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The Feeling Blah Teachers Lounge 8-11-2017


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Good morning and welcome to the Lounge!


Today's theme stems from the fact that I'm feeling blah, or "bleah", or *sigh*. I do have something fun going on this weekend, starting tonight -

a writers conference with guests such as Lee Goldberg and Clive Cussler  - so it's not like I don't have something to look forward to. And I did just

wake up a few minutes ago so maybe I'll feel better once the coffee and my brain have met! However, it might also be the overcast weather (and no rain)

or that I'm just so done with this heat or . . . :mellow: 


Anyone else feeling blah today? Here: see above.


What do YOU do to combat the blues? Here: I may get my essential oil diffuser going briefly, with a citrus blend, before my son wakes up and comes 

downstairs. Sadly, diffusing EOs (it doesn't matter which one or which blend) gives him a headache. I may also make a gift for a young mom-to-be.


What's going on in your world today? Here: the writers conference starts tonight and is all day tomorrow. I'd MUCH rather be at the Writers Police Academy that's

happening in Green Bay this weekend but it didn't work out this year. And someone gifted me the local conference! :coolgleamA:


Talk to me! :bigear: 

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Blah: Today I'm not very blah.  Yesterday I was blah.  Today my husband comes home (he's been gone since Sunday morning).


Combat Blues: Find something to do and get off the computer.  The computer always makes it worse.  Being productive always makes it better.  Bonus points if being productive means I make something.


What's going on: I just dropped off Cameron and a co-worker at open gym at a local gymnastics place.  They are working on tricking.  Two little girls (10yos) from taekwondo are there today, too.  I have to work on lesson plans.  I have a lot of cleaning to do.  Ani's at a program director training all day and then she's nannying for a few hours.  Cameron works this evening.  He and Jamie need to be picked up at the exact same time.  I'm picking up Cameron (at work), Ani's picking up her father (at the airport).

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Feeling blah sucks but at least you have something to look forward too this weekend!


I'm not feeling blah today, but I am feeling a bit annoyed. Someone was supposed to come at 10 to look at our gutters and roof to give us a repair estimate. 10:40 rolls around and I call to confirm we're still on for today. He says our appointment is for 11(I know we scheduled 10 but whatever, I won't let that bug me.) Fantastic, Miscommunication fixed I should see him in 20 minutes. Well it's 11:23 now and no sign of him. So he's an hour and twenty minutes late and I'm missing a fun minigolf trip with my dh and kids for nothing! Oh well.


To combat the blues I exercise, specifically kickboxing and cardio. Something high impact where I get to punch things fixes a lot of my stress! I also write.


Today I have to clean the van out and vacuum it in anticipation of our 2 week road trip on Tuesday

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Feeling blah sucks but at least you have something to look forward too this weekend!


I'm not feeling blah today, but I am feeling a bit annoyed. Someone was supposed to come at 10 to look at our gutters and roof to give us a repair estimate. 10:40 rolls around and I call to confirm we're still on for today. He says our appointment is for 11(I know we scheduled 10 but whatever, I won't let that bug me.) Fantastic, Miscommunication fixed I should see him in 20 minutes. Well it's 11:23 now and no sign of him. So he's an hour and twenty minutes late and I'm missing a fun minigolf trip with my dh and kids for nothing! Oh well.


To combat the blues I exercise, specifically kickboxing and cardio. Something high impact where I get to punch things fixes a lot of my stress! I also write.


Today I have to clean the van out and vacuum it in anticipation of our 2 week road trip on Tuesday


how annyoying


I hope he ends up showing up

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I just remembered about 20 minutes ago that we were going to take the dog and one of the cats to the Humane Society today to get their shots.

I really don't have the energy to do both, so I'm going to take the dog this week - as that's a requirement for her tags. The cat can wait.


As an aside: there's a sign in our pool (we live in a small townhouse community) that says "No dogs or cats allowed." To which the kids and I always joke,

"Well, we understand the dog part, but how are you (realistically) going to keep a cat out?"  :coolgleamA:

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I am very blah. Dh and I changed sides of the bed last night so that his left arm would be in the middle and propped up on pillows that couldn't get knocked off on the floor since he has to keep it elevated for 24 hrs. He was still a little loopy, lethargic from the anesthesia and he'd taken a hydrocodone that we had left over from our car accident, and it was clearly knocking him out. I was kind of worried, so guess who pretty much laid awake all night listening to him breathe, and constantly adjust the pillows every time his arm began to sag off to one side or the other.


