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2017 vent thread


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Day 3 of starting my day at 3:30 am because I wake up and can't fall back asleep. By 8pm I'll be tearing people's heads off.


On a related note, why can't my children turn off lights? Dh is out of town and I have been going to be early (see above). Every night I tell my dearest children, "please turn off all the lights when you go to bed." And each morning, when I wake up at 3:30, there is at least one light left on.

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Petty vent about a shower party-


You asked me my opinion and for ideas.  Forgive me that I said a diaper party was a bad idea for someone who is cloth diapering and already owns them from her previous kids using them.  Instead, I made suggestions that fit in with the family's lifestyle.  Buying them a ton of disposable diapers is not one a waste but then they will have to return them.  They will not use them not only for environmental reasons but their other kids have been allergic to disposable diapers.  No need to be rude to me for actually knowing the family.

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Well here's mine.  In the fall of 2015, the construction crew installed ceiling lights in my kids' new bedrooms.  A few months ago the light blew out in one of the rooms, so I climbed up there thinking to change the light bulb(s).  Turns out it is some sort of LED ?? light that is supposed to last basically forever.  There is no light bulb to change.  We called the construction guy to come look at it and he says the light fixture is bad - we need to go buy another light fixture and he will install it.  Meanwhile the light in my other kid's room has also failed.  Grrr....  I just hope he is right about it being caused by the light fixtures and not some faulty wiring, or rodents eating the wires, or ....

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I am not in any mood to cook dinner or prepare any food. Dh first asked me what I planned on making for lunch (because I need to make everyone lunch on Sat?!). I guess he realized that Iunch wasn't happening by me, maybe because I snapped that I was in no mood to think about food. So he said he'd take care of it. So then, he asked me what he should make. THAT IS PART OF TAKING CARE OF IT! So, there's no lunch and I am guessing we are all on our own for dinner, since I am not making anything.

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My petty vent... DD15 had a once-in-a-lifetime (literally) opportunity come up to do something super cool - attend the national boy scout jamboree this summer as part of a venture crew.  DH is going with the Boy Scouts, but our council isn't sending a venture crew this time.  Well, the council found a venture crew in Colorado that was looking to fill an empty slot and now she can go.  We have the money saved and it's paid for now and she is super excited.


My vent - to send her, we had to use up my airline miles as well as my vacation fund.  I've had to travel a bunch for work this year (which I hate) and I was hoarding my miles for a trip to somewhere nice.  Hawaii or (more likely) a visit to see my older kids.  Now, with my vacation fund and airline miles gone to pay for DD's trip, I'm not going anywhere unless it's another business trip.  Which I hate.


Whine.  It costs so much and takes so long to get anywhere from here......


Edited by AK_Mom4
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We don't "do" Valentine's Day, so I don't expect anything.  But it would be nice if I didn't have to clean up dog pee, dog barf, wash the dog after she dug in the mud, clean up the shards after the 2 y/o broke one of my favorite bowls, have the pantry door fall off in my hand and take the kids to a Valentine's party at Chuck E. Cheese. 


Dh did get me a Nutty Bar though.  Unexpected Little Debbie treats cover a multitude of frustrations.

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My dd is angry because we never took family vacations. Well, we were military and moved every 2 years, so most of our time was spent at the new museums, zoos, whatever the place had to offer. Also, we used our tax refund and vacation money every year (from age 12 to age 17) to allow her to study at a college of her choice for 3 to 6 weeks. Now she says she hated those trips but the one year she didn't go she made life very unpleasant. Oh, and the one trip we did take, to Disney World when she was 7, she can't remember at all.


I am so tired of the complaining. Do other people's children go to college and come back with a litany of things their parents should have done? What is the point anyway--- we can't redo it. Enough already!

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We are supposed to leave this afternoon for a herp conservation conference. Poster session and dinner starts at 6:00. 3 hours away.


Gues who's DH got called into a meeting on a critical feature, starting at 2:00. He's SUPPOSED to be completely off Friday and this weekend, so he can enjoy being out in the woods while DD is conferencing and I'm chaperoning. Now I'm just hoping we'll make it in time to check in to our prepaid room in the lodge for tonight.

