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Well Trained Bodies - 3/5/17


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Yesterday in Aerial we worked on the Yoga Wall(wall with holes to hook up harnesses at various heights). It was nearly all core work in some way or another, as you needed it to keep stabilized. It was interesting as with some positions I didn't expect to need the stabilization as much until I tried it and started to fall over, using the harness in various ways changed the movements. We did one position with the harness right below your butt standing horizontally against the wall, it takes a lot of strength to keep in a straight line in that position, it was a good challenge, talk about core work! We also worked handstands and forearm stands, starting with just our feet in the harness you pike up from plank, LOVED THAT, a great way to practice the movement with support so you won't fall but you get to have your muscles going through the full range of motion. 




There's a place close to me that holds Aerial yoga classes. I'm quite curious to try it out. Sounds like a lot of fun.  

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I didn't post this Tuesday night after the Zumba class. The first time I went, I reported that it seemed to be "high impact" and that there was some jumping, that I did not plan to do again. The classes after that, there has been no jumping. So, I think that it is "low impact".   Tuesday I was hoping that my wife would spend 5 or 10 minutes with me in the house, so I could try to "memorize" the steps.  That didn't happen, but she suggested/told me to watch her during the class. That worked fine, and she said that I did much better, except for several times when they turned around and started facing me (I was in the last row).   Hmmm.  I do not have eyes in the back of my head, to see what my wife's feet were doing.  I stopped, until they turned around and faced the instructor again.  I think there were 12 adults there (including my DD who is 16 and 2 boys approximately 11 or 12 years old.  It is open air, so we are dependent upon good weather and it has rained a lot recently. One class was cancelled because of rain, last week.  

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Can I join this group? We have a 15-week-old puppy that has been more than a full-time job since we got her, so my exercise has been pretty limited to taking her out to do her business a million times a day, and running around with her in the backyard.


But now she is content to hang out in her crate for periods of time, so I am trying to get back on the exercise routine again. The last few days I have done the rowing machine for 30 minutes, followed by body-weight strength exercises from Body By You. It feels good to get back into things.

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After celebrating the end of midterms (all tests and assignments graded and entered), I felt awful. My idea of celebrating was a salad and a couple of slices of GF pizza. I guess I've been doing better with my eating than I thought because my body didn't handle the fatty pizza well. I was in bed and asleep by 8:45pm. 


This morning I switched things up a bit and had carbs for breakfast (a bowl of cereal) before my light Y workout. I did an easy interval workout on the treadmill. I came home and had a Silk yogurt before I head off to drive to the City for my tennis match (ladies doubles) and to try out new racquets and shoes. 



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There's a place close to me that holds Aerial yoga classes. I'm quite curious to try it out. Sounds like a lot of fun.  

It is fun, I bet you would enjoy it. As I said it is one of those things that looks easy until you try it. Well, there are some things to do that are easier in the sling but most are harder because you are trying to keep your body stationary on an object that is free moving. It is also good for upper body strength and grip strength, which most of us women don't have. Oh, and once you get upside down that is a different ball game, you may think you have good body awareness but trying to orient yourself while you are upside down is a whole new challenge.

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I think that I un-did all the progress I've made in rehabilitating my ankle.   :crying:  I did weighted step-ups at the gym yesterday as part of my leg workout.  And when a sudden sharp pain shot through my right ankle I suddenly (but too late) remembered why I had stopped doing that exercise.  It's my fault:  you are supposed to pull yourself up using the leg that's on the tall step, not push off using the leg that's on the floor.  But as I get tired and the work gets harder, that becomes harder and harder to do.  I didn't even realize that I was pushing off with the leg on the floor until I felt that pain.


I was hoping to go for my weekly run today, but woke up with the ankle hurting and slightly swollen.  So no run for me today.  I'll have to stick with the bike and the AMT machine for awhile until it feels better.  I wonder if the stair climber would be too much for it.

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I have never posted on this thread but I am on Week 3 of C25K and pretty proud of myself! I am not an exerciser by nature (have never been sporty, don't intrinsically enjoy it) but I am actually starting to look forward to my walk/runs (and oddly, I have lost 4 lbs already). I am thinking of hiring a personal trainer for one session to show me how to do some strength training on my off days. I need to go slowly so I don't hurt myself and quit (as has happened in the past), but I'm really excited to finally be moving.



Can I join this group? We have a 15-week-old puppy that has been more than a full-time job since we got her, so my exercise has been pretty limited to taking her out to do her business a million times a day, and running around with her in the backyard.


