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It's the little victories, ya know?


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I posted last week that I'd finally come to some understanding of DS11's strengths and weaknesses over the course of a difficult week. Well this week was even more difficult... what with snow and grandma visits and miscellaneous troubles with angry people, we only had about 3 hours of school time, so I haven't even managed to try out any of the things I'd planned to help DS learn. But today we were at church and the sermon was on John 18. We got to this part:


29 So Pilate went out to them and said, “What accusation do you bring against this man?â€[e]30 They answered him, “If this man were not an evildoer, we would not have handed him over.â€


and DS leans over and whispers into my ear, "Red herring!"


  ....So my work here is done, right?   :biggrinjester:

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