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Need help/hope: Still struggling with anxiety and depression.


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I could really use stories of hope and encouragement. Has anyone been hospitalized for severe anxiety or depression and gone on to feel better?


Has anyone taken meds during pregnancy for these issues (if so, what did you take and was everything ok?).


I'm struggling severely and have already been hospitalized once this pregnancy. I need stories of hope and encouragement and anything practical you have to throw my way!


(I'm in close contact with my counselor and Doctor, just looking for anything else that might provide some hope!)

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A dear friend of mine tried to get through her first pregnancy without meds. It was terribly hard, and she ended up needing hospitalization to get through. Her husband and her parents were pretty amazing helping her pull through and taking care of their son after his birth when she was still in difficulties.


She took meds during her second pregnancy, and she had a totally different experience. It went really well. I don't know what meds she took, but I thank God for those meds. So does she. Her older son is now 17, looking at colleges, and her younger son is 13 or 14 (not totally sure). 


If you're wavering about whether not to try meds--I hope you can get the help you need to live peacefully. My friend's second pregnancy was so very, very different from the first one. 



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I could really use stories of hope and encouragement. Has anyone been hospitalized for severe anxiety or depression and gone on to feel better?


Has anyone taken meds during pregnancy for these issues (if so, what did you take and was everything ok?).


I'm struggling severely and have already been hospitalized once this pregnancy. I need stories of hope and encouragement and anything practical you have to throw my way!


(I'm in close contact with my counselor and Doctor, just looking for anything else that might provide some hope!)






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I had some prenatal depression - not severe enough to need meds or hospitalization, but nothing to sneeze at, either.  The only comfort I had (once I realized it was probably chemical and not situational) was that eventually the pregnancy would end and my chemistry would change.  It was like a very long, miserable labor.

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I'm so sorry you're dealing with this!

I did not deal with it during pregancy, but it hit hard when the hormone change of perimenopause struck. I was in bad shape. But I'm good now! Eventually the hormones balanced.

For practical tips in addition to medicine, goofy comedies and walking really helped me.

I hope your doctor can get your medicines straightened out and you feel better soon!

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Thank you ladies!


I've shared openly with friends here. And I have a loving supportive husband and family. It's definitely not situational as my situation is just fine!


But it's so bad I can't care for my kids - they are with their grandparents. I've been suicidal so my husband is having to work from home to help care for me. I can't eat or sleep. It's terrible and 12 more weeks of pregnancy feels like an eternity (and then who knows how things will go after he's born - I had horrific postpartum after my 2nd)


I'm waiting to go back to the hospital but just struggling in the meantime!

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Thank you ladies!


I've shared openly with friends here. And I have a loving supportive husband and family. It's definitely not situational as my situation is just fine!


But it's so bad I can't care for my kids - they are with their grandparents. I've been suicidal so my husband is having to work from home to help care for me. I can't eat or sleep. It's terrible and 12 more weeks of pregnancy feels like an eternity (and then who knows how things will go after he's born - I had horrific postpartum after my 2nd)


I'm waiting to go back to the hospital but just struggling in the meantime!




:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug: 

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Thank you ladies!


I've shared openly with friends here. And I have a loving supportive husband and family. It's definitely not situational as my situation is just fine!


But it's so bad I can't care for my kids - they are with their grandparents. I've been suicidal so my husband is having to work from home to help care for me. I can't eat or sleep. It's terrible and 12 more weeks of pregnancy feels like an eternity (and then who knows how things will go after he's born - I had horrific postpartum after my 2nd)


I'm waiting to go back to the hospital but just struggling in the meantime!

I'm so sorry. It does sound like you have a good support system in place and it's good the kids are being cared for. Being pregnant makes it harder because you can't just start changing meds and such. Is there counseling available? Do you have a friend that can force you to take a walk outside everyday? I'm just brainstorming some ideas that may help ease the last few weeks.


When I was about three my parents sent my sister and I to our grandparents for about 6 weeks. They lived really far away so we just thought it was a great adventure. As an adult I discovered my mom had been going through severe PPD. I'm so thankful she sent us to be with our grandparents while she got the help she needed. Hang in there!

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Thank you ladies!


