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CC: Best Bible stories collection for preschool level or lower?


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What's your favorite collection of Bible stories for the kids who have had no exposure to Christianity at all?  Apparently the version we use is too complex for kids who have never been to church.  I don't have time to go spend half an hour looking through the baby bibles at a bookstore.  Link them for me, if you have the time.  Thanks!!!!

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Each of these starts with the scripture where the parable came from and then tells the parable in a simple story format. https://smile.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/1859855881/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1499469003&sr=8-3&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_QL65&keywords=stories+jesus+told+nick+butterworth&dpPl=1&dpID=51Fp0Umgj1L&ref=plSrch


A lot of people love the Jesus Storybook Bible: https://smile.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/0310708257/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1499469113&sr=8-1&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_QL65&keywords=sally+lloyd+jones+jesus+storybook+bible&dpPl=1&dpID=61U4WWGzkcL&ref=plSrch


I'm having difficulty finding my favorite at the moment, I bought it at a Scholastic sale but I think I've seen it at Lifeway as well.


ETA the first one I linked isn't the entire bible just 6-8 parables. I think it is out of print but there are other versions as well.

Edited by Rach
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Age 4ish would like these rhyming, illustrated versions:  https://www.cph.org/p-27699-arch-books-treasury-vintage-collection-1964-1965.aspx?REName=Books%20%26%20Bibles&plk=1318&Lk=0&rlk=240


And this is the best children's Bible story book I have ever seen.  Wish it had been around in time for DD:


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My very favorite for 1.5-3 year olds is the Toddler Rhyme Bible.  I think it's much, much better than the regular Rhyme Bible. 


For 3-6 year olds or so, I like the Beginner Bible.  Around 4, I add in the Jesus Storybook Bible.  At six, I like Egermeier's. 

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None of those is the one I am looking for (we are not religious, but DS went to a Lutheran preschool and they gave out a great bible as a graduation gift from the church.  It had a bluish cover, simple pictures, and the stories were all told in very very brief wording - like, you could learn to read using this book, brief.

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None of those is the one I am looking for (we are not religious, but DS went to a Lutheran preschool and they gave out a great bible as a graduation gift from the church. It had a bluish cover, simple pictures, and the stories were all told in very very brief wording - like, you could learn to read using this book, brief.

Was it this one: https://www.cph.org/p-12955-the-hear-me-read-bible.aspx ?

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Without question, one of Kenneth Taylor's Bible story books. They are very accurate and easy-to-understand with attractive artwork. (I don't care for cartoony Bibles myself.) Taylor also seems to try hard not to add to or embellish the stories, which is just the way I like it.   :)


The Picture Bible for Little People: each story is about a paragraph long, followed by a question for discussion.


Family Time Bible in Pictures: each story is about a page long (fairly large type), followed by a question or two for discussion.


We own and have looked at many children's Bibles, and these are my favorite. Highly recommended.

Edited by MercyA
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Ella Lindvall's Read Aloud Bible Stories series is my favorites for preschoolers because of the art. There are 5 in the set. The 3rd volume is my favorite.


The Jesus Storybook Bible would be a next favorite, but my kids didn't love it til they were around 5.

Another single volume that does the whole Bible as one story for preschoolers is The Big Picture Story Bible by David Helm. 




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I think we have a Taylor one or two. They are short and sweet with the most common stories in them.


We love the Vos Children's Bible, but I think it's more in depth than you want.


We also have the Jesus Storybook Bible. It's the favorite with my kids. I personally like how it shows how the whole Bible is one big story, all part of God's long term plan for His people.

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Without question, one of Kenneth Taylor's Bible story books. They are very accurate and easy-to-understand with attractive artwork. (I don't care for cartoony Bibles myself.) Taylor also seems to try hard not to add to or embellish the stories, which is just the way I like it.   :)


The Picture Bible for Little People: each story is about a paragraph long, followed by a question for discussion.


Family Time Bible in Pictures: each story is about a page long (fairly large type), followed by a question or two for discussion.


We own and have looked at many children's Bibles, and these are my favorite. Highly recommended.


As a side note, my dad's family knew the Taylor family in Portland, OR.  My grandfather was a professor and and ordained minister, and Taylor's father was a minister.

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Nice thanks for sharing it. For which age bracket these stories are for?


Well, I guess it's designated for preschoolers, but I know people who start reading it to their very young children, and some older kids (early elementary) who enjoy reading it themselves.   It's a popular baby shower gift among women at my church.

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