But now she is content to hang out in her crate for periods of time, so I am trying to get back on the exercise routine again. The last few days I have done the rowing machine for 30 minutes, followed by body-weight strength exercises from Body By You. It feels good to get back into things.




Welcome!   :seeya:

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I think that I un-did all the progress I've made in rehabilitating my ankle.   :crying:  I did weighted step-ups at the gym yesterday as part of my leg workout.  And when a sudden sharp pain shot through my right ankle I suddenly (but too late) remembered why I had stopped doing that exercise.  It's my fault:  you are supposed to pull yourself up using the leg that's on the tall step, not push off using the leg that's on the floor.  But as I get tired and the work gets harder, that becomes harder and harder to do.  I didn't even realize that I was pushing off with the leg on the floor until I felt that pain.


I was hoping to go for my weekly run today, but woke up with the ankle hurting and slightly swollen.  So no run for me today.  I'll have to stick with the bike and the AMT machine for awhile until it feels better.  I wonder if the stair climber would be too much for it.

I'm sorry that really sucks :(

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Ladies, I have to thank you all for inspiring me to stay active, but you know what's even more inspiring to work hard?  2 pro tennis players playing a match on the court beside you.  :laugh:  I'm not sure if either of them noticed this old lady (me) stepping up the pace, hitting my balls harder and chasing balls like a crazy woman, but I did. I haven't played this well or this hard in a long time. My poor dh didn't know what hit him when his wife (me, again) transformed into a wild cat on the court. Sadly, I lost the set in a tie-breaker, but I had so much fun! 


Talk about feeling like a 20 year old. I hope I'm not too sore after this.  :laugh:

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I think that I un-did all the progress I've made in rehabilitating my ankle.   :crying:  I did weighted step-ups at the gym yesterday as part of my leg workout.  And when a sudden sharp pain shot through my right ankle I suddenly (but too late) remembered why I had stopped doing that exercise.  It's my fault:  you are supposed to pull yourself up using the leg that's on the tall step, not push off using the leg that's on the floor.  But as I get tired and the work gets harder, that becomes harder and harder to do.  I didn't even realize that I was pushing off with the leg on the floor until I felt that pain.


I was hoping to go for my weekly run today, but woke up with the ankle hurting and slightly swollen.  So no run for me today.  I'll have to stick with the bike and the AMT machine for awhile until it feels better.  I wonder if the stair climber would be too much for it.


Oh bummer! Here's hoping that since you stopped right away that you limited the damage and will be better in short order!

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Oh my heavens, tennis was fun today. After my doubles match, I stuck around for cardio tennis. The Friday afternoon class is almost all working men on their lunch break so I had to pick up my game a bit in order to be competitive. It was a blast. I think I might try to fit in more cardio tennis classes when I go up. Once I learn the particulars of how cardio tennis is run, I might try to set up some classes here in my home town. Maybe I can turn it in to a simple money maker in the summer.



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I think that I un-did all the progress I've made in rehabilitating my ankle. :crying: I did weighted step-ups at the gym yesterday as part of my leg workout. And when a sudden sharp pain shot through my right ankle I suddenly (but too late) remembered why I had stopped doing that exercise. It's my fault: you are supposed to pull yourself up using the leg that's on the tall step, not push off using the leg that's on the floor. But as I get tired and the work gets harder, that becomes harder and harder to do. I didn't even realize that I was pushing off with the leg on the floor until I felt that pain.


I was hoping to go for my weekly run today, but woke up with the ankle hurting and slightly swollen. So no run for me today. I'll have to stick with the bike and the AMT machine for awhile until it feels better. I wonder if the stair climber would be too much for it.

Awww...I hope you recover quickly! Such a bummer!

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Bodypump today. I hate walking/jumping lunges. I decided to start recording my food intake. I eat cleanly but I'm unsure of the actual caloric intake. Am I the only one that finds a food log to be a pain? There are so many dishes I make according to taste and feel. I can't bring myself to measure and count every ingredient.

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Weigh in day and although I thought I really messed up at the beginning of the week I didn't give up and chose to get back on track. Another, almost pound down. That 13 pound in 4 weeks.


Tonight I'm going to introduce some exercise for the first time since I got pregnant with my 2 month old. I'll be doing a cardio kickboxing class at dh's work. It is the class that got me to my goal weight before having 3 more kids and gaining a lot of weight back. So I hope it is the class to do it again for me.

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I've been lurking a bit, but I'll join in.


