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Things you irrationally hate


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I irrationally hate people who call their spouse Ma,Pa, Mother, Father. It is just weird and creepy to me. I will refer to my spouse as father when speaking about him to the children. I do not call him father.


Being late. I hate being late. I do everything in my power not to be late. I live with people who have no sense if time.


The sand at the beach. It gets into everything.

Me, too. On all three, really. But particularly the mother/father thing. And sister/brother bothers me, too. Not in the, "Hey, sis! How's it going?" way but in the "Give sister the book." way. It creeps me out. Shudder.

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Bottom, I say bottom. What creeps me out is when people say tail. Ugh do people do that where you all are from? Every time someone says that I pretend to be shocked that they have a tail. Like, awww the poor baby fell down and hurt her tail, Im all OMG your kid has a tail. I saw something like that on Ripleys Believe It or Not. Are you going to get it removed when she gets older?


Something else that bugs me is grandparents calling their grandkids their babies. This used to send me into a rage. Another is grandparents correcting my kids. Im sitting right there back the f down. My inlaws when they tell my 4 year old over and over he isnt a baby anymore. He is a huge Mama's boy and loves playing baby and I love to play baby with him. Its no secret I enjoy my littles being little. Why rush it?

Not sure if those count as irrational hates, but I guess just people and granparents crossing boundaries.


Oh, people and their phones. I just hate people glued to their phones. We were at a dr. appt once for ds, he was a bit nervous about, so we were playing quite a bit to keep his mind off it, this woman was trying to talk to someone on her phone and she actually had the nerve to shhhh my son. He was like 2 1/2. 1. if you need quiet leave 2. dont tell my baby, tell me if you have a problem.

I thought more about this later. My irrational dislike for the word stems from my MIL and her attitude towards cussing. When she says it, it drives me nuts because, well, MILs. I must have been annoyed with her that day.


I probably wouldn't notice if you said it.

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There's a roundabout near my house. Every single holiday weekend, there are out-of-towners driving the wrong way through the roundabout. Every. Single. Time. (I know someone's pet peeve has to be using a period after every word for emphasis... did it on purpose, sorry!)


DH knows when I get home from running errands those weekends, it'll be ten minutes of me griping about people that can't drive the right direction. Or in the actual road. I've seen people cut across it!


I am 51 years old and never have seen one of these in my life! I looked it up and think I would die if I ever came across one! Panic! How exactly *do* you know which way to go? Are there signs? I only looked at a quick online diagram.

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I am 51 years old and never have seen one of these in my life! I looked it up and think I would die if I ever came across one! Panic! How exactly *do* you know which way to go? Are there signs? I only looked at a quick online diagram.


Wait...are you saying you've never even heard of them? I can totally understand never having seen one, but not having heard of them floors me. Where do you live?


The aren't common in my state. Every one I know of is signed to let you know how to drive them properly. And yet people mess it up all the time.

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Wait...are you saying you've never even heard of them? I can totally understand never having seen one, but not having heard of them floors me. Where do you live?


The aren't common in my state. Every one I know of is signed to let you know how to drive them properly. And yet people mess it up all the time.

They are all over the place in the UK. This is the magic roundabout




Edited by Laura Corin
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I am 51 years old and never have seen one of these in my life! I looked it up and think I would die if I ever came across one! Panic! How exactly *do* you know which way to go? Are there signs? I only looked at a quick online diagram.


FWIW I never grew up with roundabouts (they're called circles here in PA), but I absolutely love them.  They allow traffic to move much more quickly rather than backing up as with stop signs or lights.  The one intersection very near me that was changed from stop signs to a circle has had far fewer accidents than before, so don't dismiss them before trying them if they come to your area.  I'm pretty sure there's a reason more areas are getting them.  Two reasons to be more specific - quicker traffic and fewer accidents.  Just because something is different than what one is used to doesn't mean it's worse.


We have tourists in our area all the time (I live near Gettysburg) and I've yet to see anyone drive the wrong way in the circles.  There was one person who tried to drive straight through one once (rather than around on the paved part).  However, he was drunk, so I'm not convinced it was the circle that caused the accident.   :glare:

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roundabouts and 2 way stops (wait these other people don't have to stop?)


