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Is this a new fashion trend?


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Wow. Why do so many women's fashion trends look horrifically uncomfortable? That's why I could never understand people complaining about the pajama pants/ yoga pants/ leggings trend. At least it didn't look miserable! And at least no one's ass was hanging out of them. :)

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SW PA, I often drive through our MAJOR college community- I think there are 5-6 colleges within walking distance of Diamonds job. I haven't noticed the shorts linked, mostly I see girls in workout leggings. I have seen a lot of these in our mall shop windows, but haven't seen any one anyone I know. http://www.forever21.com/Product/Product.aspx?BR=f21&Category=bottoms_shorts-denim&ProductID=2000144227&VariantID=012

Edited by Rebel Yell
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Eww. :ack2:


All wearers should be required to carry a towel around with them in case they need to sit down. 


And the reviews! For example:


"These shorts are soo tight , it hurts my lady parts really bad . I am a size 0 and I ordered a small . But everyone likes them . Beauty hurts"



Oh good grief.  


I'm with everyone else.  Ew. Yuck.  I am not among young adult women enough to know if those are a trend; my 15yo and her friends definitely don't wear them.  I don't think she'd like them even if I allowed them, which I most definitely would not.


Maaaaaaaybe I could see wearing them at the pool or beach, like over a swimsuit or something.  But as regular clothing?  Ew.


Hahaha, I just showed these to my fashion-sensitive but sensible teenager.  She said, "Ew!  What IS that?  Who would wear that??  I don't want my butt hanging out!"


Then she said, "If you wore those, you could hardly expect older people NOT to give you 'the look'!"  Smart girl.

Edited by happypamama
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Dd is dual enrolled for the summer, and I've been driving her this past week.  It's about forty minutes from our house so I just hang around campus and wait for her.   It's been interesting to people watch.  Now here's the clothing that has me puzzled: 


Girls of all sizes are wearing shorts that have their "cheeks" hanging out.  I'm not talking short shorts or Daisy Dukes where the "cheek" is peeking out.  These are more of a V cut with lots of hanging involved.    It's almost like a thong with extra material.    Anyone else seeing this where they live? 


My dh saw a lot of this at the university two summers ago - mostly they were jeans with almost the whole backside cut out.  He'd been out of student life for a while and was shocked. Less last summer.  It's only just warm eniough for shorts now, so I don't know about this year, though he did mention that all the co-op students had issues with inappropriate office clothes.  It has to be pretty extreme before dh even notices, he is a guy who wears socks puled up with sneakers and shorts.

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I have seen these a few times, but not enough that I thought they were a big trend. Ick.


I am so not a prude. People should wear what they like. And some clothes are going to be a bit more uncomfortable than others, which is fine. But this is ugly and uncomfortable. I don't get it.

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There is, though. Look at the reviews. People have posted their own fishing-for-compliment reviews on there. Plus, one masculine-looking body in them. Interesting.



Ha! You didn't scroll down far enough to see actual buyers' pics!


I tried. I tried SOOOO hard to resist the urge to do something I'd regret and scroll down.


That's a piece of my innocence I'll never recover. :lol:

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I got to see a pair walking up stairs ahead of me at a friend's house last week.  TMI TMI, I say. I actually stopped mid-landing to re-tie my shoe.  


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I've seen one girl at our college wearing something similar.  I couldn't help but think about all the nasty butts sitting in all the desks around campus, and how there is no way I'd want those bits of me coming in contact with those same desks.   :ack2:  :ack2:  :ack2:  :ack2:

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