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Has anyone done Aleks' AP Statistics?

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I'd love to hear your experience if you've done Aleks' AP Stats class.  Is it really AP approved?  How did your student like it? Was it good preparation for the AP exam? How long did it take your student to go through the program?


I am considering it for ds who will be a senior next year.  He is doing Calculus this year.  He did use Aleks at the end of precalculus for about a month, so we know how it works.



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  • 3 years later...
1 hour ago, PeachyDoodle said:

I know this thread is old, but I'm resurrecting in order to see if @freesia ever got an answer to her questions, or ended up using Aleks AP Stats? If so, how was it?

Considering it for dd but I can't get a read on whether it is enough by itself or not.


I don't remember having that question. LOL  I couldn't list it as AP anyway because of our umbrella school's policies.  I did include it as AP level on our course descriptions and in a separate letter that I sent to the college explaining about the AP classes he had taken that weren't labeled as AP level.

He did fine on the exam.  I think he got a 4--but that is more on him and his haphazard review at the end of his senior year (and the fact he didn't ever read the textbook--he said it was optional.  I don't know if that is true.).  I thought the class was fine. I do remember having a problem with checking the work.  Unlike Edhesive's AP Computer Science, this class is graded by the facilitating teacher.  At first I didn't have the answers, but they did end up sending them to me.  So, you might want to email with them and ask how the grading goes.  I wasn't expecting to have to grade, so it caught me by surprise and we had an incredibly busy fall that fall, so I had to do some mental adjustments bc I'd assumed that class was off my plate.

I think there are others who have done the class more recently--@Miribillis maybe? You might want to do a search.

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2 hours ago, PeachyDoodle said:

I know this thread is old, but I'm resurrecting in order to see if @freesia ever got an answer to her questions, or ended up using Aleks AP Stats? If so, how was it?

Considering it for dd but I can't get a read on whether it is enough by itself or not.

Oh my goodness, I just realized I answered you wrong.  My ds did Edhesive.  I did get an answer from Aleks.  They do not have an approved syllabus.  They consider themselves like an AP textbook, not a class.  It was actually really frustrating to communicate with them.

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5 minutes ago, freesia said:

Oh my goodness, I just realized I answered you wrong.  My ds did Edhesive.  I did get an answer from Aleks.  They do not have an approved syllabus.  They consider themselves like an AP textbook, not a class.  It was actually really frustrating to communicate with them.

Hahaha, no worries. Thank you for responding! My dd is liking the format of Aleks, but I'm also finding it pretty frustrating. To be honest she probably won't even take the exam, so I'm not so worried about that. But I can't even tell if it is supposed to be a full curriculum, or just extra practice, or what?! I guess if they consider themselves a textbook, it would be a full stats curriculum?

She is strongly opposed to taking an online class for various reasons, but I need something that will at least give her enough feedback to know that she's mastering the material, as I'm not equipped to do so myself. Based off the piddly "free trial" they offer, she thinks she can roll through it in a few weeks, which makes me wonder if it's enough. We were only aiming for a half-credit, but still...

I really do appreciate your answering!!

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