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Just for Fun - You have one hour to pack for witness protection!


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A friend posed this question to me earlier today. I thought it'd be neat to see what the HIVE would choose. 


You have one hour to pack for immediate relocation in the Witness protection program for your entire family. For a while after relocation you may not be able to shop or be in public. What would you grab and why? Assume that you'll continue to homeschool after relocation, btw. 



ETA: Let's make it tougher. Assume a limit of one duffel bag or medium suitcase per person. 

Edited by frugalmamatx
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All of DS's books that I could fit into 1 suitcase.

Two weeks of clothes for each of us: 2nd suitcase.

Yarn, needles/hooks, and embroidery materials: 3rd suitcase

Reading books: 4th suitcase

Computer, art supplies, fluffy blankets and workout equipment: 5th suitcase.

plus 4 carriers for the cats, and 5 more for the chickens... and a dog.


Yes, I could do all that in one hour....but the agents had better be driving one of those huge SUVs :)

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Before I can answer, I need to ask a few questions:

Not be able to shop? You mean, we have to take food and basic houshehold items? In that case, stocking up on food and water and essentials for weeks will take up the hour.

Do we need to pack for a plane ride or can we take a car?

Are we allowed to take diaries and photo albums, or is that prohibited because somebody who found it with us could reconstruct our old identity? 


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Here's my list, in theory. 


DD's suitcase: All her American girl stuff {she'll panic without those, and she can carry two dolls in her arms}. 4 sets of clothes if I can fit. A few books as possible. her tablet and phone if allowed. 


My suitcase: 4 sets of clothing. Meds. Important papers folder. Chargers. Reusable feminine care supplies. Kindle. As much of DD's homeschooling items for the year as I can carry. Phone. 



And that reminds me I wanted to digitize all our old family photos and upload them to dropbox. 

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Before I can answer, I need to ask a few questions:

Not be able to shop? You mean, we have to take food and basic houshehold items? In that case, stocking up on food and water and essentials for weeks will take up the hour.

Do we need to pack for a plane ride or can we take a car?

Are we allowed to take diaries and photo albums, or is that prohibited because somebody who found it with us could reconstruct our old identity? 


Not able to shop because you can't be in public. I'm assuming either food would be provided or you could order from Amazon under the new identity. 


No ideas for transport. Basically they show up and say you have an hour. 


Good question on the photos. Lets assume yes but not tons 

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This time of year?  We can fit a whole lot more summer clothes in a suitcase than winter clothes.   ;)    So, 1/2 a suitcase of clothes each, just the shoes on our feet so no extras packed.  One hoodie each for chilly nights, can be worn or carried.   The rest of each suitcase - I'd allow the kids to pick a couple toys or stuffies each (both still have favorites), their kindles, ipods, headphones.  Dh and I would pack our laptops, and I'd squeeze in whatever school books I felt least able to do without. 


Will we have an unlimited budget to replace things?


We would all miss our favorite pillows but they'd be hard to pack.   :001_huh:

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My list for witness protection would be different than if I were to evacuate for a disaster.


No important papers because the government would give me new important papers. Including a library card. And hopefully credit cards.


I would take any cash that I could lay my hands on


I would take enough clothes for 7 days. And my meds.


Gathering up the animals and all they need might take me most of the hour.


I would use the library to homeschool.


We would take instruments.


I would hope that they gave me new electronics so no one could track me through my old ones. I would want electronics because there is so much information you miss without access to the internet.


I would hope that WP gave me access to gluten free foods.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Not able to shop because you can't be in public. I'm assuming either food would be provided or you could order from Amazon under the new identity. 


No ideas for transport. Basically they show up and say you have an hour. 


Good question on the photos. Lets assume yes but not tons 


bag of clothes and shoes for each person 

photo albums, diaries (if permitted)

our laptops, backup hard drive (if permitted).

If computers are prohibited, I would take a hard copy of my poetry.


important documents relating to our old identity (if permitted): naturalization document, college and grad school diplomas, birth certificates, passports - just in case we may, at some point, return to our old identities.

If it is prohibited to take those, I would use part of the hour to put them into a safe place for later retrieval. The  government is not going to provide any of these.


