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Dog ate peach pit any experience with this?

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Is anyone a dog expert on here? My 65 pound lab got into peach pits a few weeks ago. He was fine but it happened again. We can't figure out how. I'm the only one that eats them and I securely wrap the pit up before putting it in the garbage. The garbage is under our sink. Plus if he got into the garbage we would see evidence. We had some on the counter last week but they see in a bag far back behind something on the counter. Again we would have seen some evidence if he got a hold of one. Someone is usually home.


I thought maybe our neighbors were composting or leaving their pits outside. They are good neighbors so I hated to ask them and make them feel like I was accusing them of something. I finally called them and they also say they put the pits in their garbage outside and it has a lid. Plus we have a fence and our dog isn't getting out. He isn't out for very long. The only thing I can think is other animals are bringing the pits into the yard. I guess possibly someone else is throwing the pits into our yard but no one is ever back there. There is a good distance between or yard and the back door of the other houses. It wouldn't make sense. So we have no idea how many or how often he has eaten them.


This morning he vomited another pit. I think he threw up most of it but I'm not sure. There is no way to know if he ate more. He is acting fine now. I don't know if I should bring him to the vet. I can't drive because I had back surgery but if I have to I will have to see if someone else can. My husband isn't home.

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That is a small, benign thing for a typical lab to eat. I wouldn't worry unless he stops eating, pooping and otherwise seems "stopped up."

Ok good. I googled it and it really made me worry but I would assume it would be worse for small dogs. I was hoping it was something I could just keep an eye on rather than rush him to the vet. He vomited but seems fine. I just wish I could figure out where he is finding them.

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Ok good. I googled it and it really made me worry but I would assume it would be worse for small dogs. I was hoping it was something I could just keep an eye on rather than rush him to the vet. He vomited but seems fine. I just wish I could figure out where he is finding them.

If he vomited it whole then I wouldn't worry. But don't peach pits contain cyanide? But I think the amount is pretty small.

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That's the strange thing. There aren't any trees nearby at all. We live in a subdivision and most of the backyards are fenced. Our dogs are fenced up and can't reach anything. I'm just wondering if somehow another animal could be bringing them into our yard. I'm also not 100% he vomited the whole thing. I should have looked more but I was just struggling to clean up due to my back. It looked like he did. I worry a bit about the cyanide bit he seems 100% normal.

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Is there anything a Lab won't eat? :D


I would worry unless the dog starts acting strangely (as they would if there was a blockage).



Exactly. And he is so sneaky. We had a box of donuts on the middle of the table. We thought he couldn't reach it. Dh got the donuts at night and there were a few we were saving for breakfast. Darn I was looking forward to it. Anyway I went to get my donut in the morning and it was gone-no crumbs on the table , the box was shut. No one else's took it. We learned our lesson though and are very careful now.

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My 19 pound schnauzer eats palm nuts and vomits them every time she gets one. They look just like peach pits, only smaller. She is a walking garbage can and has amazed me at the junk she's picked up out of neighbors' yards. Even with supervision, she is so fast that sometimes she's eaten some really gross things before I could get them away from her.


I would agree that you don't need to worry unless she stops eating or pooping. I would probably also take her to the vet if she appears to be trying to vomit but nothing comes up. Anything that indicates a blockage or affects her behavior significantly requires a vet trip. I don't worry about the other stuff she eats.

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