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Ready to throw in the towel on math


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My daughter is in 6th grade, not a fan of math what so ever. She has been using Teaching Textbooks since 4th grade, but one level above. Prior to Teaching Textbooks we used Christian Light Education. I love both TT and CLE.


She passed 5th (in 4th) and 6th (in 5th) and this year she is doing 7th. We've totally hit a brick wall. She is very independent, hates to work with me or anyone else. This is one of the reasons I switched her to TT. I had the same issue with my older daughter and TT worked very well for her all the way up through high school. I don't know what else to try. I don't want to go back to TT 6 because she did pass it. 


We're 126 days into our 180 but she is only on lesson 69. I have zero funds to buy a whole new program. Are there any free/low cost math programs online that do the teaching for me? She sits at the table and cries when my husband or I try to help her. We get absolutely no where. 


She uses BJU Press DVD's for several other subjects but we haven't tried the math yet. I've heard it was advanced so I never gave it a thought. She is definitely not my mathy child. Anyone use BJU and can compare?





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Khan Academy is good, but just as a BTDT response... it doesn't work for everyone and for some kids (mine!) it can muddy the waters and make things worse.  So, I'd try it, but keep a close eye and see if it's really helping.


(A lot of people - not on this thread, just in general - look at Khan as a panacea for math troubles.  I like it, and it helped one of my kids, but not the other.)


I don't know what you mean by lost cost, so I will suggest the Key To Math books.  They are focused workbooks with a lot of repetition.  My kids got a lot out of both percents and fractions.  I think each set is ~$30, with the teacher's manuals separate.  


Is it possible she could use a break, do some review (starting with Khan and/or other free stuff you can find), and come back to the level of TT you are on?  If she is "not mathy" and struggling, why have her work a year ahead?


FWIW, my biggest, possibly only, homeschool regret is that I did not jump on math problems way earlier, and that was I too focused on not spending money on it when I should have, even if it meant cutting in other areas. 

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My daughter is in 6th grade, not a fan of math what so ever. She has been using Teaching Textbooks since 4th grade, but one level above. Prior to Teaching Textbooks we used Christian Light Education. I love both TT and CLE.


She passed 5th (in 4th) and 6th (in 5th) and this year she is doing 7th. We've totally hit a brick wall. She is very independent, hates to work with me or anyone else. This is one of the reasons I switched her to TT. I had the same issue with my older daughter and TT worked very well for her all the way up through high school. I don't know what else to try. I don't want to go back to TT 6 because she did pass it. 


We're 126 days into our 180 but she is only on lesson 69. I have zero funds to buy a whole new program. Are there any free/low cost math programs online that do the teaching for me? She sits at the table and cries when my husband or I try to help her. We get absolutely no where. 


She uses BJU Press DVD's for several other subjects but we haven't tried the math yet. I've heard it was advanced so I never gave it a thought. She is definitely not my mathy child. Anyone use BJU and can compare?


If she's working a year ahead, why not let her start over with the one she's using now? She won't be behind at all. Maybe there are some concepts that her brain is just not yet old enough to understand.

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My oldest hit a snag in TT7 too.  We are working through the Key To books.  They aren't free, but they are pretty cheap and they definitely give LOTS of practice.  We have also used BJU, but never with the video, so I can't compare that aspect.  If you don't use the video, BJU is very teacher intensive and definitely not independent.

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If someone has a little money, Math Essentials is great for self-study. The PDF and password for online videos is $19.95 full price and goes on sale for less.


I have used this for remedial students that want to self-teach.




The book labeled 4/5 is the book the author originally used for pre-algebra I think. :confused1: about all the books before the algebra book.

Edited by Hunter
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If she's working a year ahead, why not let her start over with the one she's using now? She won't be behind at all. Maybe there are some concepts that her brain is just not yet old enough to understand.

Starting over Saxon books worked well for my younger son.


My older son could not tolerate me instructing him. We lived in DV, and he had picked up some patriarchal/abusive ideas and they came to a head during instruction. He learned to go onto homework help sites to get help with his American Corespondance School lessons. I particularly remember finding out he had been online at 3 in the morning getting help with accounting, and was why he would not get out of bed the next morning.

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The CIMT MEP program is free online. Years 7-9 have an online version that self grades. You could just skip to the topic you need or start over from the beginning. Each section has a final test that you could use to determine if she already knows the material. Explanations are written to the student but there is teacher support materials as well.

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If someone has a little money, Math Essentials is great for self-study. The PDF and password for online videos is $19.95 full price and goes on sale for less.


I have used this for remedial students that want to self-teach.




The book labeled 4/5 is the book the author originally used for pre-algebra I think. :confused1: about all the books before the algebra book.

I'm not sure if the sale ended yesterday or ends today. The word "lucky" is supposed to take 15% off.

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She has been working on the grade level ahead because that is where she placed on the placement tests. She isn't mathy but she did pass 5th and 6th TT. That is why she has been working on 7th. 


I'll look into all the suggestions, thank you!! 

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Another thought: Each of us learns in fits and spurts, and it's often valuable when we hit a snag to step back and take a break. She's in a good position, having already finished level 6. She has time to do something else for awhile.


I have a lot of free resources listed on my blog's reference pages. You could have her browse through there and click on anything that sounds interesting. There are so many mathy riches on the web!


Then after she's had a refreshing math vacation, she can come back to the tough topics ready to fight for understanding...




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