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The Do I Hafta? Teachers Lounge 8-28-2017


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Good morning and welcome to the Lounge!


Today's theme stems from the fact that it's Monday and I don't wanna!

Ever hear that from your kids? How about from yourself? Can't I just be a slug

and not do anything today? Nope, sorry. Unless you're truly sick or dealing with something

truly traumatic, then yes, you 'hafta.' I don't want to today,either, but if I don't, I'll feel worse

at the end of the day for not doing it than actually doing it. . . Did that make any sense?


Who has looked around the house today and thought, "THAT'S what I forgot to do this weekend? Here:  :seeya:

Just realized I didn't do my weekly prep of food so I don't have to THINK about what needs to be done 

because it will already BE done. Thankfully, I have admin time this morning and can plan that out.


Anyone else work a weekly admin time into their schedule? Here: last year I finally decided to implement admin time

into the schedule on Monday morning. The kids are usually still sleeping until about 10am or so, and I'm not ready to tackle

school until about noon on Mondays, anyway. this way I have time to look at the rest of the week and see what needs to be done.

I'm glad I've implemented it but it's still a work in progress.  ;)


What did you do this weekend? Here: DD's Girls Day Out, in celebration of her birthday (which is this coming Thursday), was Saturday. 

They all seemed to have a really good time despite it being out an outdoor mall and our high temp was 108*F! They started with a movie, 

followed by lunch, then shopping. So all told, I think they were only in and out of the heat for a total of about two hours. But that's enough 

to zap anyone's energy the next day!  :svengo:


Talk to me! :bigear: 

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21 views already and no replies! Are you all slugging awake like me?

Actually I am awake and have been rather productive this morning, which is so unlike me on a Monday.

I'm just taking a quick break while I eat breakfast.


I made gluten-free banana muffins. Better help yourself before my kids attack them!  ;)

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We had Stanley Steamer come and clean our very old, very gross carpet this weekend.  Then we bug bombed to get out all the flies that came in all summer because of the dog (since we had to have the snake and dog outside for the carpets anyway).   So, I have a ton of stuff to put back in place and I definitely don't wanna.


I also have to finish planning school for when we start full on next week and I don't wanna do that either.  This was supposed to be a completely school-free week but the kids took turns getting sick last week, plus ds's birthday (can't do school on a birthday!) so not all of what I had planned for last week was done. So they get to do it this week.  Plus they have to finish their 4-H record books.  Dh and the kids are going away this weekend so I'm hoping to finish my re-organizing and planning then, but they have to finish the last of their work before they leave on Friday.


I'm not doing weekly admin time, except each weekend I"ll print their schedule from Homeschool Planet and put work in their folders.  I'm building in a week off every 5-6 weeks this year so I can use that week to do planning for the next session and adjust anything that needs adjusting.  And reorganize because in the midst of things, stuff tends to just get thrown wherever.  I'm hoping that will make us more productive this year.


I have a meeting this evening about teaching science classes to homeschoolers.  I probably should be working on compiling lesson plans, putting together a registration form, and making lists of things I need to buy, but I've been reluctant to put much work into it until we're positive we're going ahead.  We won't start until mid-October at this point so I do have time for that.


ETA:  I forgot, dh also served at coffee hour at church on Sunday.  So, he made 4 different kinds of cakes/brownies Saturday evening.  He does all the cooking in our house, but guess who gets to do the clean-up???  Plus now all the cake servers, etc. that we store in the garage usually are taking up space in my very small kitchen.  Along with all our china that I have to put back in the china cabinet.

Edited by Where's Toto?
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This weekend I sealed my concrete kitchen floor-finally. It was not as bad as I feared. I still have to move the fridge, stove, and huge shelf and clean and seal that part. My pots and pans are living in the carport right now. 


This morning I rearranged my living room. Just shifted things around in preparation for sealing this floor next. I have plans and ideas for stenciling and painting the floors in the living room, kitchen, and hallway. 


I cut up one of Jeff's icky old jerseys to make a potty-training gown for Luna. I broke out my sewing machine for the first time in Arizona. I tried to buy fabric for her Yesterday, but no one was manning ( womanning?) the fabric counter at Walmart, so we left it there  :crying:


I am hurting a bit today. I did not sleep well last night and now my neck and back hurt. I think some yoga is in order. And maybe a massage. 


Luna was up super early, and I couldn't sleep, so we started our day extra early. Now she's cranky, and I'm nauseated. 


