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online High school Spanish

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Any suggestion for High school online spanish class? I read that Homeschool Spanish Academy is weak in vocabulary and grammar. Is that true? What level is ready for SAT subject test. Anyone has success with it? Or is there other recommendation? How about TPS? My child does not know any Spanish. 

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There are lots of online Spanish options. I have never heard that criticism about HSA.


Others that haven't been mentioned:


Ray Levin has small classes and I have heard the classes are difficult (or, not for the slower workers, is maybe a better translation?) Once per week classes.


Dale Gamache is a little lower cost, much bigger class sizes (15-20) and somewhat disorganized / expects students to be able to manage short and long term assignments concurrently.


Wilson Hill has a native speaker as a teacher.


Former Landry teachers are also out there.


There are others!

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My dd has used Ray Leven for Spanish 2, 3, and 4 and will take AP Spanish with him next year.  She's recently taken a practice SAT subject test and scored pretty high.  I think the subject test can be taken after Spanish 3, and I know others have done well with the CLEP after taking Sr. Gamache's Spanish 3.  What are your goals for Spanish?  Do you think your student will want to go through the AP level?  TPS claims that they have something like an average score of 4.75 on the AP Spanish exam.  Look on their website to see what they say exactly.  They also have sample classes on their website.  I've never used them, but Ray and TPS are a couple of the few options that I'm aware of that go through the AP level (though I know there are a couple of others out there -- Laurelwood may be one?)  



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We just finished with Excelsior Academy's Spanish 3. The teacher, Sr. Lamolinara, is great, very organized, and always just moving the class along, getting everyone involved in every class, despite there being like 15 kids. For a once per week class for 1.5 hours, it was a solid class. I gave DD a sample SAT 2 test and she did about what I would expect for her years of exposure, so I think we'll take it this summer for the experience. It's not enough conversation time, but what online homeschool Spanish class offers that? You would have to supplement with a tutor.


For Spanish 4, we're going with WHA because the teacher focuses on conversation and oral responses, so that's exactly the class I would like before heading into one of Ray Leven's classes or something else.

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