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Favorite summer dinners entrees


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I'm already tired of hotdogs & burgers.


My other, boring go- to meals are:

Egg salad



Salad bar

Chicken, sausage, or salmon on grill

Pasta salad


What are your family favorites for summer meals?

Help me shake it up. Bonus points for EASY & quick ;)

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I grilled chicken, peppers, and onions the other day, then added guac to make fajitas.


Tonight I'm taking salmon cakes and lentil salad, but that's not much of a summer dinner because I use the oven.  


I have to admit, we eat the same things over and over.  Grilled something, some kind of salad, occasionally some kind of starch.  

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Pulled pork in the instant pot or crock pot. That can be BBQ with slaw and buns for the kids, then the leftovers get some Mexi-ish seasoning and crisped in a skillet for carnitas.


Different kinds of burgers. Chicken can have feta and spinach added. Or cheddar and buffalo sauce. Or Asian seasoning (don't use fresh ginger in ground meat.). Turkey is versatile too.


Different kinds of sausages. Brats (check Aldi for several different kinds). Smoked sausages.

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BLT's (I could eat these all summer long, especially with homemade bread)

cold black bean, corn, tomato, onion type salad

sweet corn (this is a meal all itself, just serve with copius amounts of fresh butter)

salads (really you can change this up so much, different bases, lettuce, pasta, tortillini, quinoa, rice, shredded kale/brussel sprouts, coleslaw, different flavors, italian, chinese, mexican, differnt meats/cheeses)  I just mix up a bowl of something twice a week but it's never the same twice.


veggie and dip with cheese sausage and crackers makes a nice easy meal for those hot days that take a toll on the appetites.


even tacos can be varied so you don't feel like you are eating the same thing, sometimes I use ground beef, sometimes chicken, lentils, shredded pork, fish etc), use different spices,  don't just stick with the same prepackaged mix,  you can use the taco, but also try bbq or ranch or cajun, or chipolte etc to flavor the meat  try different serve with a different starch each time hard shells, soft shells, lettuce wrap, over rice, over quinoa,


Rather than just serving hamburgers in hamburger buns try pits pockets or naan bread, slice of artisan bread etc.  use different kinds of cheese,  mix different veggies/spices into the meat, stuff the burger with bacon etc.


We do many of the same categories that you have but by dressing them up differently it doesn't feel like I'm eating the same things over and over again.

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I have more time to cook in summer than during the activity-packed school year, and it's not insanely hot here usually, so I'm going through cookbooks and finding new stuff to try. We had Pioneer Woman's BBQ meatballs last night (with two more nights of the same in the freezer) and that was new and a nice change for us. I have 3 more earmarked from her Dinner cookbook. Now I'm going through the slow-cooker recipe book I picked up at the library book sale in February and there are some bean dishes I want to try. First up will be a Frijoles Charra or something like that--cowboy beans. I may make flour tortillas to go with, maybe quesadillas or grilled chicken. Summer is grilling season here because we can't grill from November-March. Try some grilled pizza if you've never done that--so good! A lot like wood-fired pizza.

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Sadly, lately it's been too many nights of eating some kind of quick meal/fast food as we rush from swimming to some other activity.


When I get my act together it's usually salad plus something grilled. 


Other favorites when I'm even more together: 

Hummus and rice Fritters

Zucchini fritters (grate zucchini, add some kind of binder and make into cakes, gently fry in pan) 


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You listed chicken as an option, and someone else said it was boring. My neighbor told me to rub a small squirt of Dijon mustard on each chicken breast, ( it doesn't have to be chicken breast – I do this with tenders and leg quarters as well) and season with salt and pepper. I tried it and it was delicious. My kids loved it too. Sometimes we grill the chicken, sometimes I cook it in the electric skillett, and sometimes I throw it in the oven. It's another option for when ordinary chicken gets too boring.

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You listed chicken as an option, and someone else said it was boring. My neighbor told me to rub a small squirt of Dijon mustard on each chicken breast, ( it doesn't have to be chicken breast – I do this with tenders and leg quarters as well) and season with salt and pepper. I tried it and it was delicious. My kids loved it too. Sometimes we grill the chicken, sometimes I cook it in the electric skillett, and sometimes I throw it in the oven. It's another option for when ordinary chicken gets too boring.


It's magical stuff.  That's what I rubbed all over the pork I smoked the other day.  Doesn't taste like mustard after it is cooked. 

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Baked potato bar, but the potatoes are "baked" on the grill or in the microwave. I know you can do them in a crock pot too but I haven't tried it myself.


Grilled pizza or stovetop pan pizza - you need a cast iron skillet for the latter.


Stovetop lasagna


You could switch up your tacos and make fish or shrimp tacos occasionally. 


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I don't use the oven from April to October because it's too hot, so I feel like I have to get more creative in the summer.


Main dish salads.  So, so many, but our favorites are a copycat of Applebee's Oriental Chicken salad and a Mexican chicken salad (with napa, avocado, cilantro, and a balsamic chipotle dressing).


Tacos.  Tacos.  Tacos.  All sorts, all types.  The one food no one complains about.


Shrimp coktel.  Cold supper for super hot days.


Grilled.  I like chicken, but steak, burgers, hot dogs, anything works.


Surprisingly, all my people like chili in the summer.  I make it early in the day, leaving it to cook in a slow cooker so the kitchen doesn't get too hot.  



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On a real busy or hot and lazy night, we might have make-your-own whatever-you-want-to-call-it.  Ingredients include:


A bowl of something like granola or Grapenuts; a bowl of fresh or frozen fruit (generally we get blueberries/strawberries/raspberries); plain yogurt; milk; berry juice (we like cherry).


Put all the bowls in the middle of the table, and everyone gets to take a little of everything and put it all together anyway they like in their own separate bowl, like a layered parfait.  My kids always loved this on a hot, busy night!




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Baked potato bar, but the potatoes are "baked" on the grill or in the microwave. I know you can do them in a crock pot too but I haven't tried it myself.


Grilled pizza or stovetop pan pizza - you need a cast iron skillet for the latter.


Stovetop lasagna


You could switch up your tacos and make fish or shrimp tacos occasionally.

Ewwee! That pan pizza is happening tomorrow!!

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Pulled pork in the instant pot or crock pot. That can be BBQ with slaw and buns for the kids, then the leftovers get some Mexi-ish seasoning and crisped in a skillet for carnitas.


That's a great idea! We don't do well with leftovers unless I have a specific plan for using them.

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Yogurt marinated kabobs (chicken, beef, or lamb) with middle eastern seasonings. (I basically use yogurt and the NYT chicken schwarma spices/aromatics)




7-6-5 pork tenderloin


Mussels! (Cheap, fun, and quick if you use a foil roaster on your grill)


Marinated bulgogi from your asian market

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