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face mask for daughter....suggestions please


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My daughter recently saw a TV commercial for a charcoal based face mask, but she can't remember the name.   The one thing she remembers that she liked was when they removed the mask, you could actually see all of the oils that were pulled from the skin (sorry, I know that is kind of gross). 


Now, I don't know if that is actually true and/or if that is actually good.  Or if that is what most charcoal based masks do.


But at any rate, my daughter has oily skin.  She is allergic to benzoyl peroxide.  She has been using Paula's Choice products and the are working fairly well, but she wanted to try a mask like what she saw, and Paula's Choice and I saw this one: http://www.paulaschoice.com/shop/skin-care-categories/masks/_/Skin-Balancing-Oil-Absorbing-Mask


but I wasn't sure if this would be a good choice or not.


What do you guys think??





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There are several charcoal masks. My aesthetician friend hates the peel off ones. She recommends the wash off ones. Paraphrasing her- Sooo much better for your skin. Charcoal will absorb the impurities and clear the skin- no need to rip off the top layer of your skin

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There are several charcoal masks. My aesthetician friend hates the peel off ones. She recommends the wash off ones. Paraphrasing her- Sooo much better for your skin. Charcoal will absorb the impurities and clear the skin- no need to rip off the top layer of your skin

I find this amusing because literally, as I type this, my aesthetician sister is walking around the house with a charcoal peel-off mask plastered on her face. Different strokes for different folks, I guess.

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I find this amusing because literally, as I type this, my aesthetician sister is walking around the house with a charcoal peel-off mask plastered on her face. Different strokes for different folks, I guess.

Lol!!! That is so funny!!!
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