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AP Exam Stress!

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Oh no, :grouphug: Joker! I hope he feels better by tomorrow morning.


AP Chem tomorrow. Kiddo feels prepared. *I'm* having butterflies. Kiddo is de-stressing by watching The Office (US version).


Good luck everyone!

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Ds has Chem tomorrow and is suddenly so sick!


He has one more this week and one next week. He also has prom this coming weekend. None of this is helping his stress level at all. I think he may want to hibernate after his exam next week.


I saw a kid dressed for prom last night... why on earth would they plan prom in the middle of AP exams? Crazy!


Feel better - and good luck! 

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Joker, I hope your ds is ok for the AP chem today.


My younger ds panicked this weekend because he realized that he didn't know where to be when for the AP chem exam. The APs for the local public school are generally taken off-site at a church. Older ds told him that he was sure all the APs would be there, and he should just go to the church at 7:30 am. Younger ds is a stressy kind of kid and insisted that he wanted to go to the high school early first to check with guidance. So dh drove him to the school this morning and waited outside in case he needed to drive him somewhere else. DS apparently had a hard time getting an answer, but finally texted dh 20 minutes later saying that he needed to stay at the school. Hopefully all is well.


I feel badly that I didn't check that ds knew where to go before the weekend. I just assumed that he knew. I'm concerned that running around stressed this morning wasn't helpful for his test-taking abilities.

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Fingers crossed for him JeanM!


Thanks! As far as I know he is the only one taking the exam at the school (the school doesn't offer AP chemistry), so I just hope they find a quiet place for him to do the exam. I've been told that the reason why they do most AP tests off-site is so that there aren't bells ringing, announcements, students making noise, etc.


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That makes sense! Just dropped A off at the art center where the high school is doing the testing. The kid has taken lots of DE exams including at the uni and I did not feel even half as nervous as I do for the 2 APs!

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Joker, I hope your son is feeling better!


JeanM, please keep us posted. Hopefully once the exam started he was able to get into the testing mindset. 


Quark, hope The Office helped with destressing! Speaking of office...We've joked about the movie Office Space during the past few days in an effort to blow off steam. Laughing is so important during these stressful days!


Dicentra, thinking of your daughter as well!


(If I missed anyone, it wasn't on purpose!)


:grouphug:  ,  chocolate, and laughter to everyone!!

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Good luck to all the students taking today.


The kid has taken lots of DE exams including at the uni and I did not feel even half as nervous as I do for the 2 APs!

AP exams having no continual assessments scores to buffer feels like my Cambridge exams since we can't choose date and time and it is once a year. DE exams are similar to my high school final exams.

I looked at next year's AP exam schedule and I am thankful that my oldest is giving the exams a try this year. Calculus BC in the morning followed by Comp Science A in the afternoon would be a not so good schedule for him. We'll have to worry about Monday morning blues next year for chemistry.

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Good luck to all the dc taking exams today!


An update on my younger ds. He said they put him in the vocational wing of the school, which I think is less busy. I didn't ask him about bells/announcements, but he didn't seem too upset. He was pleased that one of his friends was there with him taking the AP environmental science. His friend didn't take it with the other kids from the school because he gets accomodations (large print, more time, etc.). I guess we'll find out in July how it went. His next AP is Friday for US history. Luckily he's taking that class at the public school so he'll know where to go and what to do. And his teacher is lovely - she provides snacks and tries her best to de-stress the kids.

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Good luck to everyone! I hope today's exams went well and everyone did their best! 


We are feeling the pressure here but I think it MAY be quieting?? (Here's hoping.) Lukeion finals are done. 


AP exam #1 this week, speech tournament out of town (leaving right after the exam), and then late testing AP exam #2. I think I felt better before typing that out. 


The good news is that the end of May should be largely stress free... except for that CLEP and another class final.


Oh, and there are the other children...


Who am I kidding? Stress is just a part of the profile these days! It's nice to be in such good company! 

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Hope all went well for the kids today.  Dd has Physics 1 tomorrow, her hardest exam.  She is pretty grumpy today.  I don't dare ask how she feels about it ... I like my head where it is, thank you very much!


My ds is doing Physics 1 tomorrow, too. And I, as I also value my head, am not asking how it's going and NOT saying anything about how he's using his time.  I am beginning to be anxious--but I need to remind myself that it doesn't really matter for us. I'm just too much of an over-achiever and my Type B kid makes me a bit crazy. But he doesn't need my baggage for sure.


I hope you dd does well!


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My ds is doing Physics 1 tomorrow, too. And I, as I also value my head, am not asking how it's going and NOT saying anything about how he's using his time.  I am beginning to be anxious--but I need to remind myself that it doesn't really matter for us. I'm just too much of an over-achiever and my Type B kid makes me a bit crazy. But he doesn't need my baggage for sure.


