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Things you irrationally hate


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People looking at their cellphones in a movie theater. I know it's not talking/noise, but the giant beam of light is really annoying. If you're going to do that, just watch your movies at home & let the rest of us enjoy the theater experience.

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The stores here have very narrow check out lanes. I am NOT very narrow. I have to go in front of my cart to get everything out if I'm buying more than I can fit in the top kid-seat space. I can't just walk around the cart to unload and then back, but I DO move my cart along and get out of the way. I'm thinking me plus my cart take up the same space whether I'm in front or behind, so I can't picture the problem, other than the person is an idiot doing something far stupider than I am by simply being as wide as a grocery lane and therefore they are fully deserving of your anger. :D


I think the problem is if you don't slide the cart near the bagging area then the cart is maybe in the conveyor belt area where someone behind is trying to use the conveyor belt. I feel like I'm doing everything wrong all the time in the grocery store. I'm sure I'm annoying someone lol. If I'm worrying about where my cart is and trying to move it along the cashier is waiting on me to pay. I just try my best to unload, usher ds and the cart forward and see if I can get some bagged items in the cart if the cashier is still scanning.


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When a company changes a product without warning and then labels it "original" or "classic." Like Skittles for example always included lime and then suddenly it was green apple, and lime never came back... and now they call the new variety with green apple "original". I'm getting mad just typing this out.


Stray cats or dogs in my yard. Cats more than dogs.


Mint in general unless I am eating it myself. It is worst to smell it on someone else's breath.


Brown headed cowbirds. Just hearing them makes me angry.


Contagious people going out to public places when it is not absolutely necessary. Let's tie in public school attendance laws here.

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Waking up in the freaka fracka morning.


Being talked to in the morning.


Having to go anywhere in the morning.


Waking up to any challenge in the morning. (You know, like a kid had a bloody nose in the night kinda thing ....)


Morning talk on the radio. Especially them laughing at their own jokes. Just play some music already!


Having anyone look at my computer screen (unless invited). (Which I think my kid just did.) (Gonna beat that kid.)


Stupid fights that the other person / people won't let go of. Especially if I have to get involved. (OK maybe that isn't irrational, but it's on my mind right now.)

To the first bold: i laughed out loud! Yes! This! Just SHUT UP already. I will talk in an hour, not now. The worst of all for me is when I am actually still *in bed*, with my eyes closed (I'm waking up, but I'm not actually up yet) and DH starts asking me about some detail, like, "Where are the pair of pants I set here yesterday?" I seriously just want to scream, "MY EYES ARE CLOSED! DO NOT ASK ME QUESTIONS!" Sometimes I just play dead and refuse to seem awake.


To the second bold: OMG, same. My noise tolerence in the morning is just way lower than the rest of the day and TBH, I'm always on the noise-intolerant side. When my MIL was staying here (she has left for a different sibling's house now), her propensity to watch the morning TV news magazine shows was one thing that really annoyed me. I mean, not that I ever indicated it to her, and generally, I was busy with morning tasks by then anyway and wasn't in the room so much. But that cackling of Kelly Rippa and Ryan Seacrest! The banter and the jokes; I just HATED it all! I kept thinking, "WHY do people watch this on purpose?!"

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People looking at their cellphones in a movie theater. I know it's not talking/noise, but the giant beam of light is really annoying. If you're going to do that, just watch your movies at home & let the rest of us enjoy the theater experience.

This makes me think of a time I was tourimg a cave in Colorado. At one point, the guide asked that we would all power down our phones/devices, because he wanted us to appreciate the complete darkness. But there was a couple there that did not speak English. They did not seem to understand his insteuctions and they were turning their phones *on* while he was trying to shut off all light. It was kind of funny. I think they thought he was asking for them to turn it ON so it wouldn't be total darkness! 😄

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Travel related:


People who talk during an airline's safety presentation especially when a IRL human is giving it.


People who can read and get freaked out and panic at the airport. Um it's in your native tongue and there are signs, pictures, AND arrows!!!


People who talk like they know what the sounds are that an airplane is doing. "Oh honey...the flaps moved." And then proceed to educate everyone within earshot on aircraft mechanics. I'm like "um no those are the spoilers."


People who get angry at gate agents for weather. I'm like, "you wanna fly in a tin can in that?????"


The TSA and why we need it in the first place.