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Long-haired white cats in the springtime! (I know that's not a complete sentence) I had no idea until my teeny kitten grew into a 12-pounder and it's all fur. I vacuumed yesterday, and there's already tufts of it floating around the house like dust bunnies. His brother, who is also long-haired, doesn't seem to shed as much.

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I would love for Dh to have different taste in jewelry.  Silly, I know.   Everything he buys me is ugly or gaudy.  I know he is trying, but seriously?!?!?!  For example, my birthstone is a ruby.  I wanted a ring for Christmas several years ago.  I sent him pictures several examples of pretty, delicate, vintage rings that are low profile and would fit my very low-key style.  Instead I got a ring with a giant "lab-created" ruby in a yellow gold setting that looks like the Eye of Sauron in the middle of a shield.  


Last year I bought my mom a tiny sterling silver ring with an infinity symbol on it.  She loved it.  Since she passed away I have been wearing it.  Dh bought me a necklace to match, only the size of the loops on the infinity symbol are the size of a 1/2 dollar each so it is giant & it is not even well made with sharp edges.  It has our four children's names engraved on it.  The infinity symbol is so huge & unbalanced that it never stays centered & is always 1/2 way up the side of my neck.  


I have two beautiful cameos.  They  are both family heirlooms.  They are carved from shells by hand in the traditional fashion and are both between 75-100 years old.  My dd plnned one on the ribbons in her wedding bouquet.  I adore wearing these.  For Valentine's Day dh bought me a cameo.  It is about the size of my palm, blue resin and set in twisted silver wire with beads.  Ugly.


Every birthday, Christmas, anniversary, Valentine's Day, etc, I send pictures & lists of what I want and for some reason it always gets twisted into something else.  I don't want the bigger box of lower quality chocolate.  I don't like the smell of carnations so a huge bouquet of gaudily dyed carnations is a waste of money.  He plans a surprise dinner out to the Chinese food place that I haven't wanted to eat at since I got very sick there while pregnant 22 years ago.  Before you ask I always get him the right thing; the man jewelry that I think is ugly but he loves, the latest in the book series he enjoys or the gift card to the place I wouldn't step foot in if it weren't his favorite place.


With all the horrible things in the world, I know that this is a non-issue.  This is nothing.  We are not rolling in the dough right now so for him to have spent money on ugly things that I would never in a million years wear is irritating.  


Shallow rant over


Amber in SJ



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We trapped three mice awhile back. Ever Since Then there is one (I hope) devious mouse from hell that we cannot get no matter what we do. We have about 25 traps set out for this stupid mouse. Or this very intelligent mouse should I say. Mouse always gets into the bread bag if it is left on the cabinet. DH put traps all around the bag and even left a piece out. Mouse found a way to gnaw into the bag without being caught. I am calling pest control on Monday!!

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We trapped three mice awhile back. Ever Since Then there is one (I hope) devious mouse from hell that we cannot get no matter what we do. We have about 25 traps set out for this stupid mouse. Or this very intelligent mouse should I say. Mouse always gets into the bread bag if it is left on the cabinet. DH put traps all around the bag and even left a piece out. Mouse found a way to gnaw into the bag without being caught. I am calling pest control on Monday!!


Ages ago my Mom caught that last mouse by baiting the traps with tiny dried shrimp. The shrimp was hard for the mouse to tug from the trap which was enough to trip it.

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I'm trying to coordinate people from 4 states coming to my dd's honors college graduation. Actually, she has two graduations - one for the honors college and another big university-wide graduation.  I am about to pay for flights, rent a house, etc.... and they changed the date of the honors graduation...at least they think they did -- it is not a set date yet. If the new date is chosen,everyone else's schedule will need to change -- and we're pretty sure the original date will be changed... but we don't know for sure yet. :nopity: So we wait. 