I'm mostly using Lauren Brooks's Shut Up and Train dvd (kettlebells) because the segments are short and beginner/intro. level (and I can add them on to other things like walking or pilates).  That said, I was feeling a little tired of Lauren :o, so I did Sixpack Supersets from BJ Gaddour's Metashred.  Woo-boy!  That put me in my place!  My backside is already sore!


ETA:  I enjoy exercise but I am AWFUL at diet.  My weight is at its all-time high (I gained 35 pounds when DH was going through chemo in 2015 -- on top of a previous 20 pound weight gain) and my eating habits are totally to blame.  If I could get that under control.... :rolleyes:

Edited by alisoncooks
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Bodypump today. I hate walking/jumping lunges. I decided to start recording my food intake. I eat cleanly but I'm unsure of the actual caloric intake. Am I the only one that finds a food log to be a pain? There are so many dishes I make according to taste and feel. I can't bring myself to measure and count every ingredient.

Me!! I find food logs a total PITA. I can't tell you how many times I begin a log (either via WW, My Fitness Pal, or a simple private journal) only to stop after a couple of weeks. I hate having to stop and contemplate whether I added 1/4 c or 2/3 cup tomato sauce, or if the olive oil used to saute the onions was measured or just poured in the pan. If poured, then guesstimate how much. Was that a large banana or a medium banana? Does it really matter if the salad had two cups of lettuce? It's lettuce.


Then there's the time factor. When I was using MFP a coupel of weeks ago, I was spending about 45 mins a day tracking and entering. It went up to about 2 hours by the time I looked up recipes and then created those.


Ugh, just ugh.

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Bodypump today. I hate walking/jumping lunges. I decided to start recording my food intake. I eat cleanly but I'm unsure of the actual caloric intake. Am I the only one that finds a food log to be a pain? There are so many dishes I make according to taste and feel. I can't bring myself to measure and count every ingredient.


I find regular ones a pain, but when I am trying to lose weight (like now), what I find that helps is to log servings of types of food and just guess whether it's a serving size or not. I am most interested in counting fruits and veges and don't find counting to 9 or 10 too onerous! 


WHat I have found is that if I get in 9-10 servings of fruits/veges a day that I haven't had room for junk and I will lose about 1 pound per week. 


I also count servings of other food categories like nuts, beans, meat, dairy, grains, etc. But for instance, under "grain" I will just write 1 1/2 oatmeal (to indicate a serving and a half) or whatever.  I have learned to watch my grains---I try to keep servings at 3 or fewer per days. And I don't eat desserts except once in a blue moon. But if I did, I would write down: Cake.  End of story. 


I am not particular about it but it definitely helps me to lose weight to track this way. 


I have tried before to count higher than 9 or 10--like counting calories ;) ----and I just crash and burn!

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Me!! I find food logs a total PITA. I can't tell you how many times I begin a log (either via WW, My Fitness Pal, or a simple private journal) only to stop after a couple of weeks. I hate having to stop and contemplate whether I added 1/4 c or 2/3 cup tomato sauce, or if the olive oil used to saute the onions was measured or just poured in the pan. If poured, then guesstimate how much. Was that a large banana or a medium banana? Does it really matter if the salad had two cups of lettuce? It's lettuce.


Then there's the time factor. When I was using MFP a coupel of weeks ago, I was spending about 45 mins a day tracking and entering. It went up to about 2 hours by the time I looked up recipes and then created those.


Ugh, just ugh.

I hate good logs but it seems to be the only way I can actually lose weight. If I don't track I overeat to the extreme. It is the only way I've found that I'm able to stop myself from overeating because I know that I've had my fill for the day.


I find weighing my food easier than measuring with cups and tablespoons. It is a pain but after about a month most of the foods I eat are stored so I just have to pull them out, weigh it, and add it real quick. I probably spend 5 minutes a day logging unless I do a new recipe.

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I don't think anyone enjoys logging their food but it does get easier. If I just have 5 lbs or less then I don't bother but after a horrible fall with my thyroid and being sick i had 10 lbs UGH, I'd rather it be off sooner than later so it is tracking it all. I've just committed to it for a month though, we'll see after that.

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I had planned to walk/jog today but a cold front was blowing in--emphasis both on blowing and cold. So I just finished about an hour of youtube dance videos. 


Logged 165 min of aerobic exercise this week of which around 75 min were vigorous. 


2 strength-training sessions. 


Tomorrow: Strength training plus moderate cardio.

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Thanks everyone for the well wishes on my ankle!  You guys are the best!   :001_smile:  It's feeling better than it did this morning, so I'm trying to be optimistic that recovery will be quicker this time!



