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What do you really want for Mother's Day?


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I want my house to magically be clean after dd's First Communion party the day before. I like the idea of going to 7:30 Mass, then having the whole day to do something outside as a family. But I'm not sure how practical that will be in reality. My in laws will still be in town, although staying in a hotel. We'll probably do something with them before they head home. I'm hoping DH can take the Monday after off for a little more family time.

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We will be at the beach!  :hurray:

I think I will enjoy going to worship, playing in the ocean, taking a long walk on the beach by myself, eating dinner out,  and maybe watching a movie with dh and the kids in the evening. Dd will have some sweet homemade gift for me - a bouquet, a painting, a piece of jewelry. She is so sweet! 


Our 15th anniversary is that week too.  :001_wub:

Edited by ScoutTN
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Two days off in a row. I haven't had two days off in a row since mid-August. Just two solid days off where I don't have to plan something for homeschool.


This year I apparently did everything wrong because it takes me 8-10 hours a week to prep for the next week's homeschool. Some of it I do in the evenings, but anywhere from 6-8 hours of it is done on the weekend. So every single weekend I'm sitting at the computer for 6-8 hours. Sometimes I divvy it up between days, sometimes it's all in one day.


I'm soooo tired of planning on my computer. I want a weekend. Two days where I don't print schedules and photocopy maps and write notes and plan history lessons for the week.


But that won't happen until school is done in 5 weeks, so in the meanwhile, I'd like a miracurl. :). But since the miracurl is about $130 more than I have to spend, then I have no clue what I want. Probably just dinner at Chilis or something.

Edited by Garga
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3-4 days by myself. 😳I would never ask for it, because it would break my kids hearts, but I need a break. 😖

For this reason, dh has always been in favor of my having a 'sisters weekend' annually, and if he sees there's a women's retreat in the church bulletin, he always wants me to go.

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Sleep.  Sleeping in.  Then maybe a manicure and pedicure and brunch. 


I will likely get woken up at 7 a.m. with loud whispers of "don't wake Mom....no, she's already awake....do you think she wants us to make her breakfast?? etc."



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I am vain. I want procedures. I'd love some cool sculpting/laser lipo in those areas that ruthless diet and exercise just can't seem to budge.

I don't think it's vain. After being the baby-holder, I've got a few little places that could use an adjustment, mostly so clothes shopping wouldn't be such a hassle. I just want a normal fit.


The cost stops me, though. I always think about other better ways to spend the money. (All that disposable income we don't have anyway!!!)

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I want to be alone. Which sounds so horrible. Who doesn't want to be with their children on Mother's Day? I love when dh takes the kids out and leaves me alone. I putter in the yard. Read my book. Eat what I want. Watch what I want. Then I am happy and rested when they come home. Then we order in dinner and I can pick whatever movie I want. Little piece of heaven.

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It can't happen this year because of work schedules but I always tell my husband to take the kids to visit his mother. I get to be alone they get to visit together and I get to not deal with dear MIL while still getting points for visiting.

This is what I do, too. Added bonus: She is 2 hours away so I really do get the entire day. 😊

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3-4 days by myself. 😳I would never ask for it, because it would break my kids hearts, but I need a break. 😖

And you need to take care of YOU. If you need the break, please DO ask for it. It does no one any good for you to be a martyr. You cannot effectively take care of someone else if you don't take care of yourself FIRST. Really. Your kids will also learn they can survive a few days without mom around. They might surprise you!

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I want to be alone. Which sounds so horrible. Who doesn't want to be with their children on Mother's Day? I love when dh takes the kids out and leaves me alone. I putter in the yard. Read my book. Eat what I want. Watch what I want. Then I am happy and rested when they come home. Then we order in dinner and I can pick whatever movie I want. Little piece of heaven.

This does not sound horrible. Why let yourself feel guilty over something you'd like for a day designed to celebrate part of who you are? We are mothers 24/7. It really is okay to say, "I'd just like a day to myself." Really.

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Swensen's Earthquake ice-cream. I had that many times growing up.


