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What gives you a little boost of happiness?


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Ending the day with the important things done and everyone still smiling


Oh yeah... Why is the smiling part so hard to accomplish???


I also second finding a really good deal.  I love picking up something useful for cheap.



My playlist that I like to sing and dance to


Nuthatches and woodpeckers


Miniature dachshunds


Coffee made the way I like it


Uncrispy bacon


A long, hot shower


Beadweaving a piece of jewelry for myself


Pot painting places


Feeling pretty in a swishy skirt (see: dancing...).  Even going up and down the stairs in a floaty skirt perks me up!


Period romance flicks (Pride & Prejudice, Jane Eyre, North and South...)


Hiking alone in the middle of nowhere


Frozen cheesecake, lemon bars, or raw buttermilk sugar cookie dough, also baking in general


Bug hunting


The smell of the woods


Spending time with dh


Cute 9 month old happy baby face


When the wind picks up and the temperature drops as a big storm is rolling in


Witnessing a random act of kindness


Board or card games, played with adult friends! (sorry, kids, you aren't as much fun...)


Hearing the "cha-ching" on my phone when I get a sale

Edited by Cecropia
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Looking at fancy dresses of the past though I wish I had the opportunity to wear them too!


The wind in the trees in the summertime


a new haircut that makes my hair so much more manageable


a good movie


seeing babies


when my kids are happy


when someone tells me they love me


organization in my house


water (oceans, lakes, rivers etc.)




discovering something educational or that will expand my kids' horizons


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Every night, my ds4 saying to dd2, "Good night, little pumpkin. I love you."


My family playing outside together. Basketball, swimming, soccer, whatever.


Game night.


Clean sheets. I read a book with a character who slept on freshly-laundered sheets every night. I thought that sounded wasteful, but awesome.


Hours to lay in bed and read a good book


An amazing cup of coffee.


My puppy when he's calm and loving.

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Cappuccino on the porch in the morning, with DH.


Birds singing while drinking said cappuccino.


Watching kids play outside.


Here's a weird one: I love seeing kids eat veggies and fruits.


Seeing kids engrossed in something they love.


Office supply stores.


Window shopping online for clothes. Underclothes, too.


Good music.




Sunlight through leaves.


Listening to frogs on the back deck in the evening, with wine.


There's so much more...

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song of a black capped chickadee

seeing baby birds in the yard, hearing them in the trees

hearing spring peepers

browsing nurseries and plant sections of stores

when my adult kids reach out to me first

ladybug on my shirt

waking up and knowing I slept well


I wonder how these lists differ from season to season.


A clean house. Feeding a family that needs a meal. 

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Rock climbing.  I can go to the gym or crag in a terrible mood and once I start climbing, it all disappears.  I can be climbing like total crap and still have a huge lift in my spirits.  No other exercise does this for me. 

Doing crossword puzzles.

Reading - an engrossing story with characters I love.  Seriously, this (and you guys) kept me sane during my long recovery and frequent set-backs from my ankle surgery.

Having a control of the remote so that I can watch a quality British tv show. 

A nice gentle foot rub after a hard day.  It's better than Tea. 

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-dh bringing me a cup of coffee when I don't expect it

- watching the kids help each other without being asked

- morning TeA, seriously the day runs so much better if that is how we start our morning.

-clean dogs

- talking to my sister on the phone

- watching my children discover something new

- hearing dd sing because it makes her so happy

- writing

- watching an episode of Dr. who in the middle of the day just for the hell of it

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