But it's rational to me, because I feel like my odds of getting into an accident go up a huge percent

I hate them, too. Maybe if I rode around in the same one all the time it would be ok, but in the past month, I've driven through 3 of them that were utterly perplexing.


There is one up the street from me that is simple and easy to navigate--a single lane at a crossroad, so you can easily tell if where the first, second, and third exit of the roundabout are. But the ones I've been in lately, have been weirdly shaped, have been 2 lanes each and sometimes the lanes drop off and sometimes they don't, and they've had 5 or 6 branches off from them...on and on. I ended up exiting in the wrong spot each time I hit those circles (roundabouts.). And I'm pretty sure I cut a few people off by accident.



As far as dishes going on the right or left side of the sink: it depends on where the dishwasher is. The dirty dishes go on the side where the dishwasher is.

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So.... after reading this thread and thinking how much I'd hate to see drivers around here navigate multi-lane roundabouts... guess what they're building?! :D

When they put one in on the main intersection in DH's brother's town, a couple of retired guys set up lawn chairs on the grass in the middle of the roundabout to watch all the confused drivers. It's a smallish town, if this story doesn't make it obvious.

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When they put one in on the main intersection in DH's brother's town, a couple of retired guys set up lawn chairs on the grass in the middle of the roundabout to watch all the confused drivers. It's a smallish town, if this story doesn't make it obvious.

That sounds spectacularly unsafe!!
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I hate high traffic roundabouts like by my sister in D.C. I am always afraid I won't be able to get over. Like Chevy Chase in European Family Vacation (side note-totally devastated when I went to England and that movie roundabout was a lie).

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I'll add mine since it's happening as we speak.


I hate it when someone  ;)  says they're going to bed then proceeds to play computer solitaire on their computer for 20-30mins.  Ugh.  Go to bed!


But, I *love* roundabouts.   :001_wub:   Completely agree with Creekland - just to lazy to quote.  :)  

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When people lollygag right in the way at the grocery store.  If you've run into an old friend, or you're looking for a coupon, or contemplating life, how about not standing right in the middle of the aisle and then being oblivious to the traffic jam you're creating?  I mean, I know the aisles aren't huge, but that's all the more reason to be courteous and at least try to get out of people's way.  



That time when two people on motorized carts stopped *next to each other* in the aisle to talk about the antacids. :huh:

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The word preggo.


Misuse of the word "literally." i.e., He was literally driving me up a wall.



My oldest son started saying "literally" with everything he would say. It was pretty annoying and we couldn't figure out what started it. One day I was talking and I realized I used "literally" several times. I turned in horror to my husband and said "IT'S. ME."
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FWIW I never grew up with roundabouts (they're called circles here in PA), but I absolutely love them.  They allow traffic to move much more quickly rather than backing up as with stop signs or lights.  The one intersection very near me that was changed from stop signs to a circle has had far fewer accidents than before, so don't dismiss them before trying them if they come to your area.  I'm pretty sure there's a reason more areas are getting them.  Two reasons to be more specific - quicker traffic and fewer accidents.  Just because something is different than what one is used to doesn't mean it's worse.


We have tourists in our area all the time (I live near Gettysburg) and I've yet to see anyone drive the wrong way in the circles.  There was one person who tried to drive straight through one once (rather than around on the paved part).  However, he was drunk, so I'm not convinced it was the circle that caused the accident.   :glare:

I can't even imagine where they would put one in my area. I live in a rural area with mostly woods, even on either side of the interstate. Our interstates are only 2 lanes each way. Our roads in town are just little two lane roads (if that) and rush hour is when there are more than 3 other cars on the road with you at the same time. I never really travel more than an hour away from home, and there are none of those things anywhere I have ever driven. 


I still think they look terrifying. I even hate getting on the interstate of the closest bigger city because cars absolutely will not get over or let you in half the time. I guess they'd be great if everybody was polite and didn't drive like an idiot. 

