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AP Exam Stress!

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Ds just got back home from his last AP exam.  He was one of only a handful of kids who didn't get the memo to bring a blanket and pillow.  Before the exam started, my son asked what was up with the pillows.  He was told that the teacher is horrible and actually announced to the class that no one in her class has ever received any score higher than a 2.  (This teacher has been at the school at least 8 years.)


And people in my neighborhood have never been able to understand why I homeschool when we live in such as awesome district.  


I still don't get the blanket and pillow thing?!  Are you in one of the flooded districts in MO?

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Ds just got back home from his last AP exam.  He was one of only a handful of kids who didn't get the memo to bring a blanket and pillow.  Before the exam started, my son asked what was up with the pillows.  He was told that the teacher is horrible and actually announced to the class that no one in her class has ever received any score higher than a 2.  (This teacher has been at the school at least 8 years.)


And people in my neighborhood have never been able to understand why I homeschool when we live in such as awesome district.  


Why did they need a blanket and a pillow?  



My son isn't taking an AP exam, but it taking some SAT II exams on June 3rd.  He doesn't seem too nervous about it, but every time I see this thread I get a panicky feeling in my stomach.  Urgh.  What if we get lost on the way to the testing place and he can't get in because the testing has already started?  What if I somehow leave his id at home by accident?  What if I steer him wrong in our test prep over the next couple of weeks and he completely bombs the test because I made him nervous/confused/whatever?  What if, what if, what if? 


I can't wait until June 4th when it's all over.  :( 

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Older boy was happy coming out of the exam room at noon. He ate lunch in the car. Now he is at the library happily reading while waiting for their (he and younger boy) weekly Chinese tuition later there. We'll go somewhere (probably IKEA cafe) for tea later.


Good grief :( It makes me thankful for all the helpful public elementary school teachers my kids had.

I am thankful for the elementary teachers my kids had,too - they were the reason I began homeschooling.  (That sound meaner than I mean it to sound.)  It wasn't the teachers, per se, just the crappy math curriculum they were forced to use.)


As a relevant aside...I had a student come to tutoring last week...getting an A in pre-calc, but her teacher is not letting the class use a calculator for the trig section they are in now.  She was struggling because she was never taught long division, nor were any of her classmates.  The pre-calc teacher said he didn't have time to teach long division and they would have to figure it out on their own.) 

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They wanted to be comfortable while they slept through the exam. A couple of kids brought crayons to color on the exam booklet instead of sleep.

Oh my goodness !!!


There is Pacman loaded on my kids TI84. My kids know not to play Pacman during exams.

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What if we get lost on the way to the testing place and he can't get in because the testing has already started? What if I somehow leave his id at home by accident? What if I steer him wrong in our test prep over the next couple of weeks and he completely bombs the test because I made him nervous/confused/whatever? What if, what if, what if?

My DS11 is retaking SAT because he wants to while DS12 is taking SAT math 2 and physics.


What has helped us was:


1) driving to the test site a week early in the early morning to check out traffic conditions and also to scout out the place for parking. On actual test day, we aim to reach by 7:30am.


2) passports/photo ID, SAT admission ticket, pencils and lunch bag are put in front of the main door as that is the only way out to our car. I wake up at 6am daily so I double check that everything needed is by the door for grab and go.


3) as for test prep, there are many SAT dates throughout the year to retake on so hope for the best and don't worry.

Have some errands for yourself to run on that day so you won't have time to worry while waiting for SAT to be over.



Edited by Arcadia
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They wanted to be comfortable while they slept through the exam.  A couple of kids brought crayons to color on the exam booklet instead of sleep.


Wow. How can that teacher not cringe with embarrassment?  At the very least, tell them to bring a ... *gasp*... book to read.


You'd think the principal would get after her for that nonsense. 


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How did I miss this thread????  Here I've been stressing out all by myself!   :lol:


Has everyone checked to make sure IDs are current? There was a sad, cautionary post some time ago about a son who showed up for a much anticipated and diligently prepped for SAT, only to be turned away because of an expired passport.  :crying:


This is like my worst nightmare.  That I will forget something really small but hugely important like this.  Luckily, we are good on the current passport.  I probably wouldn't have even thought of this!


I'm trying to think of projects to do so I won't nag a kid who is doing math homework that is due 2 weeks from now instead of practicing essays for AP Lit which is less than 2 days from now. :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:


Same kid???


