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4 yr old putting things in his mouth


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There could be a lot of reasons. My 6yo does it. But a few of my kids have been chewers, and one was a taster, as was I. It's not necessarily a problem all by itself. But it could be an indication of a problem, combined with other things. 


Are you concerned about the chewing/mouthing itself, or that it's a sign of something bad?

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All my kids have been worse about putting things in their mouths when they were 6 to 8 years old than they were as toddlers.   :rolleyes:   I think youngest dd was 4 or 5 when she swallowed a penny.   Unless he has gum, my son chews on straws all day long and he's 12, but he has sensory issues.

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My DS never put stuff in his mouth as a baby. He started around 7yo.


I wouldn't be concerned unless he's putting dangerous stuff (ya know, like paint peelings) in his mouth, or if he's swallowing items. 


Especially since it sounds like he just hasn't stopped putting stuff in his mouth yet. Sounds totally normal, albeit annoying for mom/caregivers. 

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My 6 yr old DD loves feeling things (soft blankets, rough surfaces, soap suds in the tub, etc.) and still enjoys putting certain things in her mouth. I've caught her many times with rubber bands in her mouth and have to remind her that we eat food, kid! I'm not at all concerned.

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Possibly sensory seeking.  


FWIW, I was still chewing on my blanket and would suck on stuff into my preteens.  I was not always conscious of it.


If it is an issue because of choking/sanitary concerns, sometimes it helps to establish clearly established and very clearly explained rules for when and what can be put in their mouth and then lots of gentle reminders and praise when they remember.

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My *9* year old likes to chew on things.  He's a sensory kid.  As long as it's not something dangerous, we just remind him to stop chewing and he takes it out of his mouth.  He has some chewys specifically to satisfy his need to put things in his mouth.

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My now 6 year old did this constantly until just a few months ago. The unfortunate event that stopped him was a strange mouth illness (resulted in "strawberry tongue") from licking a truck in a parking lot that was parked next to us. I wish I was kidding. So gross :( His tongue hurt so bad and he had to have medication that it stopped the behavior and made him more aware. I had no idea why he did this but I am an incessant pen cap chewer so maybe he gets it from me :)

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