Bodypump today. I hate walking/jumping lunges. I decided to start recording my food intake. I eat cleanly but I'm unsure of the actual caloric intake. Am I the only one that finds a food log to be a pain? There are so many dishes I make according to taste and feel. I can't bring myself to measure and count every ingredient.



Food logs work really well for some people.  I am not one of those people.  Not only is it a pain, but it makes me completely obsessive about it.  Instead, I just jot down a simple tick mark for each serving of fruit or veggie that I eat, with the goal of having ten marks by the end of the day, and in another section a tick mark for each serving of grain that I eat, with the goal being to limit that to three per day.  That's enough tracking to keep me, well, on track, but not enough to make me obsess.  But depending on your personality and your goals, that may or may not work for you.  If you're already in the habit of eating clean, you might not really need to do something as detailed as a food log.

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I just did my daily wall sit challenge and hit the 3 min mark. I began the challenge on March 1 and gave myself the month to get to 3 mins. It took 10 days, The last couple of days I could feel it in my legs that I would be able to get to about 2 min 45 sec. so I just kept holding it tonight. I think I'll continue to hold the 3 mins for the next few days then I might shoot for the 5 min wall sit.


I'm happy to have done something with such quick success since the pull ups and push ups are going so slowly.

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Made it through my hour long cardio kickboxing class. It was awesome and awful at the same time. My instructor, a good friend, tried to work me so hard that I'd throw up(all in the spirit of fun.) He Mainly did this because I said I'd likely throw up. But I didn't and I am still able to keep pace with him so I'm not as out of shape as I look. It amazes me what my body can do even at 60 pounds overweight.

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Coming on here to say I need to do both strength training and some cardio today. It's kind of chilly (so the weather won't draw me out to hike, but it is tolerable, so I could) and I just don't feel like it TBH. So this is me declaring to cyberspace that it needs to be done and I am going to do it. 


I think I will try splitting up my strength training. That has helped me not put it off so long. I'll do my weighted squats, which I dislike, first. Then that is over with. 

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We have cold and wind here, too. Currently 0 degrees F and -22 F with the windchill (it sounds more impressive as -17C and -30C).  :crying:   I still went for my weekly snowshoe hike in the woods during my dc's violin ensemble rehearsal. It was actually very nice hiking as the snow is so hard. I had to really bundle up warmly, though.


Tonight is my competitive doubles tennis matches. I get to team up with a lady I've only played against, and lost every single time. She's really good, so it will be fun to finally be on the same side of  the net as her. I hope I play well, and she doesn't regret agreeing to spare for my team. Oh, the pressure.  :willy_nilly:

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Weight day.  Specifically leg press day, my favorite.  I still haven't quite gotten back to the weight I was doing before I got sick (200 pounds), but I did get up to 180 today.  So I'm close!  Next week, barring more illness or an injury, I think I'll have it.  We did other stuff, too, for a whole body workout.  The gym got in a new chin-up and dip assist machine, so we tried that and it was pretty good.


I don't think I mentioned it, but I did do my hour of cardio yesterday.  I'm so grateful for audiobooks, because cardio equipment at the gym is so boring!



I'll do my weighted squats, which I dislike, first. Then that is over with. 


Squats are hard.  When we do weights, we always start with whatever leg work we're doing that day (squats, deadlifts, leg press).  It's nice to get the hardest thing done first so that you can look forward to the rest of your workout as being relatively easy!  And if it helps, doing squats really boosts your growth hormone production, which keeps you young and healthy.  So think of it as anti-aging medicine!  :D



Tonight is my competitive doubles tennis matches. I get to team up with a lady I've only played against, and lost every single time. She's really good, so it will be fun to finally be on the same side of  the net as her. I hope I play well, and she doesn't regret agreeing to spare for my team. Oh, the pressure.  :willy_nilly:



Good luck!   :thumbup: I'm sure you'll do great!!!

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All right, I am officially on a break the next two days! At least from the super strict eating...I do have some more intense hiking planned :-) Back in the saddle on Monday with the 21 Day Fix eating plan, and either their exercise plan, or my old school Firm videos "Fat Burning" rotation (if you are not familiar with the classic Firm, think tall bangs and leg warmers with intense weight work.)


I did weigh today, and am down 4 1/2 lbs from the beginning of the week, and I believe about 17 lbs in the last 2 months (estimating starting weight.) So about halfway there. I suspect this last part is going to take at least twice as long as the first part, maybe longer, so looking at a long haul.

