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What comes after AoPS Pre-Algebra?  Is it Intro to Algebra?  I have him working through Saxon Algebra 1 right now, but he really loves AoPS and wants to go back to that.


Is there a certain order the rest of the AoPS curriculum is supposed to go to follow the basics needed for the traditional order of high school math (Alg 1, Alg, 2, Geo. Pre-Calc, etc)?


How long did it take to get through the books after Pre-Algebra?  My son took longer than I would like to get through that book and since anything he has expressed interest in has been heavy in maths, I want to make sure he gets what he needs.


Heelp.  Honestly, AoPS overwhelmed me when we did Pre-Algebra, not him.  I was never sure how to know of he REALLY, REALLY understood what he was being taught in order to transfer it over to the real world.  Do any of you have ways of checking with that?


Thanks for putting up with my many, many questions.  It is strange to think that this child who loves anything math, logic, or problem solving actually came from my body.  

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What comes after AoPS Pre-Algebra?  Is it Intro to Algebra?  I have him working through Saxon Algebra 1 right now, but he really loves AoPS and wants to go back to that.


Is there a certain order the rest of the AoPS curriculum is supposed to go to follow the basics needed for the traditional order of high school math (Alg 1, Alg, 2, Geo. Pre-Calc, etc)?


How long did it take to get through the books after Pre-Algebra?  My son took longer than I would like to get through that book and since anything he has expressed interest in has been heavy in maths, I want to make sure he gets what he needs.


Intro to Algebra comes after Prealgebra.


After that geometry, intermediate algebra, precalculus, calculus. You can find out more about recommended sequence on the AoPS website



Intro to Algebra is a heavy book. Some very dedicated students complete in in a year, others take two years (I had one of each). The other volumes of the main sequence are usually completed within a year each; some students double up and work on two books in the same year.

Intro to C&P and NT are each a semester course.


My advice: take whatever time he needs for algebra. It is the most important math, and success in math and sciences hinges on a thorough mastery of prealgebra and algebra. It is far more important that the student have those are rock solid than that he complete calculus in high school.

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