Edited by Vida Winter
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From THE MIKADO, by Gilbert and Sullivan:  I give you Th Original Rant List




As some day it may happen that a victim must be found,
I've got a little list — I've got a little list
Of society offenders who might well be underground,
And who never would be missed — who never would be missed!
There's the pestilential nuisances who write for autographs — 
All people who have flabby hands and irritating laughs — 
All children who are up in dates, and floor you with 'em flat — 
All persons who in shaking hands, shake hands with you like that — 
And all third persons who on spoiling tête-á-têtes insist — 
They'd none of 'em be missed — they'd none of 'em be missed!  

He's got 'em on the list — he's got 'em on the list;
And they'll none of 'em be missed — they'll none of 'em be missed. 

There's the banjo serenader, and the others of his race,
And the piano-organist — I've got him on the list!
And the people who eat peppermint and puff it in your face,
They never would be missed — they never would be missed!
Then the idiot who praises, with enthusiastic tone,
All centuries but this, and every country but his own;
And the lady from the provinces, who dresses like a guy,
And who "doesn't think she dances, but would rather like to try";
And that singular anomaly, the lady novelist — 
I don't think she'd be missed — I'm sure she'd not he missed! 

He's got her on the list — he's got her on the list;
And I don't think she'll be missed — I'm sure she'll not be missed! 

And that Nisi Prius nuisance, who just now is rather rife,
The Judicial humorist — I've got him on the list!
All funny fellows, comic men, and clowns of private life — 
They'd none of 'em be missed — they'd none of 'em be missed.
And apologetic statesmen of a compromising kind,
Such as — What d'ye call him — Thing'em-bob, and likewise — Never-mind,
And 'St— 'st— 'st— and What's-his-name, and also You-know-who — 
The task of filling up the blanks I'd rather leave to you.
But it really doesn't matter whom you put upon the list,
For they'd none of 'em be missed — they'd none of 'em be missed! 

You may put 'em on the list — you may put 'em on the list;
And they'll none of 'em be missed — they'll none of 'em be missed!

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  • 3 weeks later...

My mil asked for a ride today to oldest dd's game. She never offers to meet me at my house, always expects to be picked up and dropped off. I told her that I had no idea when I would be able to leave today because of logistics with the other kids. I was able to work that out, but I had no spare time to pick her up today and asked her to meet me at my house, which she did. And I literally had no extra time, we left a couple of minutes later than I wanted to because I needed to use the bathroom before we left. (I was gone all day and got home a few minutes before we had to leave and I still had to make a salad for the tailgate after the game.)


So, when we came home tonight (past my bedtime!), I pull up to my house and I don't see her car, so I ask her where she parked. She said my fil dropped her off. I ask her if he's planning on picking her up. No, he figured I would drop her off on the way home. I was upset and asked her why she didn't tell me when I drove to my house instead of hers, what exactly was her plan? She lives 5 minutes from me, but when I drove the way to my house instead of hers, it made her house out of the way, She never, not once, mentioned that I needed to drop her off! She said she figured I would turn at some point and drive to her house. Yeah, when I get to my house and realize that I need to take you home. Thanks. I have been gone all day and just want to spend another 10 minutes in the car to take you home. It wouldn't have been out of the way, if she had told me when we got off at the highway that I needed to take her home.


I still haven't figured out how it helped her any by getting a ride here rather than driving herself. It's not like fil needed her car, they each have their own.

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I am sick of being sick and everyone else being sick.  Since mid-January we've had a variety of colds/flus going through the house.  Usually starts with little dd, then she comes in to sleep with us and breathes in my face all night so I get it, then ds and usually, after everyone else if feeling well, dh comes down with it.   We've gotten very little school done because even when the rest of us are feeling better, we can't get anything done when dh is home.  I'm on my third run through and it takes me forever to get rid of anything because it settles in my chest.   In addition to not enough school, the house is also a complete disaster area.  And I still have absolutely no energy to do anything about it.