I hope you dd does well!


Yeah I am not saying anything about the review packet on the dining room table.  I figure she knows what she knows.  Good luck to your son. 

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DD is finally home from AP Psychology exam - they ran an hour late!  However, she felt very good about the exam! Yay! Hope everyone else had a great day too! :) 


Now, DD is reviewing for Lukeion Latin 2 final and will take it on the dreaded "do not take the final on the last day" day! Ha! Best we could do with everything that was happening over the weekend and studying for Ap Psych....slowly feeling the release of stress and pressure! Phew.


Good luck over the next 2 weeks to all the exam takers!


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And, yes, instead of using extra time to study, he is drawing.


Now, he does find drawing relaxing and a stress reliever, so I know I should think, "Awesome, he's doing self-care!"


Instead I am thinking--did he study physics AT ALL today??????????????????????????????????????????


So, I am venting to you.  Instead of fussing at him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


(And,yes, I know I said it didn't matter.  I have a tough time being true to myself.LOL)

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I'm trying to think of projects to do so I won't nag a kid who is doing math homework that is due 2 weeks from now instead of practicing essays for AP Lit which is less than 2 days from now. :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

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And, yes, instead of using extra time to study, he is drawing.


Instead I am thinking--did he study physics AT ALL today????????????????????????????????????????

Lots of drawings in physics. I used to condense my university courses into pictorial summary sheets for exam prep as I think in pictures :)

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Lots of drawings in physics. I used to condense my university courses into pictorial summary sheets for exam prep as I think in pictures :)

Huh. Maybe I should suggest that to him.


These pictures, however, are anime and have nothing to do with physics .

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I'm trying to think of projects to do so I won't nag a kid who is doing math homework that is due 2 weeks from now instead of practicing essays for AP Lit which is less than 2 days from now. :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

This would be something else Ds would do. Do what's easy or fun and avoid the stressful project.


We will survive teens, right?

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Procrastination is a strange phenomenon... 


My daughter started doing random household chores I've asked her to do for ages, but she somehow never gets around to. When she suddenly started doing them with lots of energy,  I was  :huh:. 

She explained it was that or studying. I admit to being torn on which she should do...  :blush:


(Before you become envious...it only lasted about 10 minutes before she remembered she'd rather study than do the chores... ;)  Am I going to do the chores that were left undone? Um...does it look like I'm doing them? Where's the ice cream.....)


ETA: One of the chores she was doing is trying to sort all the drawings that cover her desk. I soooo understand about the drawing. Then she told me drawing counts because it builds up the muscles she needs to write the essays... :glare:

Edited by Woodland Mist Academy
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Huh. Maybe I should suggest that to him.


These pictures, however, are anime and have nothing to do with physics .

Something like this cheat sheet



There is a book called The manga guide to physics. Maybe your son can author an anime book for AP Physics :)


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Something like this cheat sheet



There is a book called The manga guide to physics. Maybe your son can author an anime book for AP Physics :)


I only wish I'd thought of/ known about that book earlier!


But thanks. He still had his final to go for his class and these are great ideas.

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Procrastination is a strange phenomenon...


My daughter started doing random household chores I've asked her to do for ages, but she somehow never gets around to. When she suddenly started doing them with lots of energy, I was :huh:.

She explained it was that or studying. I admit to being torn on which she should do... :blush:


(Before you become envious...it only lasted about 10 minutes before she remembered she'd rather study than do the chores... ;) Am I going to do the chores that were left undone? Um...does it look like I'm doing them? Where's the ice cream.....)


ETA: One of the chores she was doing is trying to sort all the drawings that cover her desk. I soooo understand about the drawing. Then she told me drawing counts because it builds up the muscles she needs to write the essays... :glare:

Oh, yes! Saturday he organized his work area which had been a disaster area for weeks. At least it's clean now. . .
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An added bonus of AP Exams... A clean work area once a year!  :laugh:


If only! I think both of my dc's rooms are worse than ever right now. And I don't have the heart to nag. Perhaps I should try to explain how cleaning can act as stress-relief?


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If only! I think both of my dc's rooms are worse than ever right now. And I don't have the heart to nag. Perhaps I should try to explain how cleaning can act as stress-relief?



Trying to explain anything to someone in the throes of studying for AP Exams should be undertaken only after giving due consideration to the risks involved. No one on this thread accepts any responsibility for the resultant tantrums, eye-rolls, slamming of books (or doors) which may come as a result of such explanations. Proceed with caution and at your own risk.

Edited by Woodland Mist Academy
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DS is there right now. AP-CS A. He told me signing in at the registrar, not knowing where he will sit was more nerve-wracking than thinking of the exam. (But I did go with him to sign in and waited at a safe away distance until he walked in the gym. LOL!) Whew! I'm so nervous for him!