People who fly in PJs. Seriously. Would you wear them on public transport? Don't do it here. There are Plenty of other attire options for comfort.

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The current mermaid trend.


Going to the post office.


When people call Retroactive Dibs. This is a phrase I made up because it irks me when someone is talking about something and in the conversation someone just HAS to mention how looooong ago they saw it. WHY? If that's all you have to contribute, why do you need the op to know you saw it first? Any why does it annoy me so much?

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Another: the way that yell sneezers can sneak up behind you, do their jump-inducing extremely loud noise, and then act like it's normal, and the person who has nearly suffered a heart attack is over-reacting.


I HATE when you can smell a sneeze. Freaks me out.


Similar one DH asks me daily, "What's on the agenda for the day?" Like I have to report exactly what I'm doing. I'm vague every time, but he'll ask me again tomorrow.


I get this too. Ugh. If I had a plan I'd tell him the night before. It takes us two hours to get out the door. We can't just take off on a whim.


The word "veggies." Can we please just call them 'vegetables?'


I hate when Americans say breaky or kindy. Buncha posers.



:lol: You all are my people!! The fingernails scratching fabric - how can they stand it themselves?



I just got naked to scratch. You're welcome.


Calling vegetables cut/cooked in a certain way steaks. This has bothered me before but I just came across it in a magazine. Grilled squash steaks. I've also seen references to cauliflower steaks.


I laugh when I think of telling my husband that we are having steak for dinner and handing him a plate with a big old slice of cauliflower on it. LOL.



This didn't bug me until I saw the recipe for cabbage steaks. This hooker just put some grill marks on a one inch slice of cabbage and called it a "recipe."


Water when I can't we the bottom. !




I hate the fingernail biting/knuckle popping Gestapo. You people are gonna attempt to micromanage the wrong person one day and get punched.



Eta: "unthaw" is not a word. Why would anyone say this?

Edited by KungFuPanda
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Rachel Ray. Sammies. Extra virgin olive oil shortened to (and pronounced) EVO. So twee.


Don't show me the soles of your feet. Bare feet don't bug me, but I can't stand the bottoms.


Too many curves in landscaping or architecture. I like nice straight angles and geometrics. Bushes pruned to look like spheres are of the devil.


The word bajillion. Or ginormous.


Nasally voices.


Luckily I've not seen the word voila written as wala in some time. That used to drive me mad.

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Oh, oh, oh *waves hand*


We were at someone's house, and it was getting later, so their kids were in PJs, going to have a snack.

"Would you like some chipies?"

And they each got half an IKEA kids' bowl of potato chips (so, what? 2?) They were about 10 & 8 yo.

Anyway, the word chipies.. ugh, I can barely TYPE it!


In the same vein, adding a cutesy -y, in public, to any kid over.... 3? 5?


And.... nicknames. BIL's children have great names that you'd think were chosen *because* you can't shorten them. But nooooo, their mother manages, and I.... just... ugh.

This reminded me of my neighbor when I was little. When her kids had to use the bathroom, they asked to "puddle". Even at 5, I thought it was messed up.


I also don't like the word bottom for butt. I know it's stupid, but it drives me nuts.


As an aside, I have never worried about my gramar so much as I do here. I almost always text from my phone so I know I probably make a ton of errors. Please don't judge me too harshly. 😌

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[emoji38] [emoji38]


There is a turbine hellscape to drive through when going up 65 from Indianapolis to Chicago. It's creepy in itself.


I drove through it once at dusk....as fog was developing. OMG, all those red blinking lights floating in the air! My mother thought I was insane as I tried to describe the level of freak factor.


Then she had to drive it at night once. And she understood.


Because it feels like the aliens are landing.

Filed under it is a varied world, my kids love those turbines.[emoji12]


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When I am at work and really concentrating, people say I sometimes look like I am mad.


There are a few customers who will walk by and say "Smile, Tap!". I look up and give them a VERY unwilling half smile, and they often say "See, isn't that better.....".


UMMM NO! Now you broke my concentration, and irritated the crap out of me. That is definitely Not better!




