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letter from Dr. Dobson

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I heard him talking on the radio about why he is now endorsing John McCain but I feel like its too late. I think he should have stuck to his original reason for not voting for him because nothing has changed excpet Sarah Palin but John McCain himself hasn't changed. I respected him more when he said he couldn't vote for him than now that he's changed his mind. There are 3rd party candidates.



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I don't care for Dobson and I don't care who he endorses any more than I care which candidate celebrities or newspapers endorse.


So there. :p


(I sound snarkier than I feel. But honestly, I think it's so arrogant for a well-named person of any ilk to publicly announce who their voting for.)

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I feel that way when a movie star tells me how they are going to vote. I really don't care.


There are certain people I will listen to because I feel they have done the research or work in an area where they are more aware.


I think Dr. Dobson did it in a poor fashion. Especially now that he is changing his mind.



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but you can't assume he has a third party candidate to vote for. Or that the ones available are any better.


My state has two people on the ballot. Only two. Obama or McCain. Counting is done by machine and there is no write-in system.


Now, I haven't read Dobson's reasoning. But, some of us HAVE to pick one of the two major ones.


Pammy....would you email me the article? I'll pm you my email.

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but you can't assume he has a third party candidate to vote for. Or that the ones available are any better.


My state has two people on the ballot. Only two. Obama or McCain. Counting is done by machine and there is no write-in system.


Now, I haven't read Dobson's reasoning. But, some of us HAVE to pick one of the two major ones.


Pammy....would you email me the article? I'll pm you my email.


He lives in Colorado. We do have 3rd party options. I haven't read it yet though so I'll not comment further.


Okay, I won't comment further even when I do. :coolgleamA:

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I thought how he handled this election was tacky. I don't personally care but others do. I did write and say that I thought his comments earlier were in poor taste and that he should retract them. Got a nice reply from a correspondance secretary. He does carry influence and I thought it was ill-used this go-around.

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I assumed every state had the same 3rd party options. Sorry. We have 9 P/VP selections on our ballot. We have Dem, Rep, Con, Grn, Lib, Psl, Paf, Spu and Swp. Luckily they have a key to tell us what all of these different parties are. I think most people know the first 5 but here are the explantions for the other 4. Lots of Socialists.


Psl = Party for Socialism and Liberation

Paf = Peace and Freedom

Sup = Socialist Party

Swp = Socialist Workers Party


I have my absentee ballot and I'm working on it while i look everyone up on the internet. Can someone tell me a place to go to look at my judges. I've looked at the court site but it really doesn't tell me how they have voted or their ideas.



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