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s/o on house selling -- look at THIS listing !!


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I guess the owner is an artist, and she will be "taking everything with her." Bummer. I am sure a lot of people want the two mannequins  that are in the bedroom, or the doll hanging from the ceiling.


I know art is subjective, but that is really nuts.

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I'm kind of drawn to the birdcage stuffed with creepy dolls in the master bedroom. I've always loved touring homes where the realtor had to work hard to ignore big problems; I find it funny to try to watch him/her keep a straight face in the midst of White Power posters, piles of dirty clothes, 12 broken washing machines in the basement, etc. 

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Once it's cleared out and with a bit of updating, I'd bet it could be quite pretty.


Our former home was owned by a hoarder who, lucky for us, was not so extreme that food and dead critters were a problem. No one would buy it because the junk made it difficult to see what it could be. Once the stuff was cleared out and remodelled a little, it transformed into a beautiful home that we bought for a song.


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Once it's cleared out and with a bit of updating, I'd bet it could be quite pretty.


Our former home was owned by a hoarder who, lucky for us, was not so extreme that food and dead critters were a problem. No one would buy it because the junk made it difficult to see what it could be. Once the stuff was cleared out and remodelled a little, it transformed into a beautiful home that we bought for a song.

My worry would be unseen critters. The house is so filled with junk, you can't see if there's dead roaches or mouse dropppings along the walls.

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If I had the money and I wanted to be in Texas, I would totally buy that house..... providing they were willing to write into the contract that the kid on the ceiling stays with the house. That would be a cool thing to own and a real conversation piece.



Mannequins wouldn't turn me off. We looked at a house last time where every square foot of wall space was covered with big game trophies. Zebras, tigers, antelope-things. Even stuffed geese in the bathrooms. Mannequins might even be an improvement over wall-to-wall dead things.

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It looks like a really nice place, but I still feel sorry for the realtor. When our house was for sale, we got rid of as much stuff as possible. I hope these people haven't already decluttered, because if so, that's just scary! :lol:

LOL,  It never occurred to me that this might be the decluttered, fixed up to sell version.  Eek.  Can you imagine the realtor showing up after they cleaned and this is the result?

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Don't miss the third one diving under the bench...


OMG, I totally missed that one! Do you think the owner writes little scenarios for them? "As Rhett walks into the room, David dives for safety under the bench because..." Maybe s/he needs to take up doing dollhouses? It's socially acceptable to put lots of dolls in weird places in dollhouses - in real life size, not so much.

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What's sad is it IS a lovely house and you can bet the realtor tried to get them to clean it up, to no avail.


Can you imagine dusting that behemoth, with all those tchotchkes, all creepy mannequins aside?

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Why do I get the feeling they are moving because they "need more space"?


The house has really good bones and features under all that stuff. I hope someone can see past it and get a good deal.


Edited for punctuation

Edited by scholastica
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What in the world!?!?! It reminded me of the old saying "would you rather have money and no taste or taste and no money"


Was it supposed to be ironic? Creepy mannequins everywhere, skulls among cherubic faced family photos, Jesus? Was that taxadermied rabbits under the table?? Well ok then....that happened...

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I'm impressed with how positive the realtor is being.  she's got a challenge.  I'm sure she tried to get them to move some of the stuff - and the dead plant baskets hanging in the outdoor kitchen. oh, my.


just clearing it out would increase it's value.

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I laughed out loud that 'the pool is a little messy because of the crepe myrtle'.   Yeah, because I was fine with the previous 28 pictures featuring actual hoarding but a few leaves in a pool might turn me off from buying the house. 


Talk of crepe myrtle was to distract you from the snake in the pool. :D


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That was an amazing romp through somebody's personality. I was like, hey! The homeowners posed for photos! Wait, wait....


My favorite was the hallway that had "normal" framed art on one side and modern art on the other. No sarcasm

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:scared:  :rofl:


Wow. The mannequins are amusing to look at on the screen, but I think I'd find it a little freaky if I was actually walking through the house. The outside was rather tame compared to the inside, though. I guess the owner didn't spend much time outdoors. 

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That house is stuffed to the gills.  Can you imagine having to pack all that stuff?  Yeah, they will probably hire a moving company but seriously, wow, trying to pack all of those things would take me years!


If I were the movers I think I would quit....


But, I have to say, look past the stuff and it is a pretty amazing house.  I think it would show better nekkid though.

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I guess the owner is an artist, and she will be "taking everything with her." Bummer. I am sure a lot of people want the two mannequins  that are in the bedroom, or the doll hanging from the ceiling.


I know art is subjective, but that is really nuts.

I count close to 20 life size clothed figures....and that was with just quickly perusing the pix.


Just what I can quickly recall.... maid in the dining room, guy playing accordion in game room, figure at the end of the porch, guy with the dog in the pillow room, bathroom guy in towel, butler in other dining room,  woman at the top of the stairs, cowboy at the counter, person watching TV, person holding a baby? in the room with the naked manikins, person decorating the Christmas tree,  3 in the bedroom, girl skating/walking on the ceiling, boy riding tricyle? on ceiling, guy on tractor in yard, guy by entry gate........those dont include the obviously stuffed animal type people.  LOL


This could be like a walk-in life sized ISpy game!  LOL  She could be holding themed parties and making a mint!  

Edited by Tap
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