Trying to explain anything to someone in the throes of studying for AP Exams should be undertaken only after giving due consideration to the risks involved. No one on this thread accepts any responsibility for the resultant tantrums, eye-rolls, slamming of books (or doors) which may come as a result of such explanations. Proceed with caution and at your own risk.


:lol:   At least it's only 2 weeks!


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Why did they need a blanket and a pillow?  



My son isn't taking an AP exam, but it taking some SAT II exams on June 3rd.  He doesn't seem too nervous about it, but every time I see this thread I get a panicky feeling in my stomach.  Urgh.  What if we get lost on the way to the testing place and he can't get in because the testing has already started?  What if I somehow leave his id at home by accident?  What if I steer him wrong in our test prep over the next couple of weeks and he completely bombs the test because I made him nervous/confused/whatever?  What if, what if, what if? 


I can't wait until June 4th when it's all over.  :(


Don't forget that photo ticket that you are supposed to print to take with you... **speaking of SAT IIs - not APs ;)

Edited by mirabillis
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Wow. How can that teacher not cringe with embarrassment? At the very least, tell them to bring a ... *gasp*... book to read.


You'd think the principal would get after her for that nonsense.


They can't read a book during the exam. It's against the rules.

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DD16 is done. Done done. And unlike last year, she didn't take the test with a 102F fever and after flying all night to get in from Texas. She thought she did really well on the multiple choice and "pretty good" on the FRQ. Calc BC.


Academically, sophomore year is done!

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AP English Language is DONE.  DS feels really good about it.  Felt like he nailed the essays.  So, if he's thinking 5, mom's hoping for a 3 or a 4  :lol: (He tends to be overly optimistic, but his practice tests were around a 4, too...so there is a chance!)


Tomorrow just Comp Pol and Stats.  DS is planning for a 2.  DD will probably eek out a 4.  DS just hasn't studied for that one.  Comp Pol is looking like a 4 or 5 for both.  Here's hoping!


Then, DS has some math homework to catch up on during the next week. Never ends, does it?  At least this summer is really just math and science for nearly everyone (some reading...but I don't think I've planned more than 3 books for any of them).  Pony Girl will be prepping for AP Bio.  LEGOManiac is back to Physics and Engineering...Calculus continues...and continues.  Pony Girl starts prepping for PSAT in earnest.  LEGOManiac studies for his last ACT (last chance scholarship test...unless he nails the one in 4 weeks.  He needs 2 points to be "golden."  His math SAT score has gone up quite a bit, so I'm hoping his practice ACT this weekend will reflect that (more straightforward...)


Let's hear it for the end of APs!!! :hurray:

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This was my fifth year of organizing AP exams and the 3rd school system I've worked with.  They had to send DS to two different schools to take the APs he wanted this year.  Ok-no problem, I understand they don't all offer every exam.  School one-fantastic and responsive, school two-after months of increasing attempts to get in touch with the coordinator to find out the when and where details (they had already confirmed willingness to administer the test) we FINALLY were given information today-a mere 48 hours before the exam.  And the AP Coordinator had the nerve to say that he hoped they delay in getting back to me didn't cause anyone stress.  Seriously??


Thank you for letting me vent-certainly not the worst AP story out there but for goodness sake...

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This was my fifth year of organizing AP exams and the 3rd school system I've worked with.  They had to send DS to two different schools to take the APs he wanted this year.  Ok-no problem, I understand they don't all offer every exam.  School one-fantastic and responsive, school two-after months of increasing attempts to get in touch with the coordinator to find out the when and where details (they had already confirmed willingness to administer the test) we FINALLY were given information today-a mere 48 hours before the exam.  And the AP Coordinator had the nerve to say that he hoped they delay in getting back to me didn't cause anyone stress.  Seriously??


Thank you for letting me vent-certainly not the worst AP story out there but for goodness sake...


That seems extreme - not giving out info until this late!


Younger ds is done with his APs - just finished AP English language. Older ds has statistics tomorrow and then he'll be done!


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That seems extreme - not giving out info until this late!


Younger ds is done with his APs - just finished AP English language. Older ds has statistics tomorrow and then he'll be done!




My biggest problem is that I have the info because I kept contacting his office not because he intended to contact me (or my son).  Sigh.