And yes, to all of those study-avoiding-activities cited up above... ;-)

Edited by mirabillis
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Okay, he's at the high school now.  Of course, the office had never heard of him an the person we were told to check in with wasn't there (eye roll!) But we are old  hats at this (he did an AP there last year and the PSAT this fall.  Problems both times).  We sat until the teacher who is his proctor showed up and knew all about him.  I left the teacher to sort it all out. (So my advice to newbies--come earlier than they tell you to.  And expect it might not be smooth.  I am not a swearer usually, but I did let lose over the phone with ds when they couldn't find him on the list last fall and my dc will.not.let.me.forget!lol )


I can't wait for this one to be over (Physics).  I'm not too worried about English language.  He's doing great on the MC practices and well enough on the essays.



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My boys are taking at a private center so there was only 6 kids :) The admistrator is a very cheerful lady. My night owl was grouchy for having to be awake at an unearthly hour. They are to leave backpacks and lunch bags at the office. The admin said to come back in 4hrs as they are letting kids take their time to bubble in the information pages of the answer sheet. They didn't have the preadmission session.


My husband and I are happily grocery shopping while kids are at exam. He took annual leave today to drive our kids. We bought jackfruit at a new Korean supermarket. Not sure where we would go for lunch later as kids have Chinese tuition at 1pm.

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He's done!  And, miraculously, feels good about it, which is an excellent sign.  I fully expected to have to bolster him up and hear about how he didn't finish and didn't know how to do half the problems.  I can't figure this kid out. 

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I leave in 10 minutes to pick up dd from the physics exam.  She was in good spirits when I dropped her off.  Mostly because she liked the lunch I made her since she didn't have time before I dropped her off at school for her morning classes.  And she saw a friend in the parking lot. 


I'll  be interested to know how she felt the exam went.

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Dd thought the exam went better than expected, but she wasn't expecting to do well in the first place.  This class is really tough for her.  She is glad she took this class because it helped algebra make much more sense to her, but she still struggles to work things as fast as other people.  She has much more confidence about her AP Studio Art portfolio, which is almost done (one piece left to finish and photograph since it is chalk pastel and a few pieces left to matte.)  She also feels pretty good about APUSH coming up. 

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DS is there right now. AP-CS A. He told me signing in at the registrar, not knowing where he will sit was more nerve-wracking than thinking of the exam. (But I did go with him to sign in and waited at a safe away distance until he walked in the gym. LOL!) Whew! I'm so nervous for him!


And yes, to all of those study-avoiding-activities cited up above... ;-)


Mirabillis this is exactly how I felt yesterday! It was very nerve-wracking...it was like the first day of Kindergarten...watching them walk away into the abyss of unknown! I LOL (so I didn't cry) when I started to walk daughter from the office to the gym and the office lady said, "Mam, you can't walk her to the Gymnasium," while that same lady did a double-take at dd and I know she was thinking how old is that child? (see below). However, I was thinking, "Ok, but how will my direction-challenged dc ever find her way?" I ran out the front door and watched dd through the iron bars (yes, it is like a prison gate).


Dd found her way fine, made friends and participated in a mini-study group before the exam started, and sat right under the BIG clock in the gym (so she always knew what time it was); she was surrounded by hundreds of kids. She was also worried about where she would sit (she mentioned later prior to the exam that she imagined sitting in the bleachers of the gym-ha!).


I enjoyed her stories afterwards. :) Some students thought she attended the school and told her what teachers to take next year (very nice), EVERYONE asked her how old she was, no one could believe she was a Freshman (she looks 12!), and everyone wanted to know WHY she was taking AP Psych as a Freshman? Because homeschoolers are awesome!


Hope today continued to be awesome for all!

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So far, so good. DS feels he did well with AP-CS and felt comfortable there, despite this.... He said when he first got there, there was no assigned seat for him anywhere, so horror of horrors, he had to go ask the proctor and they couldn't find it so they had to search for an extra exam for him... *groan* but even after all that, he said it didn't hinder him in the slightest. Thank gosh! And yes I too watched him from perched up near the front of the school, milling around with the other students until they let him in the gym and the doors closed behind him. LOL. 


There were only 29 other students with him, none 9th graders - and all likely from a single class. Yes, homeschoolers are awesome!

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It was very nerve-wracking...it was like the first day of Kindergarten...watching them walk away into the abyss of unknown!

It helps for my husband and I that our kids have taken the ACT and SAT. We did pay more for them to take the AP at a private center because it is a small cosy place and we rather not deal with our public high schools yet.


My kids took the same exam so my older boy was able to keep an eye on my younger.

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