I forgot to do laundry. I had a doctor's appointment Friday, then some errands to run. Started the floor Friday night, worked on it all Saturday. Sunday shopping. Now I'm out of tank tops and bras, my hamper is spilling onto the floor, and B just rewashed the same load of towels for the fourth time. 


W is finished with his school work. Jay is waiting for his, older boys are doing thiers in their room, kids have had outside time. Luna is melting down in her crib-oh wait, she's quiet. I hope she's asleep and not destroying something. 

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Strawberry, I'm guessing your pain today comes from your activity this past weekend! Hope you get some relief!

Let me know how sealing and stenciling your living room floor goes. Ours is concrete, as well, and we've talked for years

about sealing it and doing some sort of painting/stenciling over it.

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Dorothy, I go back and forth as to whether I think the cook should clean up or someone else. 

Would your dh be willing to help you with the clean up?


Hope everyone in your family gets well soon!


He will help whenever it's beyond the normal amount, which really just means unloading and loading the dishwasher.  This was a 4 load weekend, not counting the normal dishes.  


This weekend I sealed my concrete kitchen floor-finally. It was not as bad as I feared. I still have to move the fridge, stove, and huge shelf and clean and seal that part. My pots and pans are living in the carport right now. 


How did sealing the floors work?  We have concrete slab under the previously-disgusting rug and I'm trying to talk dh into getting rid of the rug completely.  One option I keep pushing is painting the concrete slab.

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I don't wanna: ya...don't ask me what hotel rooms cost in the U.P. for ds's college tours. I.do.not.want.to.pay.those.prices!!!


I fell asleep in the chair yesterday afternoon and never got to any quilting. I am seriously behind, so I HAVE to get to it tonight.


Saturday I made the six hour Detroit airport run to get my sister and her hubby back to France. Then I did some meal planning, followed by dinner at mother in laws along with getting some things done for her that she can no longer do because of the arthritis in her shoulders.


I need to mop the bathroom floor today, and my head is pounding - seasonal allergies. I do have a nice dinner in the crock pot though.

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Strawberry, I'm guessing your pain today comes from your activity this past weekend! Hope you get some relief!

Let me know how sealing and stenciling your living room floor goes. Ours is concrete, as well, and we've talked for years

about sealing it and doing some sort of painting/stenciling over it.[/


Only the kitchen is concrete. The rest is linoleum? And vinyl tiles. I'm just splashing on a little leftover sealant to shine it up. It's so depressingly dull. I really should do tinted poly, but I have sealant. A lot of sealant.


The kitchen looks much better. I'm looking forward to mopping it, just to see how it goes.


It's the week of the first, so we just finished our planning. Soccer, swimming, gaming, programming, zoo, South mountain.

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The kids and I just finished the Greek lesson for the day. We're supposed to regroup in about two minutes but I may let them have an extra five.

While we had fun with the lesson, our brains are taxed! I think we could all use an extra 5 minutes of no schoolwork.

My ds, who's 13 and full of hormones, lets himself get overwhelmed WAY too easily! Time to help him learn how to make a checklist with due dates 

and check off his work as he goes!

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Yeah, I am 8 weeks pregnant and di I hafta is my response to everything that has to be done. I didnt even do math with ds today. It was just that kind of day. The baby didnt take an afternoon nap. Dh did clean out and organize the freezer and a kitchen cabinet today, so thats one thing I didnt hafta. Loved it!

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Hi Scrap,

I'm late to the party because we did school, then I worked at a consignment sale all afternoon and evening. Sorting zillions of toys and baby stuff.


Forgot: Yes! the half bath didn't get cleaned.

Scheduled admin time: nope, just whenever works

Last weekend: Tagged clothes for consignment, regular Saturday chores, church and church picnic.


Time to get my kiddos into bed now.

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How did sealing the floors work?  We have concrete slab under the previously-disgusting rug and I'm trying to talk dh into getting rid of the rug completely.  One option I keep pushing is painting the concrete slab.



Easier than I expected.


It's not really super pretty. I didn't acid wash or grinding it first, so it shows all the marks and discolorations from earlier flooring and cabinetry. 


I tinted it, but the color is too subtle, and it doesn't really show. I put down 5 or 6 layers, so It's nice and shiny and looks like a finished floor. It only took one day to get all the layers down. The worst part is the degreasing. I've done it maybe 2 or 3 times before to be sure it was really clean. It took hands and knees scrubbing because it's been bare for a long time. 

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