I fell like something that cat dragged in, and definitely need another pot of coffee. I am feeling kind of blah about ds moving back to campus on the 30th, and blah about the fact that I really need to give ds a French lesson because I seriously do not want to make my brain engage. Oh, and eldest ds, the twenty year old, had to use his cane yesterday because the leg was hurting so badly. This as a general rule makes me experience another bout of anger at that blasted driver, and another blast of angst because despite his significant pain, the specialist couldn't squeeze him in until Aug. 31st, and that was from back in APRIL when we called for an appointment. I love this doctor, but I think I may have to encourage ds to switch to Beaumont Orthopedics because they have so many docs - all of whom are pretty amazing - that one doesn't have to wait like this to get help. So have Blah, and anger, and frustration all wrapped up into an untidy ball of nerves.


I did get the van back from the suspension place and she is good as new, runs like a dream, handles perfectly. So that was nice. Dh was feeling up to eating a good meal so we had steak and garlic mashed potatoes with steamed green beans and salads. I'm so full I don't think I'll be able to eat anything until tomorrow! It was nice to see him eating, and his pain is very manageable today. Now when they take that cast off to look at those stitches on the 17th???? I don't think he's going to feel so hot after that, and especially because they will be splinting him up after that so LOTS of jostling.


I am combating my issues by only doing a half day of schoolwork with ds since he's already made a good jump start on his senior year, drowning my brain in caffeine, and seriously considering a nap in the recliner. I have to pull it together for tomorrow because it is D-Day for writing the course syllabus for both the engineering class and the space tech/astronomy class which begin Tuesday, Sept. 5th.  We have partial outlines, but dh's mishap set us back a week so I feel the pressure to get my ducks in a row.


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Sorry you're feeling blah. Glad you have something exciting to look forward to!


I've had a good day so far and looking forward to the weekend when my dd returns from a 6-week exchange. We'll also say good-bye to the two exchange students that we hosted, which will be sad, but it was a fun time. 

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I'm feeling a little better now that I've had some breakfast and a frappe! Took the dog to get her shots only to find out that session is full and we have to go back later.

Ah, well, we'll plan better this time and hopefully get in! The reason I'm doing it this way, and not through a formal vet appointment, is to save on the office visit fee. It's not

overly expensive but when you're on a really tight budget, it's worth trying to avoid it.

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Well the guy never showed and I have to take dh to work and then have things that will keep me out of the house until I have to pick dh up at 7. Guess I gotta find a different guy. Darn it!


Ugh that stinks.  We ran into that this summer with a yard guy.  We kept calling him and he would say he would come and then never show.  After 3 or 4 times we just gave up. 

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Still (again?) feeling blah, but now I think it's because of the stupid heat. Right around 109*F again today.

We were out in it to take the dog for vaccinations, once then twice. Then we waited outside for an hour or so

for them to open up and give us our numbers. thankfully it was in shade with misters but it's still HOT. 

I SO did not like anyone in Costco when I was there afterwards. I'm supposed to go to the writers conference reception tonight

and give a friend a ride but we might have to be late while I wait for my husband to get home with his car!

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Good evening! 


I feel tired, so kind of blah! 


Combat the blahs? I don't feel that way too often, so I don't know if I try to combat it. I do like to find things to watch or play board games to pass time, though. 


Today was our first co-op of the year. I started it 6 years ago, and I'm directing it  and teaching chemistry.  We have 62 kids, Nursery-12th grade, and 26 moms. It was a very successful day. We had one new little girl crying because she didn't want to leave. Earlier this week, one mom told me that she woke up her 5 year old, and he asked her first thing if it was just 2 days until co-op because he couldn't wait!


We, also, decided on a vehicle, a 2017.5 Nissan Rogue S. We talked to our bank first, and they have great financing right now if you set up a bank draft, so we're going to arrange that Monday. That way we can get the rebate Nissan is offering but a lower rate. 





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