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Does this make sense?


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A person in my life is boycotting certain companies because of certain things they support. So, I named a few more companies that support the same thing. Person said they wouldnt be boycotting them because they werent going out looking for places to boycott, but if the company made a big deal about it thats when they boycotted. Is there a difference? I dont think so.

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I can sort of see that point of view.  


If a local business made it abundantly clear (through speech, attitude, ambiance, etc) that they were strongly religious and thought that me and my atheist children were going to hell, I would take my business elsewhere.


OTOH, I don't particularly care about a business proprietor's religious beliefs if they keep them to themselves.  I tend to be of the opinion that in a civilized society, a store owner and I should be able to conduct business even if we privately disagree on many personal and ethical issues.



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In a way yes. If a company takes a strong stance on something my friends don't agree with, it would make sense for them to boycott if possible. If it is something a company support but is not gung-ho about it, it won't make sense to boycott if it means leaving my friends with very little purchasing choices.


For example a working single girlfriend is against animal cruelty but she is not a vegetarian. If she were to check that all her meat source are from "humane farms" before buying her lunch, she would most likely have to skip fast foods and food courts. She can be "picky" during the weekends but she works long hours plus overtime during the week.

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When I was in college, I had a roommate one summer who posted a list of companies she was boycotting because they somehow contributed to pornography (it was never clear where the list came from or in what way the companies supported porn). She would make little under-her-breath comments if her roomies bought things that were on the banned list. Yet every day she would go to the quick shop near our apartment to refill her drink cup, even though the store sold hard-core bagged porn magazines on display behind the counter. 

Edited by Word Nerd
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