I've shared openly with friends here. And I have a loving supportive husband and family. It's definitely not situational as my situation is just fine!


But it's so bad I can't care for my kids - they are with their grandparents. I've been suicidal so my husband is having to work from home to help care for me. I can't eat or sleep. It's terrible and 12 more weeks of pregnancy feels like an eternity (and then who knows how things will go after he's born - I had horrific postpartum after my 2nd)


I'm waiting to go back to the hospital but just struggling in the meantime!

Oh how I empathise with the waiting and the struggling! Before I went into hospital last year (similar stuff, yet different), it felt like every moment was an eternity.


How are you passing the time? Do you need links to nice colouring pages, cute kitten videos, music recommendations?


Do let us know!

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I took meds during my 2nd and 3rd pregnancies. My kids seem perfectly fine. The only one who has his own mental health issues is my oldest. The one that I didn't take meds with. (I'm sure his issues are genetic and not related to the fact that I did not take meds with him)

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Oh how I empathise with the waiting and the struggling! Before I went into hospital last year (similar stuff, yet different), it felt like every moment was an eternity.


How are you passing the time? Do you need links to nice colouring pages, cute kitten videos, music recommendations?


Do let us know!

Yes!!! Time is passing so incredibly slow! It's really really awful!!


I've got coloring books, and music, and counseling - buts it's still just so very hard!

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I took meds during my 2nd and 3rd pregnancies. My kids seem perfectly fine. The only one who has his own mental health issues is my oldest. The one that I didn't take meds with. (I'm sure his issues are genetic and not related to the fact that I did not take meds with him)

Oh I'm definitely taking meds!!! And we likely have no choice but to change and add some. It's far to severe to just tough it out.


It seems like a hormonal thing to all the doctors - so hard and frustrating!

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I'm so sorry. It does sound like you have a good support system in place and it's good the kids are being cared for. Being pregnant makes it harder because you can't just start changing meds and such. Is there counseling available? Do you have a friend that can force you to take a walk outside everyday? I'm just brainstorming some ideas that may help ease the last few weeks.


When I was about three my parents sent my sister and I to our grandparents for about 6 weeks. They lived really far away so we just thought it was a great adventure. As an adult I discovered my mom had been going through severe PPD. I'm so thankful she sent us to be with our grandparents while she got the help she needed. Hang in there!

That's so great that you saw something as fun and an adventure!! And then your mom could care for you!


My kids are 5 and 3 and we've been telling them "mommy is sick" explaining that sometimes when babies are in a mommys belly or when they come out it can make mommies a little extra sick".


When I was hospitalized at UNC in their perinatal unit the kids came to visit several days and we had movie night with them, nurses spoiled them etc. So I don't think they are scarred.' They're staying with family over night and with friends or family during the day. And we are seeing them every other day or so for a couple hours. It's just all SO hard :(


A little over a month ago I was well and caring for them all day every day, doing school with my son. Then on a Tuesday afternoon I woke with panic attacks and things have spiraled quickly since :(

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:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:


So glad you have such a good support system. I know you know this but it bears repeating--this is not your fault! It is a medical problem just like any other. You will make it through!


If there is anything we can do for you, don't hesitate to let us know.

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:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:


So glad you have such a good support system. I know you know this but it bears repeating--this is not your fault! It is a medical problem just like any other. You will make it through!


If there is anything we can do for you, don't hesitate to let us know.


This. :grouphug: :grouphug:

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I'm on the way to see a reproductive psych over the state line bc no one in my area specializes and I'm struggling so severely! I've been incredibly suicidal all week bc of the unrelenting depression and anxiety symptoms. Every single day I feel a bit worse and worse. It's so bad.


Please pray for my safety. I am scared that in a moment of weakness I'll end up taking my life. That threat seems VERY real.

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Mary (is that your real name?) I'm saying a prayer for you. Praying for healing and hope. Praying for the doctors to give you the care you need. Praying for your husband, children, and your unborn baby.

Yes, my name is Mary.


It seems this is a hormonal thing for me. It is very very severe though.

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I hope the reproductive psych can help.


Are you getting any exercise? I know that is incredibly hard to do, with both the depression and the pregnancy slowing you down. It just might be the single best way to get your brain functioning better though, if you can manage.


