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morning sickness


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If you had it, what week did it start. With my other 3 it was the first symptom, but Im super early in this pregnancy. I wake up every morning dreading feeling morning sickness (all day sickness) again, but nothing yet. Just curious. I seriously doubt I will avoid it, I'm just wondering when to expect it.

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I have little symptoms right away, but everything hits me at 6 weeks. That's the point when I pretty much crawl into bed and hide from the world for 2 months.

6 week huh? Yeah I literally did crawl into bed and hide for 2 months the first pregnancy and only wanted to with the other ones.

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From 8 weeks to a week before birth, I had hyperemesis and was in and out of the hospital. I hope your ms is mild and doesn't last long!

Thanks for your kind wishes. I was super sick with 1 and 3 and more tired than sick but some sick with 2. Im hoping for more tired than sick.

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With my others, not until about 8 weeks. With this one, it was very early- probably closer to 5 weeks. My only recommendation is get to the OB/GYN for some medicine!  It's the only thing that has kept it under control for me this time. Every time I think I'm good and I can skip a night, I regret it. 

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Mine tends to start at around 4 weeks and peaks around 7, but I have had several pregnancies with no morning sickness at all, just food aversions.

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Mine got progressively better. With my oldest, it was horrible. Hospitalized with dehydration. It was 20 weeks until I only threw up a couple of times a day. The fourth child was the easiest. Started around 8 weeks instead of 5-6, and I didn't know I was pregnant until 9-10. I thought I had a virus my kids brought home.


(Actually, my first pregnancy ended fairly early in a miscarriage and I didn't have any morning sickness.)

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Around 7 weeks for me. And it clears up around week 16.


My poor friend with hyperemesis is pregnant at the moment and it's her first symptom at 4 weeks, lasting all day and night, every day, until birth. Brutal.

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My morning sickness lasted

7 weeks-20 weeks (boy)

4 weeks (the day I missed my period)-20 weeks (boy)

6 weeks-11 weeks (girl)

5 weeks-12 weeks (girl)

5 weeks-17 weeks (boy)


... clearly I'm allergic to boys :P But anyway, some pregnancies you really can have significantly less. I found generally if it started later it ended earlier.

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From 8 weeks to a week before birth, I had hyperemesis and was in and out of the hospital. I hope your ms is mild and doesn't last long!

Oh, how awful! Mine was not as bad, no hospitalization. I started feeling sick about week 5, I think. Finally felt great after twins were born. I still remember the first sickness. I projectile vomited a bit of toast and ginger marmalade about 15 feet into the next room. I was completely fine the day before.


I list 20-25 lbs during the second month, but doctor said babies were fine. He explained that they will take all the nutrients they need, mother then gets any left overs, something like that.


It sounds as though everyone is so different!

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Mine got progressively better. With my oldest, it was horrible. Hospitalized with dehydration. It was 20 weeks until I only threw up a couple of times a day. The fourth child was the easiest. Started around 8 weeks instead of 5-6, and I didn't know I was pregnant until 9-10. I thought I had a virus my kids brought home.


(Actually, my first pregnancy ended fairly early in a miscarriage and I didn't have any morning sickness.)

Oh, I am sorry. I have heard that morning sickness is a good sign.

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With each pregnancy, the morning sickness started earlier but was milder overall.  It lasted throughout the pregnancy, but definitely eased up each trimester.  I started out overweight with each pregnancy and didn't gain any weight because I was nauseated so much.  After delivery, I usually would be about twenty pounds lighter than before I was pregnant!  

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I didn't have any morning sickness with my two boys, but with my dd - oh man, I was sooo sick. I couldn't even stand to think about any of my favorite foods, let alone eat them, and I barely gained any weight. I suspected it was a girl right off the bat because I felt so different than I had with the boys.

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Usually between 5 and 6 weeks, and gone around 16 to 18 weeks. This pregnancy has been the worst, throwing up daily until 26 weeks, now it's jest a few times per week and I am so thankful! I had all day nausea until just recently, it's been very hard to just function. Hope yours stays at bay!

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Maybe you will be fortunate and not have it. Not everyone does. I was never sick during my triplet pregnancy. Or maybe you're having multiples :)

Just kidding. Congratulations and hope all goes well.

It would be nice not to have morning sickness. Oh my about multiples. I might just curl. up and die Im not sure I could do that.

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About 6 weeks. I had hyperemesis as well and was very sick throughout my pregnancy, although it subsided somewhat around 20 weeks. It was horrible enough for me that I decided I never wanted to be pregnant again.


Hugs to you for a great and hopefully vomit-free pregnancy!


ETA LOL about the multiples comment! I didn't find out I was having twins until my 20 week ultrasound. I almost vomited right then and there and about fell off the table :)

Edited by tdbates78
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