Congratulations to your sons-being finished is such a relief for everyone!

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This was my fifth year of organizing AP exams and the 3rd school system I've worked with.  They had to send DS to two different schools to take the APs he wanted this year.  Ok-no problem, I understand they don't all offer every exam.  School one-fantastic and responsive, school two-after months of increasing attempts to get in touch with the coordinator to find out the when and where details (they had already confirmed willingness to administer the test) we FINALLY were given information today-a mere 48 hours before the exam.  And the AP Coordinator had the nerve to say that he hoped they delay in getting back to me didn't cause anyone stress.  Seriously??


Thank you for letting me vent-certainly not the worst AP story out there but for goodness sake...

Wow!  That would have sent me over the edge.

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My dd finished her last exam today and is ecstatic to feel so free and have so much time on her hands.  I didn't sleep well last night because I needed to travel out of town to help my parents with an unexpected emergency and I was worried that my dd and dh would somehow oversleep.  I am usually the one that gives everyone a wake up call.  My dd said she did not need me to call and I let her handle it, but I was very relieved to receive an email from her at 7:11 a.m. letting me know that she and my dh were on their way out the door. :001_smile:


She took the AP Lang exam and is usually very strong on the multiple choice, but has a hard time generating ideas quickly under pressure for the essays.  Today, she said it was the complete opposite.  She said she miscalculated the amount of time she had on the multiple choice and had to rush at the end and also spent a lot of time second guessing her answers, but then had no trouble at all with the essays.  She said she just wrote nonstop the whole time and felt she knew exactly what to say.  So, who knows what will happen, but I have my fingers crossed for her.

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AP English Language yesterday...anyone else's kids feel like it was super easy?  40 kids took that test yesterday here, and all of them were mad because it "didn't require any advanced English stuff."  They felt like all of the practice tests were way harder than the actual test.

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My biggest problem is that I have the info because I kept contacting his office not because he intended to contact me (or my son).  Sigh.


Congratulations to your sons-being finished is such a relief for everyone!


That is so unprofessional.  I can understand maybe not having the room number totally nailed down (although I'm not really sure why you wouldn't know).  The failure to respond to inquiries is low quality, especially if you are in a state where they are required to grant access if they have space.

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Second to the last AP exam for DS2 was done this afternoon.  Not sure how he did, but it also doesn't really matter, because his college won't grant credit for it.  


One more on Friday, then high school is done for that boy.


ETA: Of course I'm also considering what AP courses to do for the youngest, who has started high school.

Edited by Sebastian (a lady)
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Second to the last AP exam for DS2 was done this afternoon.  Not sure how he did, but it also doesn't really matter, because his college won't grant credit for it.  


One more on Friday, then high school is done for that boy.


ETA: Of course I'm also considering what AP courses to do for the youngest, who has started high school.


Toying with AP for PokeMan as well, but he's technically in 8th.  He's the only child I've had though that has squawked about graduating early. He did World History last year -- I had kind of planned US History (since I always tend to go heavy into World/Western Civ), but I don't want to do APPUSH.  I might have him do Econ or Human Geography.

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AP English Language yesterday...anyone else's kids feel like it was super easy?  40 kids took that test yesterday here, and all of them were mad because it "didn't require any advanced English stuff."  They felt like all of the practice tests were way harder than the actual test.

DS said he was bored while taking AP English Lang yesterday. I don't know whether it is a good sign. :laugh:

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She took the AP Lang exam and is usually very strong on the multiple choice, but has a hard time generating ideas quickly under pressure for the essays.  Today, she said it was the complete opposite.  She said she miscalculated the amount of time she had on the multiple choice and had to rush at the end and also spent a lot of time second guessing her answers, but then had no trouble at all with the essays.  She said she just wrote nonstop the whole time and felt she knew exactly what to say.  So, who knows what will happen, but I have my fingers crossed for her.



AP English Language yesterday...anyone else's kids feel like it was super easy?  40 kids took that test yesterday here, and all of them were mad because it "didn't require any advanced English stuff."  They felt like all of the practice tests were way harder than the actual test.



DS said he was bored while taking AP English Lang yesterday. I don't know whether it is a good sign. :laugh:


Hmmm... DS's experience was more like OnMyOwn's DD -- he normally does really well on the MC and the essays are tough, but this was the first time the MCs seemed difficult, but the essays were easy.  He says he's 80% sure of a 5, which is probably the worst he's felt after coming out of an AP so far, and he's done a ton.

