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Help me plan my next career


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After 17 years, homeschool has finished up with youngest graduating high school.  Oldest is living at home but attending a local college, so she is pretty self sufficient.  Youngest is taking a partial gap year.  Dh has a job he enjoys.  So, what about me?  I'm 55.  I have chronic back pain, but I'm doing PT and progessing.  I can be an asset to a company. 


I haven't worked outside homeschool in over 17 years.  I have a BLS in Political Science and worked as an administrative assistant prior to marrying dh 27 years ago.  His job initially moved us every 18 months to 2 years, so I mainly worked for temp agencies or as a secretary until dc came along. 


Do I go to the local community college and get a certification in something?  Information management?  Networking?  etc.?


I'm not too thrilled with applying to local grocery store as a bagger or cash clerk.  I want something I'll enjoy.  Something I'll look forward going to on a regular basis. 


Where do I start??

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I'm in the same stage just about.


I just got back today from registering and getting my books for a class going through windows 10 and Office 360/2016! I hated spending money on my education, but I hope to land an admin. job next summer after youngest graduates. I was thinking of getting an associates or a certificate, but I hope to get away with just updating computer skills.


I don't have it all figured out, that's for sure. I know that my age will work against me in getting a job, but I won't have any chance at all if my computer skills aren't strong.


I'm 55.

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I started by taking the first vaguely responsible job that I could get, which was village post mistress three mornings a week.  No one else wanted to take it on.  While doing that I took a Microsoft Office course, just to prove that I could do it.


After two years, I started applying for office jobs and took one with a building firm working more hours - not my ideal milieu but it was fun to learn about something completely new.


After three years there, I had fulfilled the conditions to apply for admin jobs at the local university (they required three years of office experience).  I went in at a relatively low level and stayed in that job for two years.  I recently moved department to a slightly more responsible position.  I hope to stay here for two to five years then move up at least one more grade in a new job.  I have had hints that my old department would like to invite me back into a better role when the incumbent retires, so that would be good.


Good luck!


Think about how household responsibilities will be divided if you go to work.  Husband now works part time while I work full time and he mostly runs the house.  That works well for us, but might not for everyone.

Edited by Laura Corin
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Have you kept up your computer skills at all?  If you have, I would go through a temp agency again.  They will test your skills and send you out on jobs that match.  They can also send you for temp-to-perm positions.


If you haven't, that's where I would start since that's where your experience was.  


When I'm working, it's as an executive assistant.  Every position I've had for the last 20 years has been through an agency, including the one after not working for 8 years.

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Actually, if you don't desperately need the income I would start by thinking about what you enjoy. Do you like crafts, history, sports, genealogy, etc.? Maybe make a list of things you are interested in (or that you may even be an expert in). Think about what you would like from a job - is it working in a team, doing good, helping kids, travelling, meeting people etc. Once you have an idea of what would be fun, think about possible jobs that go with it. Consider the place where you live and what might be offered/needed there. There are so many possibilities. If for example you enjoy knitting you could work in a shop selling craft supplies or for a magazine or you could teach classes or sell your own designs or...


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Where do I start??

My grandma would say, "It's easiest to steer a moving ship!" So just get started.


I think the best thing is to just start talking with people about your life situation and how you're looking to go back to work. Something specific might come up or you may find others who have gone back to work and who have suggestions for you.


I'm actually working right now (after 12 years off) and that came from such a conversation between DH and a friend of his. It turned out his friend was looking for someone with my background. He also heard I was learning Hebrew for fun which made him think I'm self-motivated and a quick learner. So here I am. It is just 6 weeks, but gets me some experience and gets me moving - hence easier to steer.



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