This book explains much of the research:






Many, many hugs; I haven't suffered from depression but am married to someone who has dealt with chronic depression for two decades or more. It is an awful, horrible disease (hm, I don't like that word; can't think what would be better though--personally I mostly think of it as a ravenous monster...) and I am so impressed by those who fight it every day. I hope you get some relief soon.

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:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug: , Mary. I feel so badly for you. Prayers for your visit with the new doctor and for healing, hope, and safety for you and your baby. 


Try to get some sunshine and eat as naturally as possible, if you can. Both help me when I am struggling. 


Let us know how you are doing when you are able.

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Not much better. I did see a reproductive psych yesterday and she was very hopeful about being able to help me - but I'm not as hopeful!


She thinks my depression symptoms (hopelessness, suicidality, despite, lack in interest and enjoyment) is all stemming from my anxiety (general anxiety, panic and OCD). She wants to get that under control and then see what to add.


She's upping my Ativan (I thought you couldn't take it in pregnancy but she said that there's only an itty bitty increased risk of taken in the first trimester, nothing to worry about at 28 wks. She said she's prescribed it many times with no issues). She's talking me off the low dose seroquel bc we were seeing no benefit from that.


In a month she will add something else.


It just seems so long and drawn out!


I thought for sure she would send me to a psych ward, but she thought we could handle this outpatient. I sure hope she's right!!


I AM still on the waiting list for UNC Perinatal hospital again if needed. I had a very positive experience there and wouldn't mind returning if needed.

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Ladies, I'm sooooo discouraged!


I'm taking Remeron, now coming off seroquel and taking Ativan.


I've been feeling ZERO joy in anything, lack of interest9 in EVERYTHING my family and kids (which is sooooooo not like me!). Friends are reaching out and I have no interest in any of them (so not like me).


How do I sort out what is hormones, what is anxiety or depression, what is a med side effect or an affect of

Coming off a med.


I feel soooooo terribly overwhelmed!

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:grouphug: :grouphug:


I am not sure that sorting out the source of your symptoms is really possible. You are describing depression--especially the total lack of interest. Is the depression hormonally driven? I don't know. I think all you can really know is that certain systems in your brain are not functioning well right now, and neurons that should be connecting and communicating are not.


Med changes are hard; I don't really know what you can do other than keep hanging on and working with your doctors. Can you keep a diary of how you feel each day along with anything that might be impacting that?


I imagine it feels like you are in the middle of an unending desert, but things really will get better--with time, with the right medication, with support from your family and friends.


I wish I knew some better way to help. I want to encourage you again to try to be physically active, but I am worried that I am coming across as pressuring you when you are already sinking. So...mostly I just want to send hugs and all my good thoughts and prayers and hope that things will start to look up soon.

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:grouphug: :grouphug:


I am not sure that sorting out the source of your symptoms is really possible. You are describing depression--especially the total lack of interest. Is the depression hormonally driven? I don't know. I think all you can really know is that certain systems in your brain are not functioning well right now, and neurons that should be connecting and communicating are not.


Med changes are hard; I don't really know what you can do other than keep hanging on and working with your doctors. Can you keep a diary of how you feel each day along with anything that might be impacting that?


I imagine it feels like you are in the middle of an unending desert, but things really will get better--with time, with the right medication, with support from your family and friends.


I wish I knew some better way to help. I want to encourage you again to try to be physically active, but I am worried that I am coming across as pressuring you when you are already sinking. So...mostly I just want to send hugs and all my good thoughts and prayers and hope that things will start to look up soon.

I just feel like this could be a never ending cycle - I was just experiencing anxiety for a while at first. Is the depression something caused by hormones or an anxiety med? And if in fact it was a med then which one? It feels like an impossible puzzle! if its hormones or whatever than trial and error meds will hopefully help. If it's a med making me worse but 3 different meds are being played with how do I know which one is doing what?


And I get that it's hard to sort out but not sorting it out seems like I could go on and on and never get better. And as it is my hubby is basically having to care for me around the clock and that's meaning losing time. And I'm not well enough to care for our kids. It's a MESS!


Plus if we don't get this sorted out before my baby is born im at risk for ever more issues (which I can't imagine how I could handle that!!)

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