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Toying with AP for PokeMan as well, but he's technically in 8th. He's the only child I've had though that has squawked about graduating early. He did World History last year -- I had kind of planned US History (since I always tend to go heavy into World/Western Civ), but I don't want to do APPUSH. I might have him do Econ or Human Geography.

I think what sealed it was seeing that there is a US Gov revision scheduled for 2018-19

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Hmmm... DS's experience was more like OnMyOwn's DD -- he normally does really well on the MC and the essays are tough, but this was the first time the MCs seemed difficult, but the essays were easy. He says he's 80% sure of a 5, which is probably the worst he's felt after coming out of an AP so far, and he's done a ton.

rbkmama, quite a few of the students in my dd's AP class are saying the same thing about the MC seeming more difficult and the essays seeming easier. Not sure what the result of that will be, but at least our kids are not alone in feeling that way. That made my dd feel better about it. Thought it might make your son feel better, too.

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I think what sealed it was seeing that there is a US Gov revision scheduled for 2018-19

yes, i'm so glad we took it this year, on such a whim! a shame as my rising 8th grader i'd planned to do ap govt in 9th grade or 10th grade - that would put her at 2018-19 or 2019-20. ugh. hate to do it until a couple years of revision are under the belt. ugh, ugh, ugh.



one more day of ap exams!! we're one of the ones with a last day exam - AP human geography.


can't wait for it to be over! then sat II test - then free sailing!!!!!!!! who knew when you started bright & bushy-tailed in the fall with AP classes this was what 2 weeks in may looked like?! egads!

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Ugh. This is terrible news. We had planned to do it 2018-2019. :( Already has other APs for next year. Ugh. What to do? What to do!? :(

Part of the changes quoted below. Maybe do that AP in 2019/20?

"More emphasis on the U.S. founding documents and other primary sources A specified set of 19 Supreme Court cases and 9 foundational documents—including the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution—will now be required study. For each required Supreme Court case, the National Constitution Center will publish articles for students showing both sides, where there was bipartisan agreement, and where there were differences."



The good thing is it looks like the AP U.S. Government and Politics is the only AP exam left that is changing in the near future. This year AP Calculus AB, AP Calculus BC and AP World History was changed and AP Computer Science Principles was launched.


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Part of the changes quoted below. Maybe do that AP in 2019/20?

"More emphasis on the U.S. founding documents and other primary sources A specified set of 19 Supreme Court cases and 9 foundational documents—including the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution—will now be required study. For each required Supreme Court case, the National Constitution Center will publish articles for students showing both sides, where there was bipartisan agreement, and where there were differences."



The good thing is it looks like the AP U.S. Government and Politics is the only AP exam left that is changing in the near future. This year AP Calculus AB, AP Calculus BC and AP World History was changed and AP Computer Science Principles was launched.



Thank you so much for all the info! Will have to think it through and figure it out!

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I think what sealed it was seeing that there is a US Gov revision scheduled for 2018-19


Really? I have not had a chance to look at that listing recently.  I guess my twins DD15 and DS15 will add that for this fall potentially.  I'm just now on the last day of testing for this year and already dreading fall. 

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how long after an AP exam gets revised should you wait?


in other words, if AP Govt changes 2018-19 (my dd's 9th grade yr), when should we wait to do it? 2019-20 (10th) or even later, 2021-21 (11th)?


It really depends on the test.  Me not knowing about the changes etc. with oldest DD really threw a wrench in some plans, but she pushed through it and took some different classes and tests to avoid issues. 


The problem is the dearth of materials available when CB rolls out new tests (e.g. lAP Bio, Physics 1 and 2 in lieu Physics B).  The shift in focus in *some* cases is so dramatic that teachers don't have the requisite materials to help their students be successful.  While it is easy to say on the one hand Coilege Bio is college Bio etc...students do have to be able to adequately prepare for what exam readers are looking for in terms of the test itself.  DD can attest to the fact with some of her high stats friends, who did not fare well taking AP classes/tests the first year of revision.  These are kids with consistent 5s who have ended up with 3s on these tests. And we've had friends whose kids have gone the DE route with some classes for these reasons. 

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