I would spend part of the hour liquidating assets or putting them into other people's names.


a few favorite books for each person

my grandmother's cookie recipes, a few pieces of jewelry



If we can pack a vehicle, I would take the things that enable us to do what we love: climbing gear, judo uniforms for DS - but that's easily replacable and just costs money

I would spend part of the hour liquidating assets or putting them into other people's names

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My list for witness protection would be different than if I were to evacuate for a disaster.


No important papers because the government would give me new important papers. Including a library card. And hopefully credit cards.


Definitely completely different than for a disaster! 


I am not sure what papers the government would provide. An ID perhaps. Not holding my breath that they would provide fake paperwork verifying educational achievement, or access to my assets.

We would never be able to work in our jobs, or anything similar.

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Definitely completely different than for a disaster! 


I am not sure what papers the government would provide. An ID perhaps. Not holding my breath that they would provide fake paperwork verifying educational achievement, or access to my assets.


Ditto. And there's also private witness protection as well, so any documents provided might be non-governmental. 




I also find it interesting that everyone here is assuming being relocated in the same country as they are currently. 

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The usual WP set up is that all basic household items are set up, and the pantry has been stocked.


If everyone only gets 1 medium suitcase/person, I think that goes to clothing, meds, toiletries, identity documents and a few sentimental items + electronics which already have books, photos, etc. 


We live that way a few months out of most years.  


I don't know that it matters whether we are in the same country or not.  I've lived abroad.  You still need clothing, meds, and toiletries during those first few days.  The other "true" thing is that people rebuild lives from suitcases all of the time.  What you really need is access to money and identification documents to do that.


ETA: Either your assets are getting liquidated by others through powers of attorney or someone is packing and shipping your belongings.  My point is that even if you are getting new id documents, you need papers to manage the process.  If you are remaining in the US, you are still going to be paying taxes under a new id number.  If you live abroad, you're still going to be paying taxes to the US under a new id number.  It's not like you get to magically stop being an income earner for life.

Edited by kbeal
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Can't give a definitive answer without more details. Assuming food is provided. In general terms:



My teddy bear. Kids can choose their own special momento.


Photo albums

The dog and his bowls and toys



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I assume they can. But there also is private witness relocation / bodyguard services that can be anywhere in the world. 


How so, and quickly? You can't just settle easily in another country


Private services cannot provide you with an actual new identity that is legit, can they? So you'd still be the old person, just heavily guarded?

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How so, and quickly? You can't just settle easily in another country


Private services cannot provide you with an actual new identity that is legit, can they? So you'd still be the old person, just heavily guarded?


 Pretty much yes you'd just be under heavy guard. Or old person with fake documents with a new identity that is plausible. Working would be out of the question but I'm assuming it would be anyways in that type of situation. 

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 Pretty much yes you'd just be under heavy guard. Or old person with fake documents with a new identity that is plausible. Working would be out of the question but I'm assuming it would be anyways in that type of situation. 


I think in regular federal witness protection they get an actual identity and will be living regular lives with jobs and school.


I would hate either, but being guarded under house confinement without the ability to work would be so much worse.

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A whole hour?  It never takes me a whole hour to pack.  :P


I would bring our laptops, cell phones, legal papers, and several days' worth of clothes.  If not allowed to have my same electronics, I'd make sure all my data was transferred in some way or other.


I assume the new place would have internet, library, I'd have a car (or other reasonable transportation) and a home with the usual amenities and access to my money.

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Interesting comment on the legal papers.  My kids were adopted and have their citizenship due to legal formalities I had to do and document.  I'd probably hold onto that information until I was 100% sure their legal status as (a) my kids and (b) US citizens were settled under the new identities.

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I have no idea - do they let you tell your friends and family when you "disappear"?  How long before you are allowed to contact them again?  Is there some code so spies would not recognize you if they spied on your mom's computer?

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Just as I suspected: no diaries, photo albums, pictures. Which means, they will probaly also not allow laptops.


When witnesses enter the program, stern administrators keep them from taking anything that reveals their identity: family albums, diaries, even pictures and notes drawn by kindergarteners for witnesses’ kids. Worse, witnesses’ memories seem equally off limits in their new life.





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Before I can answer, I need to ask a few questions:

Not be able to shop? You mean, we have to take food and basic houshehold items? In that case, stocking up on food and water and essentials for weeks will take up the hour.

Do we need to pack for a plane ride or can we take a car?

