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Guidance Counseling Services?

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Thinking about offering guidance services for homeschoolers in my area.  This would be helping with planning out curriculum, developing curriculum, college prep, transitioning to high school/college, etc.


Does anyone currently do this? Or used someone like this?  If you could PM me that would be wonderful.  I am trying to think through fees, meeting times, what people might actually need, etc.




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I do it for free for now. I would recommend starting off that way and offering free workshops and seminars. I have people offering to pay travel expenses for workshops. Build your credibility first within the homeschool community.


That might be what I need to do now.  Possible, charge if someone is wanting a more one on one guidance?  Thank you for your feedback.


I feel there is so much seasoned homeschoolers can offer.  This is what helped me on my beginning journey to homeschool :)


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That might be what I need to do now.  Possible, charge if someone is wanting a more one on one guidance?  Thank you for your feedback.


I feel there is so much seasoned homeschoolers can offer.  This is what helped me on my beginning journey to homeschool :)



I would offer those services for free at first as well unless you are well-versed in helping other families with different philosophies and lifestyles than your own create a homeschool environment that meets their expectations.  I have been helping friends and newbies for well over a decade and it is very different than just offering suggestions.

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I alos think it will add greatly to your credentials if you have homeschooled a few of your own students through high school, graduated them, and have them thriving in college. If I were looking for this kind of service, I would want advice from somebody who has BTDT. (The blog in your link did not have any info about your graduates)

Edited by regentrude
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I've been noticing that the veteran hs'ing parents who advise others usually have a broad range of experience, having seen multiple children through...


hs'ing all age levels

learning differences, need for varying materials and approaches

various kinds of testing

juggling languages, activities, extracurriculars, DE, EC, jobs

college prep

college seeking - learning to find programs for varied ambitions, understanding prereqs, feeder programs, etc.

college app and acceptance processes

also app processes for other options (military, vocational, technical, trade)


...and they have seen their adult children either graduate from college (or complete their military, certificate, apprenticeship, etc.) or at least the children are well on their way and almost certain to succeed.


Also, such parents have frequently done the bulk of the teaching themselves, having spent the time to prepare to teach some core subjects, learned how to research/evaluate/supervise outsourced options, etc. Hands on homeschooling, over many years.

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