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Well, it's only been about a week and a half, but we've been seeing some interesting developments.


Middle schooler (multiple food chemical sensitivities, social delay/lack of motivation, often seems "in a fog"): more interactive and communicative with family (albeit often grumpily or awkwardly), increased appetite, seems to have grown several inches in the last few days


Early primary grader (salicylate sensitive, often fearful/angry, hard to discipline): much happier & more confident


Toddler (no known issues): suddenly began to go potty independently for #2, after months of only trying on our initiative and without success; has also started communicating enthusiastically about the process, LOL


No changes noticed in the others, except perhaps one or two are waking earlier.


This is just with inulin, on the lower end of the suggested doses; we haven't tried combining it with the fish oil yet. Will probably start that over the weekend.

Awesome!!  Great results and ones that are being reported by many!!  I find the potty training one so interesting every time it is mentioned.  I have no idea what is happening that encourages this?  Increased interoception?  Looser more manageable stools?  So interesting!


Let me know what happens when you introduce the fish oils!


Thanks for the update!

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Further improvements!!  In the last 2 weeks my daughter is improving rapidly!  The last 5 days have the best in years!  Her energy is amazing.  She never stops moving.  Last Summer she didn't want to swim or use stairs and found it to be draining juts to stand.  Now she is challenging her brother to races around the BLOCK and almost beating him!  Her tolerance for touch has improved so much.  Now she hugs me.  Before she tolerated being hugged but was limp armed.  Now she hugs back and initiates hugs.


She asks for healthier foods.  Not unusual to see her eating cherries etc.  She eats 2 apples before bed every night.  She loved apples years ago but hasn't been able to eat them in at least 2-3 years.  Now she likes them again.  Its almost like her body is repairing itself and turning back time.


She is sleeping better, no sensory issues, her CAPD is resolved.  She has her spark back!


We still have moments where she struggles to find the word for something.  And she can still go to say something and forget what she was about to tell us.  But she no longer needs to be reminded to do ANYTHING.  She can retain all information.  We used to have to micro manage bed time.  By the time she went up she would forget all the tasks (or why she went up) and you could find her doing any number of things.  If we asked "Did you brush your teeth?" She had no idea and we had to check the toothbrush to be sure.  Now she goes up and has 100% awareness about everything.  It is no longer on my radar as an area of concern.


The best part - she is only one of MANY success stories.  Just giving you all the update!

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An ebook was released yesterday that fully explains the protocol and how to use it.  It is 1/2 price ($14.99) until the end of the month if anyone is interested.  I doubt I can post the link but it is posted to his blog :)


On a personal note - a year and 1/2 ago my daughter hung up her mermaid tail as she could no longer coordinate herself properly AND she was so fatigued and lethargic.  Last Summer I tried numerous times to bring it with her to the pool she declined every time.   A few days we went to the pool and she went under and swam the length.  She popped up and said "Darn I should have brought my tail!".  Since then is wearing it everyday.  She has sore muscles all over as she is now using muscles that have not been used in a while :)


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The reason I ask is not because of diet reasons but they both contain natural probiotics.....and the Dr. mentioned not eating Activia specifically. 

Any yogurt that advertises itself as having additional probiotics (like Activia) is not a great idea.  Natural occuring probiotics found in reg yogurt or homemade are fine :) 

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By the way I compiled a 12 page document of just SOME of the success stories that have rolled in from the FB group over the past 6 weeks.   A handful of them have been published here:  https://autonomicrecovery.shop/pages/testimonials-about-the-nemechek-protocol-for-autism-and-developmental-disorders


Happy to email the entire document to anyone who is interested.  Just message me :)

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  • 1 month later...

Just coming back to update as a few asked for me to do so.


In grade 5 (almost 3 years ago) my daughter was officially diagnosed with ADHD.  And every report card reflected that diagnosis and was accurate.  Our school gives a "score" on each report card for 6 major learning skills:  Time management, organization, self regulation etc.  My daughter gets G (good) S (satisfactory) and they are being generous given the limitations - for example it was common for her to have a desk so messy that she would spend the entire class looking for the worksheet that was being utilized and miss the entire lesson.  She had a person who would help her reorganize the mess every Friday so that she could find things.  It took an hour each friday.


Anyhow - we signed her up to Summer school this year (once we saw that her health was bouncing back we thought she could greatly benefit).  They sent home a DAILY "report" that also scored these 6 skills along with comments about her learning that day.  SHE GOT ALL E's (Excellent) most days - the odd G popped up.


And the comments daily were - Stays focused and on task.  Great time management.  Great listening.  Very organized and responsibe for her work space.  I literally took photos of the report cards because we had to sign them and hand them back and I was afraid that they would not give them back!  


And she is still improving in all areas :)


Has anyone else on here tried and seen any improvements?




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  • 2 months later...

That is very interesting about inulin and I think it is awesome that you are able to help your daughter. I think the challenge is that so many of our kiddos present with so many different symptoms and the diagnosis is so broad. my son has auditory issues. I keep him off of Dairy purely because I believe he gets just enough fluid in his ears that it distorts his hearing but not enough to feel like an infection. I can't get him to consume any of the alternatives he just drinks water. I hope progress continues with your daughter and thank you for sharing your update. 

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