I work in pharmacy, and our company redesigned it so that our work area is Very open to the customers. I am tall so I really stand out to customers. It is paramount that we type and fill prescriptions correctly. People walk by and yell at us, asking where things like the pimentos or bathrooms are. They get huffy, if we don't look up immediately and take a second to finish what we are doing before acknowledging them. Interruptions and breaks in concentration can lead to mistakes and while customers don't always think about that, the designers should have. It is a horrible pharmacy design. There is also zero privacy. Any customer who walks up can hear any conversation we are having about a patient. We feel like we work in a fishbowl. (and hate #3.....the pharmacy is not customer service! I don't know where the pimentos are! )

This is why my dh does hospital pharmacy. He got asked for directions to the garden hose one too many times.[emoji5]


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I also hate eating noises. Especially preventable ones like inhaling food noises and open mouth chewing. It is not that hard to actually PUT food in your mouth, not shovel it up to the vanity and vacuum it in like you're an aardvark or something. If you can't chew with your mouth closed, then you took too big a bite. (Any advice on how to get a certain someone you love very much to NOT be some comfortable around me that all manners go out the window?)


Dishes that were "washed", but still dirty. "Soapy water touched it" is not my definition of clean. Newsflash ... if something had starchy food on it or baked on food, it is not going to come clean in the dishwasher without a little help. And, please, for all that is holy, wash the outside of dishes!


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Ok, one from grocery shopping today. 


Please stand in the grocery line with your cart in front of you.  I irrationally hate standing there behind an empty cart, unable to reach the empty conveyor belt because the person in front of me is standing in front of their cart. 


Uh-oh. Don't ever get behind me at the grocery store. I don't know if it has to do with being left-handed (though that doesn't seem to make sense since the belt is on the left) or what, but I've always found it clumsy to reach over the child seat in my cart to get my stuff out. It's much easier to remove stuff from the much lower front of the cart. As soon as I finish I put the divider bar on the belt and move my cart out of the way. I do hate when people start loading their stuff on the conveyor belt before I'm done, but that's not why I unload my cart the way I do. It's just easier and less clumsy.

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This will sound awful, but I hate, hate, hate connecting to an off-shore customer service department. It starts everything off wrong. Not because the reps aren't lovely people, but because 8 times in 10 it usually means (1) I will need to strain my brain extra hard to understand what's being said (2) I will need to ask to have things repeated because the combination of rapid talking plus accent means I can't process it (3) sometimes I have to call back because I'm not 100% sure I was understood. So, yeah, the problem's me. But I still hate it.


Misplaced apostrophes anywhere. Grammatical errors on signs. I blame my ninth grade English teacher for both.


Loose instead of lose. "Cute" language such as sammies for sandwiches.


Water on the bathroom counter. Also trash left on the counter instead of being put in the trash can right next to it because nobody else knows how to put a trash bag in.


Lots of irrational hates. I need to chill.

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dealing with customer service issues on the phone. Thankfully I rarely do. 


A disorganized syllabus - I actually read them before class starts. I once had one from a communications professor that was so poorly written and the layout was awful, I wondered how he had made it into communications. After I took his class, I wondered even more. I even went and thanked my advisor for being so organized after that class was over. 



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Uh-oh. Don't ever get behind me at the grocery store. I don't know if it has to do with being left-handed (though that doesn't seem to make sense since the belt is on the left) or what, but I've always found it clumsy to reach over the child seat in my cart to get my stuff out. It's much easier to remove stuff from the much lower front of the cart. As soon as I finish I put the divider bar on the belt and move my cart out of the way. I do hate when people start loading their stuff on the conveyor belt before I'm done, but that's not why I unload my cart the way I do. It's just easier and less clumsy.

I get in front of my cart on purpose to claim my space. I want the entire conveyor belt to myself until I'm finished unloading and the person in front of me has cleared out. Then I'll pull my cart all the way through and out of the way. I don't like being bumped by the cart behind me while I'm trying to get my stuff out. Also, how do you reach over the child seat and down into the cart? And how do you reach the stuff on the bottom unless you're in front of the cart? The things I learn on here lol

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Intentionally misspelling a word or words to make the name of your business "cute". For example, using "kutz" instead of "cuts". (I saw this for a hair salon for kids.)

Oh, heck yeah!! What kind of monster lets Kiddie Kare take care of their kids??


Also, people who refer to 2yo daycare as school.

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OK this is not irrational, but I hate that my kids can't seem to remember that their pants are NOT napkins.


Also, I don't understand why it apparently takes decades to teach intelligent children very simple things that are reviewed every single day.  I'm sure that is irrational, but really?