My very expensive, only two years old computer has been giving me trouble.  In searching the net, it's evidently a common problem.  We've gone through all the recommended steps which includes unscrewing the back of the computer and taking apart the insides in order to disconnect/reset the battery.  Didn't help so we replaced the port for the charger because the charger no longer fit snuggly.  Helped a little bit, for a few days but now the charger is constantly not making a connection.  I have my settings so the screen goes slightly dim when it's running off the battery so I know immediately when it comes loose.   We bought a new battery and that's about the last thing we can do without sending it out for service. (I already have a new adapter so it's probably not that).   My LIFE is on this computer.  We have four other computers in the house but only one other has the majority of software I need to prepare my 4-H and school stuff, and NONE of them have the software I use when I do assignments for my old job.  

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Dh seems to not understand that if I must get up early in order to make it to an appointment for ds in the city that it doesn't just involve me getting up a little earlier but also waking children early and making sure morning necessities get done and one requires direct supervision for even little tasks. Ugh! I just want him to show some understanding.

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I would love for Dh to have different taste in jewelry.  Silly, I know.   Everything he buys me is ugly or gaudy.  I know he is trying, but seriously?!?!?!  For example, my birthstone is a ruby.  I wanted a ring for Christmas several years ago.  I sent him pictures several examples of pretty, delicate, vintage rings that are low profile and would fit my very low-key style.  Instead I got a ring with a giant "lab-created" ruby in a yellow gold setting that looks like the Eye of Sauron in the middle of a shield.  


Last year I bought my mom a tiny sterling silver ring with an infinity symbol on it.  She loved it.  Since she passed away I have been wearing it.  Dh bought me a necklace to match, only the size of the loops on the infinity symbol are the size of a 1/2 dollar each so it is giant & it is not even well made with sharp edges.  It has our four children's names engraved on it.  The infinity symbol is so huge & unbalanced that it never stays centered & is always 1/2 way up the side of my neck.  


I have two beautiful cameos.  They  are both family heirlooms.  They are carved from shells by hand in the traditional fashion and are both between 75-100 years old.  My dd plnned one on the ribbons in her wedding bouquet.  I adore wearing these.  For Valentine's Day dh bought me a cameo.  It is about the size of my palm, blue resin and set in twisted silver wire with beads.  Ugly.


Every birthday, Christmas, anniversary, Valentine's Day, etc, I send pictures & lists of what I want and for some reason it always gets twisted into something else.  I don't want the bigger box of lower quality chocolate.  I don't like the smell of carnations so a huge bouquet of gaudily dyed carnations is a waste of money.  He plans a surprise dinner out to the Chinese food place that I haven't wanted to eat at since I got very sick there while pregnant 22 years ago.  Before you ask I always get him the right thing; the man jewelry that I think is ugly but he loves, the latest in the book series he enjoys or the gift card to the place I wouldn't step foot in if it weren't his favorite place.


With all the horrible things in the world, I know that this is a non-issue.  This is nothing.  We are not rolling in the dough right now so for him to have spent money on ugly things that I would never in a million years wear is irritating.  


Shallow rant over


Amber in 

I understand that.  I ask for one particular thing that I know is within budget and I get three cheap crappy versions which don't actually do what I needed or one cheap crappy version plus an ugly (also cheap luckily as no one has much spare money) piece of jewellery or scented stuff that makes me sneeze. Your would think they would notice I never wear the jewellery (or any other jewellery) or scented products.  Luckily it not my husband.

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I am sick of being sick and everyone else being sick.  Since mid-January we've had a variety of colds/flus going through the house.  Usually starts with little dd, then she comes in to sleep with us and breathes in my face all night so I get it, then ds and usually, after everyone else if feeling well, dh comes down with it.   We've gotten very little school done because even when the rest of us are feeling better, we can't get anything done when dh is home.  I'm on my third run through and it takes me forever to get rid of anything because it settles in my chest.   In addition to not enough school, the house is also a complete disaster area.  And I still have absolutely no energy to do anything about it.


