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Is there such a thing as high quality beach toys?

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ETA: I just realized I posted on the wrong board. I'm leaving this here just in case someone who doesn't frequent the chat board has a recommendation.


We have beach toys stored in a bin in the garage. When we went to the beach recently, I had to throw away several shovels and pails that had broken either from normal use or from the plastics becoming brittle. We plan on taking one more trip to the beach soon, and I'd like to buy a few pieces to replace what I had to toss. I prefer to buy sturdier plastic that will last longer. Is there such a thing?

Edited by extendedforecast
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Yes, we only use real gardening tools (small spades and larger shovels) and solid buckets of various sizes. They are excellent for making proper sand castles and big sand creations. The kids and adults around us often ask to borrow them because they are so effective. The metal doesn't get damaged by the water, but young children could get hurt from bashing themselves or others. They're not exactly "toys." 

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