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First Day of School traditions?

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Our first day of second grade is next Monday. Last year I pulled my twins out of PS first grade so there really wasn't any "first day of (home)school" activity or celebration.


Just wondering if anyone does anything exciting to commemorate the first day of school? I was thinking lunch and ice cream out afterwards. The first day of school was always kind of exciting at PS, meeting new teachers and friends. I just want to make our first day of school feel special in its own way, kwim?

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We do a relaxed, intro day.


I pull out all the books I have for the year and let them peruse. I go over whatever new systems/checklists I've devised for the year (which happened to be a lot this year! Planning is my favorite). I print out those "first day of 3rd grade" type printables I found on Pinterest and I take pictures. We also did a short round of the Morning Time loop.


Some days we've gone to a local museum with friends. This time our first day happened to be on half price shakes at Sonic day, so we got shakes for everyone.


We started on a Wednesday, so Thursday and Friday were also more relaxed. Only half the amount of work I'll eventually expect, and some drawing and art projects. My kids also love science, so I was sure to do a demonstration the second day.


Yesterday was our first full day. Today is our second. And we're late getting started. Maybe I should stop typing now. :)

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We always:

Decorate "signs" with the new grade level on it (take pictures holding it)

Fill out an interest survey for each kid (favorite show, food, hobbies)

An artsy hand-print craft (because I'm sentimental)

Write/draw about favorite summer memory


Then we look at all the subjects/new books.

We don't have any specific field trips or meals out. Besides, we do those sorts of things all year long. :p

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I keep all our materials for the year in a box as I collect it, and then on the first day of school we open it and go through it together. The kids get so excited, and usually spend the rest of our time exploring the materials. It's like Christmas. I unveil their schedules to them, and usually start our first read aloud. It's great fun, and kind of sets the stage for them for what to expect for the year.

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Dessert for breakfast (although this year we had crepes), fun activity for the day like a new children's museum or bounce house place, go out to eat for dinner. Also fun new school supplies. We don't actually do any school on the first day of school.

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We do

a first day picture on the porch,

interview questions,

a few minutes looking at new books and going over the new schedule,

a token amount of work,

give the newly raised allowance, and usually

go play at a park or something.


This year it looks like my dad will be visiting, so that will be especially fun.

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For our first day of school, I decorate the workroom with balloons, streamers, banners (which I've reused every year....7 years now)  and number signs indicating the girls' new grade level.  I put out all of our new books, workbooks and supplies, along with special treats.  Sometimes a new shirt, jammies or something they've been dreaming about. We put in a relatively full day day of school, but the girls love the excitement of it all.  Daddy tries to join us each year and his participation makes the day even more memorable.  We plan an adventure (i.e., beach day, park visit, aquarium) when the public schools start; the girls love knowing that we're on a field trip while their public school friends are at school. 

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I get a small white board from Dollar Tree, and write "x grade" on it, and then take a picture of dd holding it in the same spot as previous years. We also go easy on school work the first week. This year, dd wanted to do a unit study on the sun, so we are doing that the first week. We are not a unit study family (I don't count preschool), so this will be a memorable week for her.

Edited by knitgrl
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We do pictures with the kids holding a sign that says their grade and what they want to be when they grow up. Then we go out for our not-back-to-school breakfast at IHOP. We do a small amount of work aimed at getting them acquainted with materials and routines. I try to get a lot of time in at a park to burn off all those breakfast carbs.

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We do something a little different every year. It always involves going out for breakfast and a fun field trip. I've done a scavenger hunt around the house to find school supplies and I gave them homeschool coupons last year to use for fun things during our school year. This year I think I'm going to make our living room an escape room and have some new school supplies and a trip to the beach as the prize that's locked up at the end.

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No.  We just start on week #1 assignments. I'm not temperamentally inclined to celebrating and commemorating minor things like moving up/completing a grade level and starting/ending a school year.   She did just have a birthday party the weekend before with a dozen friends over.

We do celebrate high school graduation, but don't do an 8th grade graduation.

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Chelli that sounds amazing! Will you do a blog post about it? I'd love to see how to you out that together!




Definitely a blog post about it. I thought about making a free printable for it, but it's turning out to be very specific to our house so not something that I could replicate to fit everyone's home.


The kids are SO excited!

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Definitely a blog post about it. I thought about making a free printable for it, but it's turning out to be very specific to our house so not something that I could replicate to fit everyone's home.


The kids are SO excited!

I can only imagine how excited they must be! I can't wait to read about it! The are so lucky to have such a creative mom!

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We make tie dye t-shirts as our school uniform.

My kids get new back to school pj's.

We have chocolate cake for breakfast.

I also buy surprises for my kids - like craft projects or things like that. Or coloring books. They can work on them as I read aloud.

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