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Messed up my gut...


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Ugh... In the past week, I managed to really screw up my gut.  We attended two potlucks with lots of foods I'm not used to eating, fast food and spicy food and far more carbs/sugar than I usually have.  My throat told me I was in trouble as soon as I got that big bite of cayenne-coated salad that didn't look like it should have cayenne in it.  Even the pizza was spicy.  One of the cars wouldn't start so we had the stress of being stuck with the car that doesn't fit all of us at once, there were two pretty major health scares (turned out to be treatable, but lots of stress until we managed to be seen), all of that expensive, and one of the kids was sick and vomiting... So I have been a huge ball of nerves and running around like crazy... not to mention school!


Now I am getting **epic** heartburn and indigestion after eating anything, even the blandest, smallest meals.  Sometimes it's going the other way... I am soooo miserable!  Hoping staying on a light version of my normal diet will heal my gut, soon!!! :sad: Any BTDT stories?

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Earlier in the year I was having similar problems--throat hurting, acid reflux throughout the day, and waking up due to scary acid regurgitation at night. I think a big part of mine was stress-related and then exacerbated by poor eating choices. I made some changes to help with the stress (better sleep hygiene and B-vitamin complex was a big part of that) and started taking the following: a probiotic (Pearls complete--probably not the best but I like that it's tiny) and a pH balancer before bed, then digestive enzymes before eating. My symptoms were 100% gone so I eased off my regimen, but now that school has started back and some other stressors have returned, I'm starting to have symptoms again so know I need to start back.


It certainly sounds as if you've had some major stress recently. It certainly doesn't help to feel bad on top of all those things! :grouphug: Hope you are able to feel better soon.

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Thanks!  I completely forgot that there are some NOW Gr-8-dophilus in the fridge and luckily the date is still good, so I will start taking those.  Hopefully it will help a little until I can order a more industrial-strength probiotic and the other things.  Do you think Natural Calm (magnesium) would help?

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Thanks!  I completely forgot that there are some NOW Gr-8-dophilus in the fridge and luckily the date is still good, so I will start taking those.  Hopefully it will help a little until I can order a more industrial-strength probiotic and the other things.  Do you think Natural Calm (magnesium) would help?


Natural Calm should help the overall stress. I don't think it actually helps the gut directly.  And of course if you take too much it can give you diarrhea.  But if it does, then just back off a bit on the dosage. 

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Also, drink lots of water. Now, saying that, I know we're normally told to drink at least eight 8oz glasses of water a day. Personally, I just can't do that. I've tried. I get to about 

42 oz and my whole body says, "No more!" So drink more than you usually do. Also, make some looseleaf peppermint tea. If you can drink it hot, do. It will force you to slow down and savor it, thus helping the body relax. If you can't do hot or won't, then when you steep it, use about twice as much herb as recommended while steeping. Then, when you pour it over ice, it will be around the right potency. But you should still SIP it, don't gulp/guzzle. Please STAY AWAY from that OTC antacids! They really aren't very healthy for you at all!

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