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No no, the problem is not unloading from the front.  I don't think anyone has arms long enough to try to reach around lol.  The problem is when you (general you) are done unloading and then standing there staring at the slowest cashier on the planet while he takes two minutes to scan each item individually, with your cart behind you instead of pushing it forward and moving it out of the way.  And then of course stand there are start writing your check after the slowest cashier on the planet is completely finished scanning....and THEN wait until after he hands you your receipt to start putting the bags BACK in the cart.....with it still behind you again. 


Well like I said, it's not the unloading...it's the AFTER it's unloaded and they don't move the cart out of the way.  :D


Okay. Whew! ;)



Also, I'm adding to my list: toast crumbs in the butter.

Edited by Lady Florida.
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Another one of mine: exhaust fans. DH was cooking lunch earlier with the stove exhaust fan on, and I had no idea how on edge I was until I turned it off. The one in the hall bathroom rattles, which is annoying for anyone. The one in our bathroom is one of those quiet ones, but just the sight of the switch turned on irritates me.


Regular fans don't bother me. Neither does the fan on the HVAC system. Go figure.

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Another one of mine: exhaust fans. DH was cooking lunch earlier with the stove exhaust fan on, and I had no idea how on edge I was until I turned it off. The one in the hall bathroom rattles, which is annoying for anyone. The one in our bathroom is one of those quiet ones, but just the sight of the switch turned on irritates me.


Regular fans don't bother me. Neither does the fan on the HVAC system. Go figure.


Well, speaking of cooking, I have a truly irrational hatred of smelling cooking odors or the smell of other people's food being heated up. It is why my house is the one with windows flung open even on zero (and a billion) degree days. If I go upstairs at night and there is the smell of frying onions on my comforter or curtains, I am airing everything out and doing the laundry like a crazy person. My children will never entertain fond memories of coming home to the wonderful smell of soup simmering in the pot, because Mom's running all the fans with the windows open and putting out bowls of vinegar. (How can I prefer the scent of vinegar to the smell of marinara sauce? I don't know.)

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Another one of mine: exhaust fans. DH was cooking lunch earlier with the stove exhaust fan on, and I had no idea how on edge I was until I turned it off. The one in the hall bathroom rattles, which is annoying for anyone. The one in our bathroom is one of those quiet ones, but just the sight of the switch turned on irritates me.

Regular fans don't bother me. Neither does the fan on the HVAC system. Go figure.



This is my house. They keep multiple fans running all the time. I live with people who LIKE background noise. The minute they leave me home alone I turn of every fan and let my ears rest. Ditto for the car radio. I just don't default to having it on. If I'm not actively working with music, or specifically in the mood to listen, I don't NEED constant input.




Well, speaking of cooking, I have a truly irrational hatred of smelling cooking odors or the smell of other people's food being heated up. It is why my house is the one with windows flung open even on zero (and a billion) degree days. If I go upstairs at night and there is the smell of frying onions on my comforter or curtains, I am airing everything out and doing the laundry like a crazy person. My children will never entertain fond memories of coming home to the wonderful smell of soup simmering in the pot, because Mom's running all the fans with the windows open and putting out bowls of vinegar. (How can I prefer the scent of vinegar to the smell of marinara sauce? I don't know.)

The crockpot 365 lady did a water and baking soda air freshner thing? Have you ever tried that? I actually put ammonia in my carpet steamer. It smells awful when I'm steaming, but when it dries it smells like nothing and I prefer that to perfumey stuff you're supposed to use.

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The use of a plural verb with a singular collective noun -- Sometime between when I attended school and now this became a thing that everyone does. But I never got the memo or an explanation so it drives me bonkers. To my eyes and ears, "the team are warming up" or "the couple have one child" is just as horrid as "the cat are in the tree" or "the boy have a baseball." If you're talking about one team then the team IS warming up; if you're talking about one couple then that couple HAS a child. But apparently it's just me, because the most highly educated people that I personally know, and professional authors of books and magazines are doing this now.


The phrases "side hustle" and "life hacks". Or "bio-hacks". Or pretty much anything + hacks.


The misuse and abuse of the word "chemicals" to mean "toxic chemicals" or "dangerous chemicals". Poor maligned chemicals! Chemicals keep us alive and they deserve our respect! :lol:


Plus many, many of the things that have already been mentioned. I'm a grump.

