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Dr. Hive opinions please: scratched eye


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Ds3 poked me in the eye this morning, accidentally.  It hurt a lot for a couple of hours, felt like a sharp scratch/foreign body.  I admit I was bad and rubbed it.


Since then I'm going through phases of feeling fine (1/2 the time?), feeling the sharp scratchy pain (and tearing up from it), feeling a mild throbbing ache, feeling some itchiness, feeling like I have a dry raw eye.  No noticeable blurriness or sensitivity to light.  The eye looks slightly red but pretty normal in the mirror and I'm going to ask dh to take a close look after he finally comes home from work.


If this doesn't improve much overnight, would you head to urgent care?  It's inconvenient but I can go if I have to.


I have a history of some health anxiety, so please no anecdotes about Great Aunt Edna who went blind because she waited 3 days to have an eye injury seen....

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You need to go to urgent care, or the ER. They will put some stain in the eye to check for an abraison/ulcer/etc. And then give you some drops that make it feel better and antibiotic drops or ointment. And without going into scary detail, yes, you NEED to go. 


When I worked in vet med it didn't matter HOW busy or overbooked we were. Eye issues got seen same day. Period. Waiting can mean bad things and your eyes/sight are too important. 

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I would get it checked.  eyes are nothing to mess with.  I developed an eye infection on vacation once.. . . I should have gone to the urgent care in the strange city in another state . . .

I'd go tonight.


eta: I was only in the state for a few days.  it was the last day that it was really bad. . . . and I made an appointment with my eye dr as soon as I got home.  my health has never been the same.

Edited by gardenmom5
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Since you don't have any vision issues, I would wait 2 or 3 days before going in to urgent care.  That is exactly what I went through when my chicken scratched my eyeball - same feeling and everything you're experiencing.  The ER doc says that the eyes are super quick to heal scratches and unless it is significant, it will start to get better in a few days.  The big indicator was whether I was having vision issues, which I wasn't.

Edited by WendyAndMilo
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I actually feel like it is improving somewhat tonight.  Dh looked and said it is a little irritated, can't see anything.  I will wake up early and if it's still bothersome, will take the kids and head to urgent care when they open at 8.

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When I've scratched my eye, I've seen the ophthalmologist. They may want to do antibiotic eye drops to prevent an infection, especially if the scratch is on/near the cornea.


I had a really hard time with contacts as a teen and scratched my eye a couple times. I would try to get a same day appointment if you can, if an office visit would be less traumatic for you than urgent care.

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Here an optometrist would be the best person to handle that. But I think what they can/can't do varies by state? DH has horrible dry eye and is prone to corneal tears and abrasions. Our optometrist handles them. If it's a tear there's a contact they can put on it that makes it feel a LOT better quickly (according to DH). I don't know if it's some kind of special (medicated?) contact or what the deal is with it, but he's had it done several times.

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