplugged and moved the computer this morning. He was irate this afternoon when I showed up. Couldn't get it to work right. Couldn't get programs to load. Recently they bought into a scam (after he checked with both dh and I and we both said it was a scam!) and had to have the computer wiped. The guy that fixed it did a good job. But now it's back to factory settings. So programs we put on it (like Office and Chrome and their email) are gone. No big deal, but he couldn't find those. They keep having malware/virus issues.

I don't know how to help him. They go to a lot of gaming sites, and I'm guessing that's where the virus's are getting picked up. I need a surefire way to protect his computer, so that it works all the time, everytime without any glitches! How do I do that? What basic computer maintance should I be running (weekly, monthly?) on their computer to keep it safe?



Edited by athomeontheprairie
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I found that unusual anger issues were the first signs of dementia/alzheimers in my grandparents.  :grouphug:



I was thinking this. My grandma used to get easily frustrated and angry


See I was ALSO thinking this, but didn't say it. Thanks for the affirmation that I'm not losing my mind

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:grouphug:  Please make this two different threads: one for the computer and one for the anger/abuse/drinking issues.  It's hard to respond to just one when both will be discussed in the same thread.  Also, what OS is running on this computer?



Personally, I believe the root of the problem is his drinking. However, how to handle that, I have no idea.  Is he receptive to talking with you about it and cutting back?  You should have a talk with your mom about this though.  Approach her very carefully and make her well aware that you are there for her and should she need anything to reach out.  Then, follow up with her often, check on her, maybe take her out, offering all your love and support.

I don't think the root of the problem is drinking-but it exacerbates the issues already there. But it IS a long term issue. Nothing my mom or I have done have been able to curb it. It's steadily gotten worse. Exponentially the past two years. 


No help on computers.


Third-ing the mention of dementia. I would try to get him to see his doctor. Does he live with you? Let doctor know all of these things (anger, short-temper, drinking) ahead of time. Does he drive?

He doesn't. They live in town, I'm 20 miles away. But I work in the town they live in and see them three times a week.

He does drive.

I can talk to the doctor, but I don't think I can get him to go. Though he sees the doctor fairly regularly (maybe every other month or so it seems). So even if I didn't get him in , I can time the phone call to jive with an upcoming visit.

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They go to a lot of gaming sites, and I'm guessing that's where the virus's are getting picked up. I need a surefire way to protect his computer, so that it works all the time, everytime without any glitches!

What operating system is running on your dad's computer?


I have to agree with you:  the viruses are almost certainly coming from the gaming sites.  I block those sites to keep the viruses away.  The kids ask me to unblock games frequently, but I'm not budging.


Without blocking those, I don't think there is a surefire way to prevent the viruses beyond moving to Linux (and even that's not foolproof).  This is especially true if he is downloading games, etc., since they almost always carry some sort of "stowaway" in the archive file you download.  Sometimes it's just junk software, but often it is malicious.


It sounds like limiting his access would not go over well at all.

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