My very expensive, only two years old computer has been giving me trouble.  In searching the net, it's evidently a common problem.  We've gone through all the recommended steps which includes unscrewing the back of the computer and taking apart the insides in order to disconnect/reset the battery.  Didn't help so we replaced the port for the charger because the charger no longer fit snuggly.  Helped a little bit, for a few days but now the charger is constantly not making a connection.  I have my settings so the screen goes slightly dim when it's running off the battery so I know immediately when it comes loose.   We bought a new battery and that's about the last thing we can do without sending it out for service. (I already have a new adapter so it's probably not that).   My LIFE is on this computer.  We have four other computers in the house but only one other has the majority of software I need to prepare my 4-H and school stuff, and NONE of them have the software I use when I do assignments for my old job.  



This is us to a T too.  Since Jan we have been on round after round of sickness.  Colds, coughs, the flu.   I was hoping we were getting the last kid healthy (just has a lingering cough) when another kid woke up sick this morning.  So of course it will go through everyone. 

I cry inside every time I see one of the kids starting to get sick. 

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I went to a overnight homeschool group field trip, and the other parents hardly spoke to each other. I tried making conversation with several parents, which seemed to go fine, but then no one approached me later to connect. I would take it personally, except hardly any of the parents were talking to each other. I don't need any friends and probably don't have the time for any more, but really? I didn't enjoy spending that time by myself. I think living in the south or one of the friendlier states would be more to my liking sometimes. The homeschooling plus PNW combo is just too much sometimes.

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I went to a overnight homeschool group field trip, and the other parents hardly spoke to each other. I tried making conversation with several parents, which seemed to go fine, but then no one approached me later to connect. I would take it personally, except hardly any of the parents were talking to each other. I don't need any friends and probably don't have the time for any more, but really? I didn't enjoy spending that time by myself. I think living in the south or one of the friendlier states would be more to my liking sometimes. The homeschooling plus PNW combo is just too much sometimes.

I am sorry that it was like that. I wouldn't like that either.

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I am sorry that it was like that. I wouldn't like that either.

Oh, thank you! It was so super weird. I don't think I'll be doing anymore overnight stuff like that unless a good friend of mine is going to be there as well.

Edited by ifIonlyhadabrain
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I love my dh. I really do. I should be flattered that he prefers my cooking to a restaurants. But this was his birthday weekend and he asked me to make two separate birthday dinners (why two?) and a very involved cake recipe. Then we had guests. I wish he would rather go out to eat sometimes. I'm pooped

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I love my dh. I really do. I should be flattered that he prefers my cooking to a restaurants. But this was his birthday weekend and he asked me to make two separate birthday dinners (why two?) and a very involved cake recipe. Then we had guests. I wish he would rather go out to eat sometimes. I'm pooped

I don't think dhs realize how much work is involved in cooking and baking, unless they do that stuff themselves. Hope you have leftovers so you can have a night or two off from cooking.

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Destination weddings stink for the guests. It is a lot of money I would rather not spend, but the bride really wants us there....a core group of about 8 friends that maintains a daily group text/chat. She is from this city, as is her fiance, but she is getting married where her parents live "because it's beautiful." Argh. Not so into the beauty right now.

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I don't think dhs realize how much work is involved in cooking and baking, unless they do that stuff themselves. Hope you have leftovers so you can have a night or two off from cooking.

Nope. All gone. I'm thankful that my dh and kids aren't picky. Especially after reading all the threads about picky eaters!

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Destination weddings stink for the guests. It is a lot of money I would rather not spend, but the bride really wants us there....a core group of about 8 friends that maintains a daily group text/chat. She is from this city, as is her fiance, but she is getting married where her parents live "because it's beautiful." Argh. Not so into the beauty right now.

I getcha. Of course you're happy to celebrate with your friend but ouch! Sometimes I wonder if the wedding couple ever give thought to the finances of their friends and family.

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I'm sitting in the other room but can see into the kitchen.

Phone rings and since dh is standing near the phone I assume he'll answer. Nope he begins to walk away so I ask him to get it.

He walks to the phone, looks at call waiting says "it's your sister" and WALKS AWAY!

The machine picks up because so much time has passed.


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I'm sitting in the other room but can see into the kitchen.