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I can't even imagine where they would put one in my area. I live in a rural area with mostly woods, even on either side of the interstate. Our interstates are only 2 lanes each way. Our roads in town are just little two lane roads (if that) and rush hour is when there are more than 3 other cars on the road with you at the same time. I never really travel more than an hour away from home, and there are none of those things anywhere I have ever driven.


I still think they look terrifying. I even hate getting on the interstate of the closest bigger city because cars absolutely will not get over or let you in half the time. I guess they'd be great if everybody was polite and didn't drive like an idiot.

One leg of our roundabout is actually an interstate entrance ramp. Which is why there is so much confusion when people are visiting.


Also, when there is traffic backed up on the highway (there's construction going on right now), people like to u-turn and EXIT down the ENTRANCE ramp, which adds even more chaos to the situation. It's just nuts.

Edited by BarbecueMom
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They are taking out many of the circles around here.  Switching them to various systems of traffic lights or jughandles.    One of them - the Ledgewood Circle - was turned into what people call the "Ledgewood Triangle".   The circle joined two major highways lined with businesses and crazy at rush hour.  Evidently people used to go around the circle at full highway speed and crash all the time.


According to wikipedia, NJ started phasing out traffic circles in the 70's.  



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Those of you who find roundabouts confusing, Google diverging diamond.


I love roundabouts.  I hate stopping :P.


We also have a fairly new diverging diamond and I think it's brilliant.  People tend to complain about it, but I think that's just because it's different.  It has eased traffic congestion at the intersection and it's well marked, so it's easy to drive.

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For those who think or believe the myth that roundabouts are more dangerous - try googling.  


I put in "Are Roundabouts Safe" and got tons of options using studies to show they are safer and more efficient for moving traffic more quickly.  This is just the top one:




Studies have shown that roundabouts are safer than traditional stop sign or signal-controlled intersections. 

Roundabouts reduced injury crashes by 75 percent at intersections where stop signs or signals were previously used for traffic control, according to a study by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS). Studies by the IIHS and Federal Highway Administration have shown that roundabouts typically achieve:

  • A 37 percent reduction in overall collisions
  • A 75 percent reduction in injury collisions
  • A 90 percent reduction in fatality collisions
  • A 40 percent reduction in pedestrian collisions

This thread is about irrational things one hates, so hating roundabouts definitely falls into that category though.  ;)

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I love roundabouts. I hate stopping :P.


We also have a fairly new diverging diamond and I think it's brilliant. People tend to complain about it, but I think that's just because it's different. It has eased traffic congestion at the intersection and it's well marked, so it's easy to drive.

I love them, too. They are putting one in at my high school, and I think it will be great after the first week. Diverging diamonds are great until someone sits in the middle of the intersection and gridlock!

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The word preggo.


My oldest son started saying "literally" with everything he would say. It was pretty annoying and we couldn't figure out what started it. One day I was talking and I realized I used "literally" several times. I turned in horror to my husband and said "IT'S. ME."

The call is coming from inside the house. :lol:

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I thought of another one today when dh and I had lunch out - thick sandwiches. They used to be called a Dagwood sandwich though today's versions are healthier. I hate it when I order a sandwich out and it's piled with so much stuff that you have to open your mouth really wide and you still can't take a proper bite. Then half the stuff falls out onto the plate because you squeezed it trying to make it flatter so it will fit in your mouth. Yeah. I hate that. Not sure if that's actually irrational though.

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Before I get to the quotes, I HATE "Drifters." If you do this, STOP IT! These are the people who, upon seeing the traffic signal ahead turn yellow, decide to slooooooow down and just drift into place. Yes, you need to reasonably prepare to stop, but you do not need to take your foot off the gas and try to make the drift last until the light changes. YOU ARE BLOCKING THE TURN LANES and causing the people BEHIND you to miss the right or left turn lights. All because you didn't want to actually stop. You didn't THINK of the drivers BEHIND you, DID you!?!?


Moving on . . .


I cannot bear soup in a ziploc baggie. It looks so amorphous and suddenly unappealing. Soup must go in a firm container.



Milk must go in a glass and not a plastic cup. It just does.


I think this with our kids and the idiom "like a broken record." No kid the generation of my children has ever *heard* a skipping record.



What about "books on tape" or "filming" an event?