"The Earthquake


This earth-shaking extravaganza Sundae combining 8 scoops of ice cream and rich toppings : hot fudge, butterscotch, strawberry jam, pineapple jam, marshmallow and almonds."


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Every year I want the same thing. For my kids to be nice to me and make things easy on me for ONE DAY out of the entire year. I want them not to fight. I want them to do their chores without an attitude. I want them to think of me before themselves. For one day.


This never happens.


Last year I decided I was done. Simply DONE with Mother's Day. My sister and I are planning a day out without our kids. Our goal is to spend as little time with our children on Mother's Day as possible. We're getting mani/pedis, going to lunch, going out to a movie, going shopping. We're staying away from our respective houses and away from our children. :) We adore our children, of course. My life basically revolves around my kids. And yes, I think it is reasonable to expect them to be nice to me on mother's day. But it doesn't matter how reasonable the request is. Apparently it's unrealistic. Instead of expecting other people to make me feel special that day (my husband is a terrible gift giver, not good at making an occasion special), I'm going to do that for myself. When I informed Oldest, she laughed and said she thought it was a great plan and she hopes we will have a great day. Maybe she's glad to be off the hook as well. :)

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A weekend where dh and the kids would go somewhere really amazing and fun and do all that outdoorsy stuff they all love to do and where they'd have adventures and laughs and enjoy the heck out of themselves. And when they come home, they'll all be joyful and happy and excited to tell me all about their weekend away.


While I curl up in a *silent* house (no one in my family gets that there is a difference between being home with everyone here, being "reasonably quiet" vs being absolutely alone... the silences are incomparable!) with a good book, or a good movie, or I move furniture, or paint a wall, or hang pictures... or do whatever the heck I want without anyone asking me "why" I'm doing it...


Ah. Daydreams. :001_wub:

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My boys won't be home until later in the month, so I expect we'll delay Mother's Day.  It's nicer to spend it with family and later that month we should have boys and my mom together - in a cabin - waterfront at Lake Ontario.  That will be pretty perfect.


In the meantime for the actual calendar day I'll just be hoping for a better than usual health day.


If I were to want a (non-travel related) gift it would be new floors in our house downstairs.  They needed replacing 20 years ago when we moved in, so it's about time.  But I do the budget, so that's highly unlikely coming right after paying taxes this month.


I might have hubby buy me another African Violet for inside or perhaps another small Rose bush for outside - or maybe another sweet cherry tree as I love cherries.

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3-4 days by myself. 😳I would never ask for it, because it would break my kids hearts, but I need a break. 😖

How about planning something after Mother's Day? Maybe a Memorial Day weekend getaway? I've been going to a movie and dinner by myself on Friday nights for a bit now. Getting a night out by myself is a wonderful way to end the week and start the weekend. So refreshing.


My doctor recently told me that the women most often coming in with just burn out and adrenal issues are homeschooling moms, especially but not necessarily with many children. It's a taxing job. She very much encouraged me to make my health and self care a priority.

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Swensen's Earthquake ice-cream. I had that many times growing up.


"The Earthquake


This earth-shaking extravaganza Sundae combining 8 scoops of ice cream and rich toppings : hot fudge, butterscotch, strawberry jam, pineapple jam, marshmallow and almonds."



My first job was at 14 at Swensen's.  I remember making that!

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I wish there was something I wanted. I was talking to DH just yesterday about that. I'd like to indulge in something with zero guilt and the one time I could actually justify it, I have nothing I want! DH suggested Kindle books. I try to limit myself to one a month if even that so being able to buy more than one might be nice. But is there anything specific I want to read? I can't think of anything so far.

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My family usually gets me things like plants or things for plants (watering globes) or birding supplies (like a new water stand or new feeders) or things for outdoors (like last year dh gave me really nice wind chimes-very musical).  I don't know if my son will be working but my youngest will be home.  I don't expect my middle to be here since they will have just seen us two weeks before  It is really nice having mother's day with older children because there is no more fighting (normally).

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