Phone rings and since dh is standing near the phone I assume he'll answer. Nope he begins to walk away so I ask him to get it.

He walks to the phone, looks at call waiting says "it's your sister" and WALKS AWAY!

The machine picks up because so much time has passed.


For some reason, I am the only one who will answer the phone. The same with the door.


I was irritated last week as I just sat down and the doorbell rang. I asked everyone if they were expecting anyone, everyone said no. It was ils coming to visit with ds. They said they told ds they were coming, but he said they just asked him when his spring break was and they didn't say anything about stopping by to visit. All of us were looking forward to taking a nap at that very moment, needless to say, it didn't happen.

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I have a list today.  I'm just plain stressed.

I have three daughters that are dealing with college in some form or another, in addition to myself.  I'm tired.  
One child is having a minor crisis of trying to decide if the plan she's had for the past 4 years is the one she wants to stick with.  
One (adult) child is resisting adulthood with all her might and I've about had it with her.
The third child fell down the stairs this weekend and banged herself up pretty good.  We waffled about getting her elbow x-rayed, but she said it was feeling better.  Yesterday I witnessed her unsuccessfully trying to bend her arm to put on a jacket as she was headed out the door to leave for two days.  :glare:
My dh tore his calf muscle last week and won't go to the doctor.  He is still hobbling around, unable to put his full weight on it.
My step-grandmother called me last night in tears because my brother is in jail...again.

I'm trying to find a dang job.
FAFSA is trying to kill me because apparently there is a discrepancy on our form regarding our 401K.  I have been trying to correct it, but with all the college applications out there, I'm having to do verification for 3 people at a total of 4 different schools.

My calendar keeps filling and more problems/events keep popping up.  I'm running out of free squares.  

Times like these I kind of wish I drank.

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Ugh. Why would you let a 5 year old and a 2.5 year old be in the same room while you chose to watch R-rated movies with explicit sex scenes? Children pay attention to what's on the screen, dipwad, and then those children have questions. Especially when you tell those children that watching that movie was a secret. :cursing:



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I finally have the opportunity to use a room in my home as my very own space. An office I won't have to share with anyone.


I should be thrilled, right?


But no. The pangs of guilt. It's weird and maddening. Am I being selfish? Should I have offered this room to dh so he can relocate his home office into more prime real estate within our building? Should I set up a nice guest bedroom for people who might come visit?


No, I am forging ahead. Just wish I could be 100% excited about it.

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Day 3 of starting my day at 3:30 am because I wake up and can't fall back asleep. By 8pm I'll be tearing people's heads off.


On a related note, why can't my children turn off lights? Dh is out of town and I have been going to be early (see above). Every night I tell my dearest children, "please turn off all the lights when you go to bed." And each morning, when I wake up at 3:30, there is at least one light left on.

Echo! Lights ablaze at 4am!

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DD's "rec" team is costing more every single practice. Grrrr.


How frustrating. I hate when costs are not put out there up front


Years ago our local dance/art/music studio had homeschool classes during the day. Mid-year, they had an open house offering free classes. The current students were encouraged to invite new students, so dd got invited and went. She liked the class, so I asked about the costs and decided that the monthly fee was in our budget. I asked the teacher if there were additional costs for materials or anything, and she said no, everything was included. I asked the same question to the lady that I paid (might have asked her first and she sent me to the teacher). Either way, I asked two people at the studio - the teacher and the office lady, and was told the same thing - no additional fees.


So, a month or two later, there was an email telling us we had to pay $25 for oven fees for a ceramic the kids were making. I was angry! I got an email from the studio owner who said she hated offering classes to homeschoolers because homeschoolers never wanted to pay the actual costs for quality classes, blah, blah, blah. Not true - we just want to know what the total costs are, not to be blind-sided with additional fees out of the blue. The result of the back and forth was that she and the teacher decided that I didn't have to pay the fee, but I did. The studio owner didn't offer homeschool classes after that. The art teacher started her own studio the following semester which was so successful that she opened several others in other towns.

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