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Squats are hard.  When we do weights, we always start with whatever leg work we're doing that day (squats, deadlifts, leg press).  It's nice to get the hardest thing done first so that you can look forward to the rest of your workout as being relatively easy!  And if it helps, doing squats really boosts your growth hormone production, which keeps you young and healthy.  So think of it as anti-aging medicine!   :D




Thanks. I checked in for some motivation and this was good motivation. I also watch Daisy Ridley workout videos to get motivated. I really liked her character Rey in The Force Awakens, so that motivates me, too. Have now done my squats. Now off to do my cardio. Will finish strength training when I get back. 

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I hope it goes well, Wintermom. Let us know the outcome.


I awoke with runny eyes and a cough. One of the ladies I played tennis against yesterday played ill and was coughing and sneezing all over. I used hand sanitizer and washed well when I got home but who knows if it was enough. Other than injuries, this is the first illness I've had all winter. DH ran out for some Zicam, vitamins, and tea. I've been resting all day, drinking lots of liquids, and medicating every 4 hours. I hope I caught this in time and it won't become a full blown cold or whatever it is since this is my Spring Break and I had some (minor) plans.


At least I've been able to read about exercise today.

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Get well Scoutermom!

Good luck Wintermom!

Kudos to Greta and Laurie for getting their workouts done.

Congrats to hjffkj and Gr8lander on their weight loss!



Yoga class today---


It felt like a lazy week but wasn't a total wash. 



-3 days of walking

-3 days with yoga classes- Sun, Thurs & Sat- Sun had 3 classes and Thurs was very strength intensive


We'll see what next week holds. Monday night we have a swim party so I'll do some playing in the water. Thursday I am teaching kindergarten yoga, 30 very active minutes :) Otherwise, we are in the middle of a huge project in the basement- general re-organizing and decluttering and converting a room into a bedroom for dd1. I still have painting to do(wall touch-up, doors, and trims) and cleaning out the shed(to clear closet space for her)- which is going to require a lot of carrying and lifting.


I hope to get in lots of fabulous walks BUT getting the room/basement done is a huge priority, my daughter is dying to move in and I'll be excited to have the baement one step closer to finished- it is sooooo close, we just need the shower done in the bathroom, baseboards in 2 rooms and the stairs finished(we are waiting for my brother to come for that- he is a former house builder who still does it on the side).

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Three miles of cross country skiing today! It was my first time too. And not at all anything like walking, which is what my husband told me. :001_huh:


Way to go! It's not easy to take up as an adult. No, it's definitely NOT like walking. That would be showshoeing. 


Did you enjoy it?

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Tennis was awesome! My lady partner and I rocked our match. She is so strong that she put the pressure on the opponents, and I just picked off the balls at the net. It was way more fun having her on my side of the net, that's for sure! :laugh:  Dh and I won our mixed doubles match, too. The opponents were good, and the rallies challenging. 

Edited by wintermom
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Did my cardio and a good lower body strength-training workout. 


DH decided to make an apple cake tonight as ds and his fiance were here for dinner. Dh likes to bake. I don't serve dessert except on  holidays and birthdays.  The cake isn't one I am particularly crazy about, but I will eat it if it's there looking at me. So tonight I announced during dinner that I was getting up from the table before dessert. I asked one of the kids to put the cake away some place where it's not the first thing I see when I enter the kitchen. I am trying to lose weight but something like a cake around where I slice off a piece... then another piece.... then just a bit more.... well, it's not conducive to weight loss and can lead to gain. Here's hoping my strategy works. I avoided it tonight, anyway,


Tomorrow is a rest day and a planning day for the rest of the week. 

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Did my cardio and a good lower body strength-training workout. 


DH decided to make an apple cake tonight as ds and his fiance were here for dinner. Dh likes to bake. I don't serve dessert except on  holidays and birthdays.  The cake isn't one I am particularly crazy about, but I will eat it if it's there looking at me. So tonight I announced during dinner that I was getting up from the table before dessert. I asked one of the kids to put the cake away some place where it's not the first thing I see when I enter the kitchen. I am trying to lose weight but something like a cake around where I slice off a piece... then another piece.... then just a bit more.... well, it's not conducive to weight loss and can lead to gain. Here's hoping my strategy works. I avoided it tonight, anyway,


Tomorrow is a rest day and a planning day for the rest of the week. 


Well done with the cake! I'd probably eat some, as dh never bakes. But for the most part, I leave the dinner table, while dh and the dc go to the basement for after-dinner sweets. Out-of-sight works much better for me than just eating a little.

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