Edited by Greta
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See actually, my real problem is that I just hate it when people don't get out of my way. :lol: Per the fancy pen thread.....sign in and then just get out of the way. At the grocery store, do you stuff...unload, load your bags, pick your pickles, whatever, and then get out of the way! lol

I can get behind that.

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People bringing aggressive dogs to Petsmart. If you can't control your dog, it is not a smart idea to bring it to a place where there are lots of adults and little kids milling about. A man with a pit bull was standing inside, right next to the door at Petsmart. Every dog that had to go in or out of the door had to go by them. His dog growled and lunged repeatedly. So tired of it. Happens once weekly, just change the color of the dog. It is wrong to think -ok, I have my keys, my dog, and pepper spray-- we can leave now.

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I gotta say, this thread has made me feel pretty darn laid back... along with letting me realize I must annoy many of you at some point or another - either writing or if you met me IRL.


'Tis best if many Boardies don't visit me at my house I suspect.    :lol:


Oh... and "laid back" me doesn't care, so doesn't plan on changing how I do things.  ;)

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The misuse and abuse of the word "chemicals" to mean "toxic chemicals" or "dangerous chemicals". Poor maligned chemicals! Chemicals keep us alive and they deserve our respect! :lol:

Or when someone says they are "chemical free". Um, no. 'Fraid not.


Cue the Princess Bride reference: You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means. :D

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I gotta say, this thread has made me feel pretty darn laid back... along with letting me realize I must annoy many of you at some point or another - either writing or if you met me IRL.


'Tis best if many Boardies don't visit me at my house I suspect.    :lol:


Oh... and "laid back" me doesn't care, so doesn't plan on changing how I do things.   ;)


Well, as long as your house is not also a bank, I'm game  :lol:

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I was just wondering how many people I managed to upset at the grocery store this morning.


I gotta say, this thread has made me feel pretty darn laid back... along with letting me realize I must annoy many of you at some point or another - either writing or if you met me IRL.


'Tis best if many Boardies don't visit me at my house I suspect. :lol:


Oh... and "laid back" me doesn't care, so doesn't plan on changing how I do things. ;)

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Uh-oh. Don't ever get behind me at the grocery store. I don't know if it has to do with being left-handed (though that doesn't seem to make sense since the belt is on the left) 


Actually, when I think about it being left handed possibly is part of why I do this. Yes, as others said, it's easier to get stuff out if you work from the front, but there's also a bit of awkwardness trying to work from the back of the cart with your left hand. There's room on the right side of (most) of the checkout lane even if there are racks of magazines or candy or other stuff. You still have enough room on that side to grab things and put them up and over the cart onto the belt. On the left you just have the conveyor belt right there. If you try to remove stuff with your left hand you smack your elbow into the counter, plus your hand holding the item has to move outward to be able to place it on the belt or counter. You're actually using different muscle and it really is awkward. 


First world leftie problems.

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Actually, when I think about it being left handed possibly is part of why I do this. Yes, as others said, it's easier to get stuff out if you work from the front, but there's also a bit of awkwardness trying to work from the back of the cart with your left hand. There's room on the right side of (most) of the checkout lane even if there are racks of magazines or candy or other stuff. You still have enough room on that side to grab things and put them up and over the cart onto the belt. On the left you just have the conveyor belt right there. If you try to remove stuff with your left hand you smack your elbow into the counter, plus your hand holding the item has to move outward to be able to place it on the belt or counter. You're actually using different muscle and it really is awkward.


First world leftie problems.

I'm a leftie too. Bro fist :D

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I've had this happen in the grocery line:

The person in front of me loaded their stuff onto the conveyor belt and kept the cart behind them.

Then paid.

Then picked up their two bags.

Then *walked away* leaving their cart along side the conveyor.

The cashier and I had a nice bonding moment reacting in unison.




Edited by happi duck
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People who tell me I look tired when I don't have makeup on. Thanks, that is just my face.

*pat pat*. I have one of those faces too. The older I get the more I'm tempted to make snarky comments when someone mentions it.

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Memes that circulate around facebook with a word - or worse, multiple words - spelled wrong.


Seriously, if you're going to create a meme, at least spellcheck it before releasing it to the world.

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And the word "Bae". Ugh.

I'm not sure if I hate it because it sounds so stupid, or because it makes me feel so very old and uncool that I had no idea what it was supposed to mean the first few times I heard it. It's worse when someone age (thirty-something) uses it too.

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