Are we allowed to take diaries and photo albums, or is that prohibited because somebody who found it with us could reconstruct our old identity?

Seriously! Because...toilet paper!😳 Edited by Seasider
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I didn't read the other responses to not be influenced. I would pack:


Any money/jewelry etc. I could put my hands on. If possible, clean out bank accounts/credit cards.
​No electronic devices as they could be traced but would take older son's Nintendo game chips (have to ask though if those are linked to name somehow)

Favorite stuffed toys/blankets of kids

Clothing for 7+ days (layers as I am not sure of climate we are going to)

Small games for entertainment (cards, favorites of all of us)
​Several books with lots of content (Bible, Shakespeare, History/Science Encyclopedia, Book with game ideas)
​Paper, pencil, markers etc.

Maýbe some Legos

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This is flashing me back to when we packed to come home (to Texas) from Brazil.....obviously we had more than an hour, but we were leaving one life and coming to another, and had to reduce our life to airline luggage limits (we did not get the use of sending a separate shipment; we did get $$ to replace household goods & furniture). 


What we packed: 

1 wk of clothes, more or less (we kept tossing clothes out to take the irreplaceable stuff instead)

all the Legos, and mostly still built

photo albums, computers, Blu-Ray player (I see upthread that photo albums and presumably our computers would not be allowed...that would be painful for me, losing our photos)

my sewing machine & fabric stash

those few books that we just.couldn't.part.with. 

the bits of wall decor/home decor that say "home" to us

our paintings (removed from their frames and rolled up)

My favorite  "i can't lose those" decor items purchased in Brazil

our quilts


DH did later bring (he was going every other month, more or less, back to Brazil for a while) a few more decor items I dearly wanted but we couldn't justify in the initial packing; if I could carry those in our 1 hr, 1 suitcase per person packing limit posed in this thread, I would, but as the above took 2 suitcases each + a carry on each + 2 extra pieces of checked luggage + 3 "personal item" sized backpacks.....some of it would have to go. 


If I had to do this over again, now, today, the boys would likely be willing to break/unbuild Lego sets, which would save a lot of room. Not taking computers & photo albums would save room, and I would take the Brazil decor pieces & my nativity sets as well as again taking our paintings, unframing if needed, and our quilts, my sewing machine, clothes for a week, and our most favorite board games & card games, out of their boxes if needed for space, and whatever fabric from my stash I could pack. Oh, and iPods with our music. 


Honestly, though, the thought makes me twitch. It's survivable, but I'd not want to do it. 


For sure if we were forced to do this, I'd prioritize the "this means home to me" stuff, as we did the first time, because those are the things money cannot replace. Even more important if you're being forced to leave all you know, all your photos, all your memories...you'd need those things that act as touchstones for your family. 

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Witness protection doesn't sound fun at all.  I love my family and friends and job and I can't imaging having to let them believe I am dead and never see them again.


I would assume they are taking me somewhere where I will have furniture, food, necessities.   However, I also assume I can't take my personal computer and I would be issued a new one.


So.....clothing and the dog.  

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Well at least the feds should be able to tell my mom that I'm alive in hiding somewhere.  :/



Apparently, they may do:

" The Marshals Service facilitates communication between relocated families and some of the friends and family they left behind, but only in exceptional circumstances do people in the Witness Protection Program ever see them. Nor can they ever return home"



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A friend posed this question to me earlier today. I thought it'd be neat to see what the HIVE would choose. 


You have one hour to pack for immediate relocation in the Witness protection program for your entire family. For a while after relocation you may not be able to shop or be in public. What would you grab and why? Assume that you'll continue to homeschool after relocation, btw. 



ETA: Let's make it tougher. Assume a limit of one duffel bag or medium suitcase per person. 


Is there a washing machine and food at my new undisclosed location?

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Most of our space would go to books.  (at least 4 of the 6 suitcases)


We'd pack:


religious items (kiddush cup, menorah, shofar, tallis/tefillin, my kesuvah (religious marriage document), seder plate, etc),


Kindles (deregistered from our account)


laptops (which have our photos, our recipes, and our music backed up) [if we can't have the laptops, we'd transfer the music and recipes, and scanned images of kids' artwork... and other important files to zip drives.]


my meds


dh's CPAP


dice, cards, a couple of games (if they could fit)


A change of clothes for each of us, but not more - I assume we'd have laundry facilities and clothes feel more replaceable than our books...