Interesting that some say seer-up.  We're all going through memories this morning to see if we know of anyone who pronounces it that way - and hubby is from the south (VA/NC) - but even he uses sir-up.  I suspect it's more southern than he is?  Or is it regional elsewhere and we just don't eat things with syrup enough to have heard it (or put it into memory if it were in the background)?



Could be Appalachian. May Mamaw says seer up (and "yellow" when she answers the phone.)


I am 51 years old and never have seen one of these in my life! I looked it up and think I would die if I ever came across one! Panic! How exactly *do* you know which way to go? Are there signs? I only looked at a quick online diagram.



It's EASY. It's ALL right turns.



No clue. Now we still have analog, but they they are being slowly replaced. The younger crowd mostly do not even wear watches anymore.



Around here you still see watches on all ages because not every business allows phones to come into offices. They're not secure.


They are taking out many of the circles around here.  Switching them to various systems of traffic lights or jughandles.    One of them - the Ledgewood Circle - was turned into what people call the "Ledgewood Triangle".   The circle joined two major highways lined with businesses and crazy at rush hour.  Evidently people used to go around the circle at full highway speed and crash all the time.


According to wikipedia, NJ started phasing out traffic circles in the 70's.


Friggin Jersey. I HATE jug handles. Also, people who learned to drive there can never seem to let go of that level of aggression when they leave the state. I get how it's useful, almost necessary to navigate the roads in NJ, but it's over-the-top MOST other places.

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Friggin Jersey. I HATE jug handles. Also, people who learned to drive there can never seem to let go of that level of aggression when they leave the state. I get how it's useful, almost necessary to navigate the roads in NJ, but it's over-the-top MOST other places.

More people honked their horns at me in New Jersey in a single afternoon than everywhere else in all my other days of driving. What is UP with Jersey drivers?! Chill, people!

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More people honked their horns at me in New Jersey in a single afternoon than everywhere else in all my other days of driving. What is UP with Jersey drivers?! Chill, people!

My theory is that it's absolutely socially acceptable there to use it as a communication device there. EVERYWHERE else it's more of a safety device to use sparingly and only when a horn can prevent an accident.

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I wish they would replace one particularly busy four-way stop in town with a roundabout. They're annoying when people just sit there waiting for a sign from God (I guess?) to enter the circle or when they stop in the middle for no apparent reason, but when most people know what to do they're a time-saver.

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Has anyone said phone calls yet?

Not sure if anyone said it on this thread, but it's come up in the past that many people hate making phone calls. (I'm one of them.). I have to put it on the calendar at a set time. That's the only way I can make myself make calls. "Call the mechanic at 11:00 on Tuesday." I still hate doing it, but if it's on the calendar at a set time, then I'll get it over with.

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I wish they would replace one particularly busy four-way stop in town with a roundabout. They're annoying when people just sit there waiting for a sign from God (I guess?) to enter the circle or when they stop in the middle for no apparent reason, but when most people know what to do they're a time-saver.

True, but, as an aside, teaching teen drivers to navigate a traffic circle is one of those Have-to-Do jobs that I dread. I feel like a sports commentator as we approach: "Okay, so here we have a traffic circle. As you enter, you must yield to anyone already in the circle and coming on your left, but you don't stop if the circle is clear; you just go in...no, see, that car is coming so you have to STOOOOOOOOPPPP! NO, NOT NOW!!! NOW, YOU HAVE TO GOOOO!"

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Not sure if anyone said it on this thread, but it's come up in the past that many people hate making phone calls. (I'm one of them.). I have to put it on the calendar at a set time. That's the only way I can make myself make calls. "Call the mechanic at 11:00 on Tuesday." I still hate doing it, but if it's on the calendar at a set time, then I'll get it over with.

I just posted a video skit on my FB about this. I don't know if it will work if I try to share it here? Might not work for people who aren't FB friends with me.



Edited by Quill
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I just posted a video skit on my FB about this. I don't know if it will work if I try to share it here? Might not work for people who aren't FB friends with me.




I can see it since it's public.  I also saw that you recently lost your kitty.  I'm so sorry.   :grouphug: We have a black cat and she is so special to us.  

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