My little guy would want to bring some of his favorite Playmobils and Legos... and his teddy bear, but, like the rest of us, books would be most important.


We might be able to fit some of the wall art... at least the smaller items.


Thinking about the logistics, dh would work on getting files onto zip drives, the kids and I would do the 1 change of clothes/person + sleepwear, one of the girls would help my youngest gather his favorite toys and some games, the other would gather the religious items, my son would get down the luggage and start packing things... and then I'd work on the books and get the meds/CPAP.






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Well, this is not really that different from what we actually experienced last winter during evacuation due to potential dam spillway failure.

All important paper docs

Computer and accessories

Password records

Whatever clothes you can carry / wear


The hardest thing though would be in the witness protection program that you cannot / or are discouraged from using any credentials you have earned and from working in a similar field.

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Not sure about a full list but I would definitely make sure I had a few spare bras. 


I have large volume 'books' and I can't buy 'bookshelves' off the rack. :coolgleamA:


In fact, I live in an earthquake prone area and every night before bed, I make sure my shoes and a bra are near the bed in case we need to leave the house quickly. :driving:

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I'd pack enough clothes for everyone for a couple of weeks, layers to accommodate for weather. I have a few pieces of nicer jewelry and some hand me downs that I'd want. My grandma's teacup. 


Kindles, books, and computers. DH would need his Xbox. 


Legos and a few favorite board games.


I'd grab the cash from the hiding spot in the house and see if we could pull money out of the bank, or else make sure my mom can access it.


Part of the hour would have to be spent getting all necessary work info to DH's business partner. I do all of the billing and credentialing and most of the day to day bookkeeping, so I'd need to make sure she had everything she'd need to continue without us so the business would be ok without us. 

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Legos, 4 pairs of clothes, sweater or coat (do I know where I'm headed?). 5 pair socks. Shoes.


10 pencils, sharpener, 2 small whiteboards, wet and dry erase markers.

Regular markers, handful of crayons and colored pencils, 1 ream of printer paper.


Writing road to reading, WWE, current singapore guide, textbook, and workbook. English notebook. 2 fun books to read, sci or history encyclopedia depending on what fits. His quran copy.





Cloth diapers, 8 outfits. Socks and sweater or coat if its cold or if I dont know where we are headed. Shoes.


3 baby dolls, a small pile of blocks, handful of cars. A ball. 3 books. Mei tai carrier. Few sheets of whatever is left of the color wonder paper plus markers.




Laundry detergent, 3 outfits and some pjs. I don't need a coat unless we are headed to Alaska in winter. Eyeliner. 3 towels.


4 plates, 4 cups, 2 water bottles. Sponge, dish soap, pot (not the plant type), round griddle. Spatula, cooking spoon, tea strainer, Pot holder, couple of dish towels.


Toiletries for everyone. Bidet bottle.



Am I allowed to bring my laptop? Are they giving us new phones? Will we have internet? If I can bring our desktop computer I'll bring a few DVDs - planet earth and magic school bus.




If we can bring tech, DH's bag will hold 1 computer, a tablet, their cords, and dvds. (I'm realizing now that I should go ahead and buy that dvd player now before this scenario becomes real and we are left without the option of bringing dvds to help us chill.)


Dh can have 3 outfits, plus a suit and an extra pair of undergarments since I assume he will maybe be job hunting soon? Plus socks and shoes and a coat.


He will bring one copy of quran, 2 books for him, 2 books for me. Some jewelery of mine. Massage tool. First aid kit. Alarm clock. Cologne, perfume. We will bring tea and sugar just in case they didnt provide us with any. Also a few snacks, mostly for the kids for on the way to wherever we are going, because it's likely they were supposed to be eating during that 1 hr we were packing.


And since I tried to pack way too much in my bag, the overflow will go in his.


I assume if we only get 1 duffel each then we don't have to bring blankets and pillows and food.


If I dont have enough space in the bags, I'll ditch the kitchenware save the cups, some towel(s), some pairs of clothing and all save 6 diapers. The gov can hook us up with takeout, and we can wash clothes more frequently.


And after all that, I would certainly take the time to sit down and write a list before scrambling around packing everything in sight. I would pack way too much.

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